Scènes américaines: dix-huit mois dans le Nouveau mondeAmyot, 1853 - 344 pages |
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admirable Américains âmes Anglais arrive assez baie Baltimore bâtie bord Boston çà Californie capitaine capitale Caroline du Sud cataracte CATARACTES DU NIAGARA célèbre CHAPITRE Charleston charmante chutes côté Cuba d'eau d'outre-mer dames dant débarquement dernier eaux énorme espèce États États-Unis extrêmement Fer-à-Cheval fleuve Floride gazette golfe golfe du Mexique Havane heures hôtels icebergs île immense Impériale Indiens jamais jeune jour journaux jusqu'à l'Alabama l'Américain l'Amérique du Nord l'Asia l'île l'Océan l'Ohio l'un l'Union lac Erié lac Ontario lecteur lugubre maisons marins Maryland ment Mexicains Mexique MICHIG Michigan milieu milles Mississipi mort multitude Nauvoo navire nègres New-York non-seulement Nouvelle-Orléans nuit passagers passer pendant père Philadelphie pieds population port portion première presque propre pyroscaphe qu'un quantité Raleigh remarque rive rivière rues Saint-Louis sauvage séjour serait seul située sorte souvent steamer steamers sucre surface surtout tabac tion touriste transatlantiques traverser trouve vapeur vaste Virginie visite voyageur Walter Raleigh Washington yeux
Popular passages
Page 127 - Away to the Dismal Swamp he speeds — His path was rugged and sore, Through tangled juniper beds of reeds, Through many a fen, where the serpent feeds, And man never trod before.
Page 298 - The spirits of your fathers Shall start from every wave ! — For the deck it was their field of fame, And Ocean was their grave : Where Blake and mighty Nelson fell, Your manly hearts shall glow, As ye sweep through the deep, While the stormy tempests blow ; While the battle rages loud and long, And the stormy winds do blow.
Page 125 - They made her a grave, too cold and damp For a soul so warm and true; And she's gone to the Lake of the Dismal Swamp, Where, all night long, by a firefly lamp, She paddles her white canoe.
Page 306 - On you the blast, surcharged with rain and snow, In winter's dismal nights no more shall beat ; Unfelt by you the vertic sun may glow, And scorch the panting earth with baneful heat. No more the joyful maid, with sprightly strain, Shall wake the...
Page 128 - And man never trod before! And when on the earth he sunk to sleep, If slumber his eye-lids knew, He lay where the deadly vine doth weep Its venomous tear and nightly steep The flesh with blistering dew ! And near him the she-wolf...
Page viii - Fuyez de ces auteurs l'abondance stérile ; Et ne vous chargez point d'un détail inutile. Tout ce qu'on dit de trop est fade et rebutant ; L'esprit rassasié le rejette à l'instant. Qui ne sait se borner ne sut jamais écrire.
Page 306 - What though no funeral pomp, no borrow'd tear, Your hour of death to gazing crowds shall tell; Nor weeping friends attend your sable bier, Who sadly listen to the...
Page 117 - As monumental bronze unchanged his look : A soul that pity touch'd, but never shook : Train'd from his tree-rock'd cradle to his bier, The fierce extremes of good and ill to brook Impassive — fearing but the shame of fear — A stoic of the woods — a man without a tear.
Page 306 - THE scene of death is closed ! the mournful strains Dissolve in dying languor on the ear ; Yet pity weeps, yet sympathy complains, And dumb suspense awaits o'erwhelm'd with fear : But the sad muses with prophetic eye At once the future and the past explore ; Their harps oblivion's influence can defy, And waft the spirit to the...
Page 308 - Mais pourquoi m'entraîner vers ces scènes passées ? Laissons le vent gémir et le flot murmurer ; Revenez, revenez, ô mes tristes pensées...