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Meditation, HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT Praise, and Prayer adapted to the Course of the Christian It may also be had in imperial 32mo. cloth, 3s.; Persian London: J. WHITAKER, 12, Warwick-lane. ments render them well worthy of trial in all diseases of the respiratory organs. In common colds and influenza the Pills, taken internally, and the Ointment rubbed over the chest and throat, are exceedingly efficacious. When influenza is epidemic, this treatment is the easiest. safest, and surest. Holloway's Pills purify the blood, remove all obstacles to its free circulation through the lungs, relieve the engorged air tubes, and render respiration free, without reducing the strength, irritating the nerves, or depressing the spirits; such are the surest means of saving suffering when any one is afflicted with colds, coughs, bronchitis, and other chest complaints, by which so many persons are seriously and permanently afflicted in most countries. LONDON, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1892. CONTENT 8.-N° 27. NOTES:-Baptismal Names, 1-Curiosities of Interpretation, 3-Shakspeariana, 4-English Mind as seen by a German, 5-Col. Mark Beaufoy-Foreign English-Interpretation of Records-Undated Books-Tennyson's Maid Marian'-A Woman Soldier, 6. of entry, and then classified and arranged alphabetically. Abraham QUERIES:-Courier-Scotch Betrothal Customs-Basse's Modern'-Authors Wanted, 9. Notices to Correspondents. Notes. ON CHANGES OF FASHION IN BAPTISMAL NAMES. Various notes have appeared from time to time in N. & Q.' having indirect bearing on this subject, but none, so far as I know, setting out any exact comparison of names in use at different periods. I do not, therefore, seek to connect this note with anything that has gone before, but in examining the registers of this parish (namely, of Lapworth, twelve miles from Birmingham) over a long period of years, it seemed to me that such a comparison as I now make would be of general interest, and might be thought worthy of the rather extended space it must occupy in the only paper to which it seems by right to belong. Isacke SIXTEENTH CENTURY (1561–1584). Male. Female. Annis (?) ... ... 1 1 3 19 100 In all twenty-four names. In all twenty-one names. Abraham Job John Jonathan Samuel Barbara 1 Dorothy 1 Eleanor Female. 10 ... 25 22161 5 9 2 Solomon 1 Rebekkah Sara 12 Sarah... Until within the last generation, when to some little extent suburban Birmingham has begun to William encroach upon it, the parish has been a purely agricultural one, subject, perhaps, as little to external influences as any in the country, so that probably the inferences drawn from its registers may be taken to be deducible from most other registers of country villages. In all twenty names. The following lists give an analysis of a hundred male and a hundred female names conferred in baptism in four consecutive periods as nearly as practicable a hundred years apart, such names being taken from the registers exactly in the order Benjamin Abraham EIGHTEENTH CENTURY (1765-1780). 1 Anne 1 Amy 13 3 |