First, Second CorinthiansRandall House Publications, 1987 - 434 pages |
Acknowledgements Authors Preface | 1 |
27 | 4 |
62 | 5 |
Chapter 6 | 72 |
Chapter 7 | 86 |
Chapter 8 | 113 |
Chapter 9 | 122 |
Chapter 10 | 136 |
Outline | 259 |
Chapter 1 | 261 |
Chapter 2 | 277 |
Chapter 3 | 290 |
Chapter 4 | 303 |
Chapter 5 | 315 |
Chapter 6 | 334 |
Chapter 7 | 344 |
Chapter 11 | 152 |
Chapter 12 | 174 |
Chapter 13 | 187 |
Chapter 14 | 194 |
Chapter 15 | 213 |
Chapter 16 | 238 |
Bibliography | 248 |
Commentary2 Corinthians Introduction | 251 |
Chapter 8 | 354 |
Chapter 9 | 366 |
Chapter 10 | 376 |
Chapter 11 | 389 |
Chapter 12 | 410 |
Chapter 13 | 424 |
Bibliography | 433 |
Common terms and phrases
Achaia Acts aorist apostle Barrett believers boasting body Bruce celibacy cerned Christian church clause clear commentary conscience contrast Corin Corinth Corinthians covenant death discipline ence Ephesus epistle eschatological experience fact faith flesh Gentiles give glory glossolalia God's Godet gospel grace Grosheide hath heart Hodge Holy Spirit Hughes idea idols implies interpreters involved Jesus Christ Jews Judaizers judge judgment kind knowledge letter liberty literally live Lord Jesus Lord's Lord's Supper Macedonia manifested marriage meant ment minister ministry Morris nature ness one's Orr-Walther Parousia Passover Paul means Paul says Paul's person Plummer Preaching the Passage present preters probably question refers resurrection rinthians Robertson-Plummer salvation Satan sense sexual sins speak spiritual gifts stand suggests Supper Tasker TDNT thians things tian tion Titus tongues translated true truth unbelievers unto verb verse weak wisdom word Greek