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both temporal HAPPINESS and eternal.
Being a

very compleat MANUAL and convenient

(Before, At, and After,) for
In III Parts;

Together with an Epistle, Preface, and Introduction,
Appendix, Almanack, and Addition.

The Whole shewing how to lead a holy and comfortable Life; be a constant and worthy Communicant; and dy an eafy and happy Death. Interlaced with Chronological, Historical, Poetical, and Proverbial passages.

THE more t'invite; in hopes that he who buys
Will turn delight into a Sacrifice.

Vsefnt/edifping and convincing to all, Sects of Christians,
INfix volumes. Each A different Tongue speaks:
As English, French, High-Dutch, and Low,
Port'guese and Italian also.

BY a Church of England man; a Gentleman born, [descended from the eldest line of a very ancient Saxon and Norman-Family, restored to their Lands in England by King William the Conqueror, since which have been 2 Generations, without any blot in their Scutcheon, of which 2 have been Knights, 1 a Bishop, and 1 a Dean; a Merchant bied these 37 years; Traveller; a Linguist; a Native and a registred Freeman of the well built, plentiful, healthy and pleasant City of EXETER, and County of EXON; half a mile long, and one third of a mile broad within the walls; one of the 4 Chambers of England; one of the [5] Cinque-Ports; a Bishop's See; an Earldom; the only Staple for Serges in Great Britain; and a Place of great Trade: Has 2 Weekly Markets, and Yearly Fairs; Outgates, and 6 within; a Guildhall, aprifon, a Bridewell, a great Conduit, a Corn and a Serge-Market, 2 Latine Schools and 2 Hofpitals, a Cathedral and 15 Parim Churches and a Chappel in the City; and Churches and 2 Chappels in the 4 large Suburbs; Is govern'd by a Mayor and Aldermen, havinga Sword-bearer with the Cap of Mainteance, &c; alfo by a Recorder, Sherrifs, &c. Has a very ancient Caftle ithin the Walls, (but out of that County,) on on the North-Eaft, happel in elinit, where the Aflizes and Seffions for Devonshire are held, id the County-Jayl hard by it;and a fair, high, long ftone Bridge on he Weft, over the River Exe; (the middle of which parts it from a large, sh Village and Parish, with a Church, a Ward, and a Bridewell, call'd THOMAS th' Apostle, in Devon.) See more afterth' Epifile.

Omne tulit punctum, qui miscuit utile dulci.
Nothing is pleasant that wants Variety.

EXON, Printed for Fofeph Anthony. MDCCXV.


with a

EPISTLE The Character ofa True Church of England Man.


How this Manual may be helpful to Chriftians of all

INTRODUCTION, Why and how to keep thewhole Lord's Day holy;

to be read to the Family.

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first day after that heavenly Feaft,

- for Tuesday, or the 2d. day after.

for Wednesday, or the 3 d. day after.

for Thursday, or the 4th. day after.

for Fryday, or the 5th. day afier.
- for Saturday, or the after..
- for Sunday, or the 7th. day after,

APPENDIX-How to lead a sober, righteous, and godly Life, to be

read to the Family.

THE Character of a True Church-Man. Epistle,

How this Tract may be helpful to all Sects of Christians.Preface.

Of sanctifying the Lord's Day; Introduction,all, Part 2. chap, 1.

§.2. P. 3. ch. 3. §. 4. the Morality of the Sabbath,Intr. § 2.

Why call'd the Sabbath., Sun-, and Lord's-day, Introd.§ 1.

The foliloquy affoon as we awake every day, Introd §. 8.

7 Ejaculations before we rise, Introd. §. 9. Part. 1. ch. 4, 5, 6,

7,8, §, 1. and P. 2. ch. 1, §. 1.

3 Prefaces for Prayers, Introd. §. 10, 15,32.
General Prayers alone; on the Lord's day, Introd. §. 11,33, on
Week days, Appendix § 5.42.

Prayers with a Family; on the Lord's day, Introd. §.16.37.on
Week-days, Append. §. 16,29,44,49.

The Mediration in the way to Church, Intr.§.18. Entringing.19.

3 Prayers when seated, Introd. §.20, 29, P. 2. ch. 3, §. 7.

Actions and Postures there, Introd. §. 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27.

Part 1, ch. 10, §. 34, 54, 55.

3 Prayers before leave the feat, Intr. §. 24, 30.P.12, ch. 3,§, 8.

A Prayer before service, or after, or both, P. 2. ch.2, § 2.

The Bleffing after a Prayer, Introd. §, 13,

3 Conclufions of Prayers, Intr.§. 14. 17, 35.

The foliloquy going to Bed every night, Intr. §. 39.

7 Ejaculations before we fleep, Introd. §. 40. P. 1. ch. 4, §. 15.

ch. 5, §. 11. ch. 6. §. 15, ch. 7, §, 11. ch. 8, §. 12. ch. 9, §. 10.

The Meditation and Prayer in the Night, Introd. §. 41.

7 Arguments for Frequent Communion P. 1. ch. 1.§.,5,

6,7,8, §. 2, ch. 9, §. I.

What a Sacrament is ch. 1, §. 3, Addit. Lord's supper §. 4, Addit,

What the Baptifmal Vow, ch. 1. §. 6. New Covenant, §. 8.

The Warning before the Commu.§.9. Exhortation,ch.6.5.10.

Proper Pfalms before, ch. 1. §. 12, 13, ch. 4, §, 12. ch.5.§

6, §. 8, 11, 12, ch. 7, §. 7, 8, ch. 8, §. 9, ch. 9. §. 6.

Particular Prayers, For success to those pages, Preface. Know-

•ledge P. 1, ch. 1, §. 14. 4.§. 14. Faith,ch. 5.

§. 10. Doing Good. Append. §. 46. Speaking Good. P. 1.

ch. 2, §. 13. Forgiving Evil, ch. 6, §. 9. Repentance. §. 14.

Fervent Defires, ch. 7. §. 10. Self Resignation, ch. 8, §. 8.

On Chrift's Paffion, ch. 8, §. 11. On Baptismal Vow and

New Covenant, ch. 9, §. 9.

Preparatory Prayer for 7 days before Receiving, P. 1, ch. 1,5.15.

Meditations, Prayers and Notes on the Feasts, Vigils and Fafts

of the Church, ch. 2, all, and ch. 10, §, 1, 2.


before the Sacrament for Months and 5 Feasts, ch. 3, all.

§. 3.

Of Fafting one day before the Communion, Part I. ch. 4. 5. 2.
The neceffity of Receiving, ch. 4 §. 4, P, 2, ch. 1,
Of not being able Read, P.3 ch. 3.§.4. Simple folk,ch. 7,§ 4, mid.
-young people's communicating, P.1,ch.4.§.5.P.3,ch.1.§.7.
-bad clothes, P. 4, §. 3, color-and black-clothes,ch.5.§.3.
P. 1. ch. 2. §.7. Law-Suits, P. 3. ch.4. §. 6.
-administring to a mixt Congregation P. 3. ch. 5.5.4
_ at Noon and Fasting, P. 1, ch. 1, §. 5, P. 2, ch. 1, §. 12.

-receiving it kneeling, P. 2,ch. 2. §. 3. 4.

AgainftCon-&Tran-substantiation, P.1,ch 4.§.9, P.2,ch.2,§.3.4.
The neceffity of Preparation, P. 1. ch.4.5.6. Wherein confifts, §,7.
The Author of this Sacrament §,8. Preciousness of its parts,§.9.
-Excellency of the Endsand Fruits ch. 5, §. 3.

Of my unworthiness, P. 1, ch. 1, §.11, P.3, ch. 5.§. 5. ch.6.§.3.
ch. 7. §. 4.

-Judging my felf, P. 1§
ch. 7. §. 5. 6. ch. 8.§. 6, 7, ch.9. §. 4, 5, Append. §. 1, 3, 41.51.
My Duty to God and my NeighborP. 1 ch.4.§.11.Self, App.§.47.
6 Divine Colloquies'twixt the foul & her Savior, P. 1, ch. 4, §.
13, ch. 5. §. 9. ch. 6,§. 1 3, ch, 7, §, 9. ch. 8,§. 10. ch. 9. §. 7.
Of the Knowledge of the Trinity, Creation and Fall, Natures
andOffices of Christ, and Redemption by Him, P. 1, ch. 5.§.3..
ch. 6,§. 3, P. 2, ch, 2, §. 29, Addition. Doctrine of the Sacra-
ments, P, 1,ch. 1,§. 3. 4,6,7,ch.4 §.8,9 ch.5,, Addit.

-Faith, P. 1, ch. 6,3.5, ch. 10, §. 57. Append. §. 32, 33.
-Charity, Introd. §. 25, P. 1, ch. 4, §. 2, ch. 7,9 3, P. 2, ch. 2.
§. 12,76. P. 3, ch. 4. §. 4, 5, 6, Append. §. 45.
-Repentance, P. 1, ch.7.§ 4, P.3,ch.1,§. 8,9,10,ch. 2 §.3,ch.38.3.
-Defires, P. 1, ch. 8, §.3. Self-Refignation; §. 4.
Meditation of Christ's Paffion, ch. 9, §. 3.

The Service for the Preparatory Fafting day, ch. 10, all.
Of the Holy Scriptures, ch. 10,§ 61010, App. §. 12,1 3,14. Alman.
Pfalms, Introd.§.31, P.1, ch.10, §. 12, 1, P.1,ch.10,§.12, App. §. 11, 43, Alman.
- Proverbs, Append. §. 10. Epistles & Gospel, P.1,ch, 10,5.34.
-Common Prayer and other Forms, P. 7. §. 5, 6, 7,
the Lord's Prayer, P. 3, ch. 3. §. 3.
-Litanies private and publiek, P, 1, 'ch. 10. §. 18, 19, 20.
faying, Have mercy upon me, thrice, §. 27, 45.
daily attendance on the Prayers at Church, Appen. §.50.
-keeping Holy-daies, Introd. §.2, P. 1, ch. 2, §. 1, 8, 10, 12.

14, 16, to 20.

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