The Seasons: By James ThomsonHenry Woodfall, 1746 - 230 pages |
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Againſt amid Beam Beauty beneath Blaft Bloom Bofom boundleſs Breaft Breath Breeze Burft chearful Clouds Courſe Croud deep defcends Earth exalts facred fafe faft fair Brow fave fecret fhining fierce filent fimple fing firſt Flame Flocks Flood fmiles foaring focial foft fome Foreft ftill ftrong fuch fudden funk fwell fwift Gale Gloom Grace Grove Heart Heaven Henry Fielding Hiftory Hills immenſe Inceffant infpiring laft loft looſe Love Maze mingled mix'd Mountains Mufe Muſe Nature Nature's Night o'er Paffions Peace Plain Profpect Rage raiſe rife riſe Rocks round rural ruſhing ſcarce Scene Seafon Senfe Senſe Shade ſhake ſhe Snow Song Soul ſpreads Spring ſtill Storm Stream Swain ſweep Tempeſt thee Thefe theſe thofe thoſe thou thouſand thro Toil Treaſures Vale vex'd Virtue Wafte Waſte Wave whofe whoſe wild Winds Wing wintry Wiſdom Woods Worfe World