| Francis Blackburne - 1780 - 444 pages
...Although I difpraife not the defence of juft immunities, yet love my peace better, if that were all. Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to confcience, above all liberties. What would be beft advis'-d tken, if it be found fo hurtfull and fo... | |
| Francis Blackburne - 1780 - 408 pages
...I difpraife not the defence of juft immunities, yet love my peace better, if that were alL Give ine the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to confcience, above all liberties. What would be beft advis'd then, if it be found fo hurtfull and fo... | |
| 1795 - 432 pages
...of your own virtue propagated in us. Although I dispraise not the defence of just immunities ; yet give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue...freely, according to conscience* above all liberties. As good almost kill a man as kill a book : who kills a man, kills a reasonable creature, God's image... | |
| 1832 - 914 pages
...and the- Goddess of Liberty tliis her favorite abode. FOB THE UNITED STA I'FS ro.ti. liiril. " Gfcre me the liberty to know, to 'utter, 'and to argue freely, according to conscience, above all liberties." This was the language of a great and good man; it has always been the language of freemen. ' " To the... | |
| John Milton, Charles Symmons - 1806 - 446 pages
...Although I difpraife not the defence of juft immunities, yet love my peace better, if that were all. Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conlcience, above all liberties. What would be beft advifed then, if it be found fo hurtful and fo... | |
| John Milton, Charles Symmons - 1806 - 436 pages
...Although I difpraifc not the defence of juft immunities, yet love my peace better, if that were all. Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conlcience, above all liberties. What would be belt advifed then, if it be found fo hurtful and fo... | |
| Nathaniel Chapman - 1807 - 484 pages
...cannot be ; oppressive, arbitrary, and tyrannous, as they were from whom ye have freed us. That our hearts are now more capacious, our thoughts now more...conscience above all liberties." Gentlemen, I will refer you to another author whose opinion you may think more in point, as having Jived in our own times,... | |
| Nathaniel Chapman - 1807 - 494 pages
...cannot be ; oppressive, arbitrary, and tyrannous, as they were from whom ye have freed us. That our hearts are now more capacious, our thoughts now more...conscience above all liberties." Gentlemen, I will refer you to another author whose opinion you may think more in point, as having lived in our own times,... | |
| Benjamin Flower - 1811 - 578 pages
...Although I dispraise not the defence of just immunities, yet love my peace better, if that were all. Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely aceordi/ig to conscience, above all liberties. What would be best advised then, if it be found so hurtful... | |
| Francis Maseres - 1809 - 638 pages
...Although I difpraife not the defence of juft immunities, yet love my peace better, if that were all. Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to confcience, above all liberties. What would be beft-aclvifed then, if it be found fo hurtful and fo... | |
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