| Daniel Defoe - 1703 - 500 pages
...and which he fwore to obferve as the Patfa Convent a of the Kingdom, it is declared, That the Raifing or Keeping a Standing Army within the Kingdom in time of Peace, tmlefi it be by Confent of Parliament, is againft Law. This plainly lays the whole ftrefs of the Argument... | |
| John Somers Baron Somers, Daniel Defoe, John Dunton - 1710 - 108 pages
...King, and all Commitments and Profecutions for fnch Petitioning', are illegal. VI. That the raijing, or keeping a Standing Army within the Kingdom, in time of Peace, unlefs it be with Canfent of Parliament, ¿ «gainß Law. VII. That theSubjeSs, \fhich are Prat eßants,... | |
| John Perceval Earl of Egmont - 1743 - 188 pages
...other Manner, than the fame is, or jhall be granted, is illegal and pernicious. 4. That the raifmg or keeping a Standing Army within the Kingdom (in Time of Peace') unlefs it be with Confent of 'Parliament ', is again/i Law. 5. That the Subjefls, which are Proteftants... | |
| Algernon Sidney - 1744 - 374 pages
...other Manner, than the fame is, or Hull be granted, is illegal and pernicious." 4. " That the raifing or keeping a Standing Army within the Kingdom (in Time of Peace) unlefs it be with Confent of Parliament, is againft Law." 5. " That the Subjects, which are Protejlants... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1802 - 500 pages
...asserting their ancient rights and liberties do declare," several particulars, and amongst the rest, " that raising or keeping a standing army within the kingdom, in time of peace, unless with consent of Parliament, is against law," and they P claim and insist upon all the premises as their... | |
| 1802 - 344 pages
...exercise of so dangerous an authority, it became an article of the bill of rights then framed, that " raising or " keeping a standing army within the kingdom in time of " peace, unless .with the consent of parliament, was against "law." In that kingdom, when the pulse of liberty was... | |
| William Belsham - 1806 - 646 pages
...king : and all commitments and prosecutions for such petitioning are illegal. That the raising and keeping a standing army within the kingdom in time of peace, unless it be by consent of parlia- • raent, is against law. That the subjects, being protestants, may have arms... | |
| 1809 - 540 pages
...petition the Kin£, and alt Com" mitmcnu and Prosecutions i'or such pe" tkioning nrc illegal. " VI. That the raising or keeping a " Standing Army within the Kingdom in " lime of Peace, unless it be with consent " of Parliament, is against law. " VII. That the Subjects... | |
| William Cobbett - 1809 - 860 pages
...pcti' tion the king, and all commitments and pro' secutions fur such petitioning arc illegal. 6. ' That the raising or keeping a standing army ' within the kingdom in tune uf peace unless it ' be with consent of parliament, is against law. 4 7. That the subjects which... | |
| Thomas Erskine Baron Erskine - 1810 - 470 pages
...of Rights, according to this man's doctrine, is, that the Commons of this country have the right of petitioning. We all know this alludes to the case...within the kingdom in time of peace, unless it " be with.consent of Parliament, is against law." " That the subjects, which are Protestants, may . -, "... | |
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