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CONTENT 8.-N° 68.

NOTES:-Elizabeth and Mary, Queen of Scots, 281-The Three Septs of Gauran, 282- Shakspeariana, 284-Sir George Barclay-The Piromides'-Shepperton-Tolny or Udny, 285-Rainbow Ballet-Unknown Testament-Dr.

Martin Lister-Misuse of Scientific Terms- - Battle of Stiklastad-" Hellbrand," 286.

QUERIES:-Arms in the Lady Chapel, Ely-Peter LillyeLavington, 287-Filshie-E. Hoppus-St. Gover's WellTassie-French Idioms-Feast of the Windy Sheet-Adams Family-Metre of In Memoriam' Name of Poem Wanted, 288" Slopseller"-English Sapphics-Earl of

Onslow-Arthur Onslow-Mere-stones, 289.

intention of some maryage wherin no good is ment to us assureinge us first of hir owne sincere meaninge and next undertakinge for hir uncles that they wilbe alwaies readie to do us pleasure And consequently prayinge us to suffer no suche impression of them by sinister reportes suche opinion this matter of hir mariage upon hir owne to take place with us Suerly we neuer conceaued any contention but do thinke of hir even as she would haue us do. Neither haue we regarded any reportes made of any of hir uncles but suche as their owne deedes haue confirmed And for hir sake haue wee bene contended to caste behind us into obliuion all former actes of some of them wch not only o'rselves but all the rest of Christendome did see to be prejudiciall to us, and in that we do presently let our good Sister understand what it is we mislike in some of them Wee assure hir wee haue not ben hastie to give light eare or credite therto, but when suche thinges passe abroade from countrie to country euen from themselves originally when no travaile or paines are spared to notifie to the world their earnestnes in renewinge their former designes and practises wee praie o'r Sister not to impute this our indeed bothe for hir sake and for respecte of the honorable house and familie of hir uncles wee would be rather contente to haue good offices of friendshippe nourished betwixte us and them like as we haue not forborne for all unkindnes past to shewe ourselves to some of them verie well contente to use them not unfriendly and excepte manifest cause shalbe giuen us to the contrarie we meane not to shew any offence towardes any of them.

REPLIES:- Italian Idiom, 289-Primrose, Cowslip, and
Oxlip in French, 291-Kearney-John of Gaunt, 292-
Chaucer's "Stilbon," 293-'From Oxford to Rome'-
Abraham Raimbach-Lines by Tennyson-Vole, 294-St.
Jeron-Booksellers' Catalogues-St. Thomas of Waterings
-Walter Long-Alderman Curtis, 295-Chesney Family-conceipte to the sinister perswasion of any other For
Bachelors' Door-" To threep"-Poisoning by Arsenic,
296-Relics of our Lord, 297-A Preposition followed by a
Clause-" A fly on the corporal "-The Celebrated Waite
The Poets Laureate-Vallance Family, 298-“ Philazer"—
Squin"-East India Company's Register-Authors
Wanted, 299.

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NOTES ON BOOKS:- Pink's Notes on the Middleton
Family'-Ferguson's 'A Boke off Recorde.'
Notices to Correspondents.



(Continued from p. 243.)

Queene Elizabeth.-A memoriall for Mester Thomas Randolphe sent by the Queene Majestie to the Queene of Scottes the xvii of nɔvember 1563.

We haue harde and seeme in writinge, shewed to us by you, how discret answares the Q. our good Sister hath made you to suche things as you haue propounded to hir, where in you shall saye to hir, we doe perceue hir good aceptations of our good messages acordinge to the sinceritie of our meaninge whereof we ar verie glade and thereby are provoked to procede to some further perfection: And in one thinge only wee finde some lacke in perusinge of the answares, that is we see not so muche inwardnes and francknes uttered in wordes as we perswade ourselves we should haue founde in private communication with hir ourselfe: Which lacke thoughe we finde, yet do we not blame it, consideringe we impute it to hir great circomspection and advise used in comittinge of hir minde to writinge where in commonly more strangenesse and lesse familiarity is used then in speeche. And for the matters you may saie that we are verie glade to see hir not dissalowe of the maner used by us in devision of the matters requisite to be considered by hir in hir marriage which beinge principally three, that is the contentation first of hir selfe, next of hir people and thirdly of us and our Realme: whereof the twoe former seeme to be well regarded by hir and in the thirde which concerneth us and hir remaineth most difficultie. Therfore omittinge the two former you shall saie that wee haue considered hir answares to the same and meane to let hir understand what we thinke thereof. You shall saie that wher by hir wordes shee desireth to cleare us of a doubt which we haue conceaved of the

And for the laste part of our Sisters answars wherunto she desireth to be answared in to pointes, that is ffirst what persone wee thinke for marriage sortable for hir and whome wee allowe and whome not Next what maye we meane to proceade to the declaration of hir title to be our next Cosen upon knowledge wherof shee will giue us a resolut answare you may saie that theise two matters are of suche weight as we are verie lothe to make answare therto by message if we myght conveniently do otherwise findinge our own self better disposed to deale in such matters by communication and familiar speache so as one of us might well satisfie thother in any doubte and neither of us to be subjecte to be mistaken in friendshipe neverthelesse because shee shall perceave we meane not on our parte to staie this so necessarie a matter we will not forbeare to de-cribe to hir what kinde of persons wee thinke meete and consequently to manifest to hir in some sorte of specialitie rather who ar not meete then precisely to appointe by name whoe are meete.

A person meete for hir in mariage as we judge ought to be chosen out of such as hauinge other qualities agreeable to hir owne likinge and to hir Realme haue no lesse disposition and determination to continewe straight bonde of loue and concorde that is now knitte betwixte us toe and our people and countries and if upon advised consideration had non can be founde being a stranger borne to both our countries with such an assured disposition and affection the waight of this matter is surely suche beinge advisedly weighed and considered that it weare to be wished and so for our parte we would be right glade that some noble man of good birth and creditte within this Isle might be founde havinge naturall affection towardes this bonde of our concorde and not unmeete in conditions and qualityes for the other twoe pointes requisitte to be considered in this behalfe Herein if our Sister shall advisedly consider our opinion usinge the advise of such as loue hirselfe and hir contrye shee shall well understande that whatsoever mountaines of felicitye or worldly pompes maye be hoped for by others beinge straungers yf his

naturall disposition to conserve concorde betwixte us and theise our Realmes after us be not assuredly founde in them the successe therof shall not answare hir expectations for we acompt this last matter in choise of hir husband not to be of lesse moment the any of the other and maye we call this conjunction of us twoe and our countries the principall mariage that shall make all other mariages not only of hir self but of hir people ours also fortunate happie and frutfull And therefor we earnestly praie our Sister to thinke that this our limitation or description of the qualities of a person without naminge to hir of any groweth of god & longe deliberation.

And as to the declaration whome we thinke not meete

our Sister maye safely understande that by comparinge the contrarie and yet to speake more plainly we thinke our Sister maye moste readely judge what sorte of persons are not meete by the example of bir last mariage with the french Kinge wherin whatsoeuer our Sister shall for the respectes affirme to the contrarie all wise neither for the particular weale of hir or hir contrie not for to mantaine any quietnes betwixt the to kingdomes and so did the sucesse declare the same And we are of opinion that which shall practise in like sorte to make any mariage betwixte hir and the children or heires of ffrance Spaine or Austria can haue any other intention if not worse then was in that of ffrance And therfore to conclude this pointe our Sister may perceaue what manner of choyse we wishe hir to make not meaninge any person in any Contrie nor secludinge any of the nature of the Contrie So that the person haue condition and disposition agreeable for both these to contries But beinge verie desy rose that Almightie God maye please to direct hir harte to allowe of suche one either abroade

men in the world dil see that the devise therof was

in other partes of Christendome or nearer home if it so be euen in our contrie as with hir contentation maye also be effectuall or rather naturall giuen and effected to the perpetuall concorde and weale of thes two Kingdomes The conjunction wherof asseuredly mad we acompt as the verie mariage only of contine waunce and to the pleasure of Almightie God the eternall good renowne of both as beinge Queenes and as good Mothers and parentes of our contries And if our Sister shall not thinke this our answare speciall or perticuler enoughe for choise of some meete person we praye hir to waighe

blessednes to endure after this our age for our posteritie

and examine our wordes well with their circumstances and she shall find no great obscuritie therein.

As for the last parte, to knowe what waie we will proceade to declare hir title therin we do promise hir that if shee will giue us just cause to thincke that she will in the choise of hir mariage shew hir self conformable to this our opinion declared wee will therupon forthwith proceade to the inquisition of hir right by all good meanes in hir furtheraunce and shalbe contente to giue eare to anythinge that shalbe thought meet by hir & bir counsell to be declared in hir favour And if we shall finde the matter to fall out on hir behalfe then upon plaine knowledge had with whome shee shall matche in mariage we will proceade to the declaration of hir right as we might doe for our naturall Sister or daughter and yf this answare shall not seeme to content our Sister you maye saie that the proceadinge therein dependeth so upon hir proceadinges in hir mariage and and hirs would desire and so we doubte not but hir counsell shall haue greate reason to perswade hir.

without the successe therof this cannot followe as shee

Finally if you shall finde hir not so well satisfied herein as therupon she will acordinge to hir answare laste made unto you giue us a resolut answare by you then maye you requier hir to send some of hir most trusted servaunts hither to confer further with us therin

and yourselfe to haue leaue to returne home and if shee shall giue you a resolut answare then maye you also returne. Allthoughe in this memoriall mention is made that wee haue seene our Sister answere in writinge: as we did yet consideringe that answare was made in speach and put in writinge at our request we are content that you shall not preaese any argument upon the lightinge but upon hir answare in speache. E. E. THOYTS.

(To be continued.)


The Marquis of Bute, in his address as a president of the National Eisteddfod held in Rhyl on September 7, 1892, after paying a graceful tribute to the sons of Wales for their devotion to the old bardic* customs of their country, referred to his last intercourse with the late lamented historian William Skene, and that he had suggested to him to write two essays,—

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one upon Aiden M'Gabhrain, who was venerated in the North as one of the founders of the Scottish monarchy, and the other upon the historic Arthur, not the Arthur of romance, but the Arthur of history. Mr. Skene answered that the doctors had told him that the completion of his Celtic Scotland' had tried his working powers to the utmost, and that he must give himself a rest from those researches."

Caledonia's heroes to carry out Lord Bute's Here is a glorious opportunity for some lover of excellent idea in respect of the former; and to such a person the following materials may prove useful. In O'Flaherty's 'Ogygia' (vol. i.) and Hennessey's 'Chronicum Scotorum' there are valuable records of Aidan M'Gabhran (McGauran or McGovern), the seventh Scottish king; and in the Annals of Ulster' (translated from the text. of the venerable Dr. Charles O'Connor's Rerum Hibernicarum Scriptores Veteres '), published in 1853, there are several passages relating to Aedhan Gabhran; one in A.D. 589 chronicles the battle of Lethroidh, won by his Majesty, with the following note:

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allow their ancient bardic institutes to decline. A It is to be regretted that the sons of Erin should reference to Walker's Irish Bards,' first and second editions, will bear evidence as to their excellency. Bythe-by, Lady Morgan, in her famous historical romance O'Donnel, gives the credit of Plearacea na Ruarcab, bards, whereas Mr. Hugh McGowran (McGauran or or Revelry of O'Rourke,' to Carolan, the last of the Irish McGovern), of Glengoole, co. Leitrim, was the author (see A Chronological Account of Nearly Four Hundred Irish Writers, 1820,' by Ed. O'Reilly, pp. ccx-ccxi). Mr. McGauran wrote many humorous poems, notably one on losing his horse at a time that he went into co. Roscommon to woo the daughter of O'Dugan, containing twentyfour verses, beginning,

Oh garron by whom I have lost my love. The romantic ruins of the castle connected with O'Rourke's Feast' can still be traced, and an interior view seen in Grose's 'Antiquities of Ireland.'

which was the Convention of Druimceatt, where he established his independence."

"Aedan, son of Gabhran, he was the most valiant and enterprising of the Kings of Scotch Dalriada.* On coming to the throne in 574 he was solemnly inaugurated See my note on the 'Crown of Ireland,' ' N. & Q,' by S. Columba and straightway claimed exemption from paying tribute to the monarch of Ireland, the result of 7 S. xi. 92.

In the prevalence of contest and the progress of population a colony was conducted from Dalriada to North Britain at the commencement of the sixth century by Loarn, Fergus, and Angus, the three sons of Erc, the descendant of Cairbre Riada. These colonists not only brought with them their language and religion, their manners and customs, but their subordination and allegiance to the country whence they had voluntarily proceeded. At that remarkable epoch in the Scottish history Lugad, the son of Leogar, reigned supreme over Ireland. The Irish colonists departed from Dalriada, which was thus occupied by the descendants of CairbreRiada, and was governed by Olchu, the brother of Erc, and the Irish colonists settled in the ancient country of the British Epidii, near the Epidian promontory of Richard, and Ptolomy, which was denominated by the Dalriadinian colonists Caentir, or headland, vide Chal mers's Caledonia' (vol. i. p. 274), and at p. 278 a table is given, genealogical and chronological, of the Scoto-Irish kings, A.D. 503 to 843. The learned Dr. O'Donovan, in his translation of the Leabhar na g-Ceart, or Book of Rights, 1847, pp. 160, 161, speaks of Dal Riada, i.e., the tribe of Cairbre-Riada, the son of Conaire II., monarch of Iretand, A.D. 212. Another branch of this tribe settled amongst the Picts, a fact mentioned by Bede. Irish Dal Riada extended thirty miles from the river Bush to the cross of Glann Finneackta, in the east of the co. Antrim. How long the posterity of Cairbre-Riada remained power: ful in this territory, or what family names they assumed after the establishment of surnames in the tenth century, we have no documents to prove. Yet it seems highly probable that they were driven out of it at an early period by the Clann Colla. There are many references to the town of Gabhan, pron. Gouran or Gowran, in this work. Joyce, in his Irish Names of Places, Second Series, pp. 23, 24, states that Gowran, in Kilkenny, is written Gabbran in ancient Irish authorities, and in old Anglo-Irish records the place is called (with some unimportant variations of spelling) Ballvgaveran. In very early times it was a residence of the Kings of Ossory, and it retained its importance long after the English invasion, The word Gabbar (Gower), as already explained in the first series, signifies either a steed or a goat. The accomplished Standish H. O'Grady, editor of Silva Gadelica,' a collection of Irish tales, 1892, in his tranelation, p. 534, gives the following excerpt. "Whence bealach Gabhrain, Gowran's pass or way. It was Failbhe flann's hound Gabhran that followed the trail of Lurgan, i. e., a wild pig haunting druim Almbaine, nor ever overtook her until that in Moin Almhaine, the bog of Allen, she dived underground, hence Lurgan nom. loc. in that same moss. Then because the hound failed to run into quarry-whereas no game that ever was reddened and warmed [killed and cooked] bad at any previous time gone away from himhe returned to his home and on the above bealach his heart burst in him; hence bealach Gabhrain, and the poet's worda, 'Dear to me good Gowran was, that here hit upon Lurgan's track; except this grey and one-eyed wine across the heather no quarry ever distanced him." In Scale's Hibernian Atlas in ancient times) the chief town of the Barony of Tully haw is written Ballymagaveran, but on the Ordnance Survey of Ireland it is spelt Ballymagauran, McGauran or McGovern's town. Tullyhaw (Teallach, Eachdbach) was the sept's name before the adoption of a surname, but it is still transmitted as the name of their former patrimony.

The reader is referred to Chalmers's 'Caledonia,' 1807, vol. i. p. 281, for an abstract of Aedan's history. On perusing the work, in a foot-note I discovered "that Gauran is variously spelt Gabran, in the Genealogy, No. 4; Goveran, in Chron. No. 4; in Innes, Gowren; in Chron. Rythm, Gauranus; in O'Flaberty the Gonranus; and Conranus of Buchanan, and Boece, are mere mistakes, for Gauranus, the proper Irish name, as we see it in the Gaelic poem, is Gabhran, which is pronounced Gauran."

So that the race of Gauran, or Govern, of Scotland, derived its patronymic from the name of Gabbran. Curiously enough, nearly all these modes of spelling are also erroneously applied to the clan McGauran, or McGovern, of Tully haw, co. Cavan, Ireland, who derived their surname from a celebrated hero of their tribe called Samhradhain (pron. Gauran or Govern, the prefix "Mc" being added at a later period), afterwards spelt MacSamhradhan in the Cain Lanamhna, or Law of Social Connexions, in the 'Senchus Mor,' p. 371, vide' Ancient Laws of Ireland,' vol. ii., 1869, edited by W. Neilson Hancock and T. O'Mahony; MacSamhradhain and MagSamhradhain, in Hennessey's 'Annals of Loch Cé,' and MacSamhragain in Dr. Keating's History of Ireland,' translated by J. O'Mahony, vide his Genealogies, pp. 686, 687. The former rendering is given by the eminent Dr. O'Donovan in his translation of O'Dugan's topographical and historical poem (giving the principal tribes and districts in Meath, Ulster, and Connaught, and who presided over them in the reign of Henry II.),— Mac Sambradhain knot of every strength, Over the illustrious Teallach Eachdhach, His land is not rendered ugly by the wind. Some render the translation Somers, Summers, or Saurin, from the Irish word Samhraidh. The following are the varying ways of Anglicizing given by the authorities, viz., Gauran,* in Sir James Ware's Antiquities of Ireland,' under the yoar 1593, when recording the death of his Grace Edmund McGaurant (or McGovern), Archbishop

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The Rev. R. Leech, rector of Belturbet, who has written a deal about the sept, says that the letter u took the v form on the gravestones, hence the various changes. On June 28 next ensuing 300 years will have passed away since the saintly primate McGauran met his heroic death on the battle-field, and as I am possessed of highly valuable information concerning his Grace, only known to a few. I intend contributing an article ere long to N. & Q.,' dealing with the last lustrum of his life. His present worthy successor, the Most Rev. Dr. Logue, Archbishop of the primatical see of Armagh, it is gratifying to know has been recently elevated to the cardinalate, so that the Irish nation are again represented in the Sacred College of Cardinals, with whom rests the election of the Sovereign Pontiff. His eminence well deserved this distinguished honour, his ecclesiastical

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