Supplement to the Notes , with No. 82, July 22, 1893 Catalani (Angelica), her biography, 113, 211, 272 Cave-Browne (J.) on St. Grasinus, 107 Celer et Audax on Romans in Britain, 234 • Cene,' book called, 228, 314 Centenarian foxhunter, 66 Centre, misuse of the word, 286 Centurion, Roman, his costume and arms, 87, 157 Centurion, ship, its lion-head, 144 Chadwick (H.) on old mulberry tree, 77 Châlet, its etymology, 68, 114 Chalk to score, 36 Chalks: Long chalks, 33 Chamberlayne (W. J.) on 'Imitatio Christi,' 92 'Chambers's London Journal,' its career, 128, 234′′ Chance (F.) on Abbé or Abbot, 375 "Bolt from the blue," 345 Champagne, "fine," 265 Henchman, its etymology, 389 Jack or Jock=James, 121 Chandler families, 168, 217 Chandler (J.) on Chandler families, 168 Church brasses, their preservation, 26, 117, 153: Church Patronage Trust, 428 Churches, miserere carvings in, 14, 78; abbey, or Civis on article in periodical, 312 Clark (C. E. E.) on "Jingo," 228 Swan, silver, 438 Claye (General), his biography, 307 186 Claypool (E. A.) on Claypoole family, 29 Clevedon and the poets, 324 Clicking-time-twilight, 468 Clifford's Inn, Chancery Lane, 265 Clim on Lavington family, 287 Storace (Stephen), 348 Clinton (A.) on Urian, Christian name, 311 Close (S. C. L.) on heraldic queries, 129 Mortimer (J. H.), 428 Cobbler, American, quoted, 216, 394 Chantrey (Sir Francis), his bronze razor, 105; mar- Cod fish, its price in 1824, 324 Chapel and devil, 193 Charles II. and the Royal Society, 234, 377, 497 Chelsea coffee-house in 1717, 128, 235 Chesney family and name, 58, 135, 214, 296, 336, 490 Chestnut, its botanic name, 385 Chevron on "Babies in the eyes," 475 "Curse of Scotland," 453 Cheyne (Viscounts), first and second, 453 Chinese or Cornish? 426 Chope (R. P.) on "Cross-purposes," 275 Deeds, rhymed, 353 "Saller mony," 408 Chouse, origin of the word, 425 "Christ, White," origin of the phrase, 307, 378 Christ Cross alphabet, 80, 428 Christ (Jesus), relics, 169, 297 Christian Era, its beginning, 465 Christian names, Belinda, 66, 225; James and Jock or Jack, 121; Urian, 169, 311 Christie (R. C.) on Ana: Bibliographical, 92 Chudleigh (Sir George), third baronet, 308 Coffee, early references to, 248, 274 Coins, leather, 36, 97; one pound Scots, 1560, 348, 435 Cole (Christian), British Consul at Venice, 329 Waite (George), 298 Colebrooke (John), Consul at Cadiz, 448 Busby, its origin, 32 Dunkirk, superstition at, 264 Gem folk-lore, 313 "He that runs may read," 92 Highdown Hill, miller's tomb on, 225 Hippodrome in London, 133 Holy Trinity, Minories, 499 Hoppus (E.), 358 Irish acre, 195 Isham (George), 16 Jennens Jarndyce, 97 Joan of Arc, 432 Lewis (Charles George), 419 Mandragora, 498 Margate, grotto at 96 "While away," 192 Witchcraft in nineteenth century, 446 Woffington (Peg), her almshouses, 216 INDEX. Cowper (William), his 'Castaway,' 107, 153; first Cows, Devonshire, 185 Cowslade (F.) on Smart's Song to David,' 156 Criticism, the "new," 164 Crockery, quotations for, 146, 238 Crocodile schoolgirls walking, 127, 256 Croke (J. O'B.) on Cowper's Castaway,' 107, 153 Cromwell (Oliver), his hat, 325 Coleridge (S. T.), on transcendental knowledge, 64, Crosby (Sir Warain), his biography, 328 138; cottage at Clevedon, 324 Coliar-holder, manorial tenant, 149, 256 Collier (C. V.) on abbey churches, 258, 451 St. Citha, 12 Collings family and motto, 68, 154 Collingwood (E.) on Cromwell: Smith: Ash, 448 Collins (Joseph), his 'Good Devil of Woodstock,' 168, 256 Collins (Mortimer), lines on Tennyson, 7, 78 Collinson (J.) on etymology of cruelty, 388 Dover slave market, 109 London, vanishing, 446 Owen (Robert) and the Queen, 128 Vaccination, Hindoo on, 277 Collis (C. H.) on accurate language, 196 Commines (Philip de), bibliography, 247 Conner (P. S. P.) on siege of Bunratty, 113 Constantinople, Englishmen who died at, 1640–50, 247 Copies, "large and small paper," 128, 237 Cordeaux (J.) on derivation of stoat, 417 Corry (Sir Trevor), his biography, 167, 334 Costard (Rev. George), astronomical writer, 186 Gostling family, 379 Crosier, wrong use of the word, 485 Cross-purposes, a game, 27, 71, 275, 374 Culleton (L.) on heraldic queries, 417, 455 Onslow (Arthur), 258 Seal, heraldic, 238 Trumbull (John), 98, 255 Waller (Anne), 55 Culvert and bridge, their difference, 248, 376, 418 Curation, its meaning, 308, 458 "Curse of Scotland," 367, 398, 416, 453 D. on "Brouette," 70 D Lodgers under the Commonwealth, 488 Whitechapel needles, 86 D. (A.) on Enfield and Edmonton, 347 D. (F.) on Bird family, 229 D. (H.) on how to darken bronze, 138 Dacre (Francis Lennard, fourteenth Lord), 65 Dallom-Lee, its locality, 308 Dalton (W. H.) on "He that runs may read," 218 Dammer stun, 149, 330 Darlington (O. H.) on "Commenced M.A.," 494 Tennyson (Lord) and The Gem,' 93 Davies (Sneyd), D.D., his baptism, 264 Defoe (Daniel), monument in Bunhill Fields, 37; Dunkirk, superstition at, 264 new 'Life,' 91 Dibdin (Charles), his 'True Courage,' 307, 375, 438 Dicken (Joseph), of Birmingham, short cutler, 247 'Dictionary of National Biography,' notes and correc- Dignities hereditary created, not made, 246 Dimanche de Quasimodo-first Sunday after Easter, Disease and the germ theory, 225 St. Grasinus, 199 Wesley (John), 94 Earwaker (J. P.) on James, seventh Earl of Derby, 246 Disraeli (Benjamin), bibliography. See Lord Beacons- East Drayton, Notts, belfry custom at, 462 field. Divining rod in 1893, 107 Dixon (J.) on 'Austrian Army,' 94 "Bolt from the blue," 458 Croydon sanguine, 175 Dustman, introduction of the word, 238 Zoo Zoological Gardens, 6 Doctor by royal mandate, 145, 217 Dollar on "Crank," 132 M.A., "commenced," 252 "What cheer?" 237 Domus Conversorum, 209, 316, 374, 493 East India Company's register, 157, 299 Eclipses, Phlegon's, 144; Sept. 3rd, B.c. 404, 204; Edenhall, Luck of, 125, 176, 276 Edgcumbe (R.) on Angelica Catalani, 211 Houses, unlucky, 224 Körner (Theodor), 309 Waite, dentist, 228 Writing, rapid, 246 Editorial note, curious, 106 Editors, their former reputation, 186, 276, 393 Education, self, 387 Dore (J. R.) on New Testament of October 27, 1548, Edward VI., his grammar schools, 66 306 Testament, unknown, 286 Tyndale (W.), his New Testament, 456 'Dorothy,' poem, 72, 133 Dorset marriage licences, 7 Douglas (Lord Robert), his death, 347, 397 Dowling (A. E. P. R.) on "Tommy at Tub's grave," Effigies on portraits of Burns, 95 Ehrenberg (C. G.) and bacteriology, 384 Eke-names, parish, 46, 132, 251 Eland (William), his biography, 48, 250 Elections, polls at, before 1832, 63, 301, 463 Eliot (George), her poetry, 307, 352, 476 Elizabeth (Queen) and Mary, Queen of Scots, 242, Epitaphs:- "A pale consumption gave the fatal blow," 155 "Farewell Parents dear," in Lanivet Church, 498 Era, Christian, its beginning, 465 Erewhile, use of the word, 407 Ernst (C. W.) on American cobbler, 216 Longfellow (H. W.), his 'Silent Land,' 131 Mulberry tree, old, 76 Shakspearian relics, 452 Water mill, 116 "While away," 192 Eucharist buried with people, 188, 278 Evan and Evans, Welsh names, 118, 336, 478 Evance (Sir Stephen), his pedigree, 469 Evans (Mary Ann). See George Eliot. Evans (Samuel), rector of Brown Candover, 405, 495 Sturton (Charles, Lord), 314 Eveske (Solomon C.), Close Roll entry, 486 Ex Stirpe Plantagenetarum on John of Gaunt, 109 Ey Abbey, its locality, 129, 253 Eyes, glass, their invention, 108, 211 Eyles (E.) on Claypoole family, 138 Eztakit on Gaelic words, 47, 277 F Supplement to the Notes , with No. 82, July 22, 1993 Bachelors' Door, 208 Crosier of an archbishop, 485 Death, its cause, 355 Deeds, rhymed, 233 Monastic rules, 435 Pie: Tart, 116 Reeds for writing, 375 Ripon Minster, customs at, 447 Salisbury Missal, 56, 114 Spurn-point, its meaning, 428 Turnbrigg in Yorkshire, 339 Wales (Edward, Prince of), letter, 166 Sheppard (Sir James), 208 F. (S. J. A.) on "Dumble," 497 F. (W.) on Altar Communion table, 168 Violet and Bonaparte, 338 F. (W. J.) on unlucky houses, 278 Martin (Robert Montgomery), 408 Fair-light-complexioned, 113 Fairman family of Linsted and Teynham, Kent, 329, 395 Fairs, their decadence, 72 Falstaff (Sir John), Balzac on, 425 Fargood, its meaning, 347 Farren (William), comedian, 307 Fate, synonym of destiny, 264 Fathers of the House of Commons, 34 Feilding-Kane (F. W.) on Brigadier-General W. Fellowship-Porters, old civic institution, 266 Felons, their goods, 1619, 144 Fenton (G. L.) on altar, 398 Clevedon and the poets, 324 Knowledge, transcendental, 138 Fèret (C. J.) on " Dumble," 497 Sussex House, Fulham, 468 Fermor (Arabella), her family, 128, 212, 271, 458 Ferrers (Hawisia de), her family, 429, 497 Festum Patefactionis," 15, 57 Feuchères (Madame de). See Sophy Daws. F, double, its origin as an initial, 24; misprinted, 36 Filshie surname, Scotch, 288 F. (C. S.) on Z. Cozens, 8 F. (F. J.) on brains in one's belly, 387 Chaucer (G.), his pilgrimage, 395 Cod, its price in 1824, 324 Hyde Park in 1824, 325 "Republic of letters," 247 F. (J. J.) on bookshelves, 145 Fimble, its meaning, 427 Fire by rubbing sticks, 15, 75 Fire of London and the City Companies, 126 Tunstall (Bryan), 212 Fitch (E. A.) on Morant's Essex,' 117 Fitz Alan (Alice), her parentage, 74, 316, 378 Fitz-Gerald (S. J. A.) on Lord Tennyson on tobacco, G. (W.) on Barton family, 228 Flag, black, at executions, 468 G. (W. J.) on Dorset marriage licences, 7 Gaidoz (H.) on totems in British army, 407 Fleet Street: "Let us take a walk down Fleet Gairdner (J.) on "Member of Parliament," 88 Burns and scalds, cure for, 144 Herring fishing, 245 Prayers, mistake in reading, 209, 272 Sieve and thief, 134, 354 Yellow-Knife Indian, 303 Folk-tale of roast pigs, 308, 337, 433 Fonts, octagonal, their introduction, 227, 351, 455 Forth, in place-names, 410, 485 Foudroyant, Nelson's ship, 487 Fowler (J. A.) on divining rod, 107 Foxhunter, centenarian, 66 France, capital punishment in, 148 Francis (Sir Philip) and the Letters of Junius, 49, 111, Galt-Gamble (T. E.) on missing portraits, 478 Gantillon (P. J. F.) on doctor by royal mandate, 217 Lely family, 317 Garden of the Hesperides, 345 'Garden of the Soul,' the title, 489 Garnett (F. B.) on John James Halls, 209 Garnett (Rev. John), his biography, 24 Gasc (F. E. A.) on "Preventative" for "Preventive,” Primrose, cowslip, and oxlip in French, 291 Gelert in India, 25, 153 Gem folk-lore, 229, 313 Genoa, Hôtel de Gênes at, 408 Gent (Thomas), printer, his biography, 145, 213 George (E. W.) on Thomas Milton, 69 Gerish (W. B.) on book margins, 56 Copies, large and small paper, 128 Eucharist buried with people, 278 "Gee! Wo!" 55 Latreille (P. A.), 216 St. Citha, her history, 74 Germ theory of disease, 225 German 'Notes and Queries,' 407 Gestrum, its meaning, 247 Ghost miners, 205, 258, 317 Gibbs (H. H.) on "Eating poor Jack," 131, 353 Tram, its derivation, 374 Gigadibs on "Republic of letters," 393 Gildersome Dickinson (C. E.) on 'Dictionary of Felons, their goods, 144 Oxted Church, inscription at, 498 Token, arms on, 69 Gillray (James), 'Caricatures' published in parts, 187 Gladstone (Right Hon. W. E.), bibliography, 1, 41, 135, 214, 329, 452 Glasgow University mace and staff, 222, 278, 330 Glastonbury thorn. See Thorn. Glendoveer, in 'Rejected Addresses,' 345 Gloves, old, prices paid for, 324, 436 Gloves and kisses, 18, 71 'God save the Queen,' special usage, 107, 357 Goddard (John), of Brodforth, Wimborne Minster, 268 Goddard (W. C.) on Peninsular medal, 153 Godolphin (Mrs. M.), her burial, 57 Goethe (J. W. von), and Smollett, 55; translation of Golden Rose, its history, 343, 476 |