deputy, Hamilton, is still remembered with have recently seen? The painting is dated 1661. The Leadenhall Press, E.C. RUBBER.-Could any reader of 'N. & Q.' tell me the origin of the term rubber, as used in connexion with the game of whist? F. W. [The term comes from bowls. An inequality in the ground is a rub. A contact or collision of two balls is a rubber. Hence, apparently, it was transferred to CURRAN AND OVERBURY.-John Philpot Curran has been often praised for the originality of those wonderful figures which made his speeches famous. One instance is found in his denunciation of Armstrong the spy, who dined with the Sheareses and their family, and finally brought both brothers to the gallows. "Evening after evening Armstrong returned like a bee, with his thighs laden with evidence" whist.] (Secret Service under Pitt,' p. 310, second edition, enlarged, London, Longmans, 1893). Now the query arises, Did Curran borrow? A string of extracts from Sir Thomas Overbury appears in Legal Facetiæ,' pp. 4-6 (London Literary Society, 1887), and "The best lawyers," we are told, " are the worst men." They hum about Westminster Hall, and return home with their pockets "like a bee with his thighs laden." E. L. A. BERWICK. BRAWN. (See 2nd S. ii. 196, 235.)—Thirty-seven years ago some correspondence took place in N. & Q' about Brawn, the celebrated cook, who kept the "Rummer" in Queen Street. Can any one tell me the date of Brawn's death, where he was buried, or anything about his ancestors or descendants? KITCAT. "THE SIEGE OF BELGRADE.'-Who was the author of this well-known alliterative poem, of which the first lines are An Austrian Army, Awfully Arrayed, Was it George Canning or Horace Smith; and D-T. [In the Wild Garland,' by Isaac J. Reeve, an undated work of little authority, it is attributed to the Rev. B. Poulter, Prebendary of Winchester, about 1828. The authorship has been vainly demanded in N. & Q. See 2nd S. viii. 412, 460; xii. 173, 279, 336; 4th S. x. 412, 443, 464, 503.] WELSH SONGS.-Where can I obtain any information about the history and origin of famous Welsh songs? I believe there are stories attached to the writing of such songs as the Ash Grove, Taliesen's Prophecy,' 'Megan's Fair Daughter,' the 'Bells of Aberdovey,' besides many others. Any particulars will be very welcome. BARD. ABBOTSFORD.-Can any reader of 'N. & Q.' kindly inform me who described Abbotsford as romance in stone and lime"? N. a TAUNTON BIBLIOGRAPHY.-As a collector of books relating to Taunton for several years, I have made an attempt towards a bibliography of the town, and I should much value any assistance that could be given me by those of your readers who REGINALD BARNICOTT. may be interested in the same subject. RECORDER OF SALISBURY.-Who held this office in 1642? Did Lord Chancellor Clarendon, then Serjeant Edward Hyde ? W. D. PINK. FRANK WHISTLER.-I should be obliged for any information as to Frank Whistler, painter, in Norfolk, about Old Crome's time, or his pedigree, or any references where information would be likely to be obtained. WILCOMBE. COLLINGS.-There is a Collings family in England which uses the motto "Fidelis in omnibus." Can any reader give me the address of the head or a member of it? H. P. THE FURZE FAMILY.-Can any information be afforded as to this family? Peregrine Furze, described as of Fernham, in the county of Berks, died, I think, about 1750, leaving a widow Jane, Furze, and daughters. I have before me a copy of two sons, Col. Noel Furze and Capt. Peregrine the will of his widow, Mrs. Jane Furze, dated Sept. 30, 1761, by which she disposes of a considerable fortune and evidently very handsome jewellery, in favour of her two grandchildren, Jane and Mary Furze (daughters of her son, the late Col. Noel Furze). She commits the guardianship of her granddaughter Mary Furze to the care of that the Lady Catharine Noel, her other granddaughter Jane then living with Mr. Thorpe (Vicar of Berwick upon Tweed), her mother's father. Legacies are given to Lady Catharine Pelham, Lady Catharine Noel, Mrs. Susanna Noel, the Countess of Buchan, Mr. Justice Noel, and Mrs. Alice Noel (her late husband's sister), Mrs. Elizabeth Furze, Mrs. Voice (daughter of her sister Tanner), Mr. caseus CHÂLET.-The 'Stanford Dictionary' says the literal meaning of this word in French is "cheese - house." Is, then, the Latin generally accepted as the origin of chalet? Scheler and Littré think otherwise, and so does Murray. A. SMYTHE PALMER, D.D. MISS CAMPION.-Who was Miss Campion, whose full-length portrait, taken when a child, I Culpepper Tanner (Oakham, Rutlandshire), and to her grandson Marmaduke Lowe. She gives to her son Capt. Furze her gold snuff-box with the Countess of Shaftesbury's picture, and to her two granddaughters diamond earrings, pictures of her husband and son Noel set in gold, and her diamond stars and diamond girdle buckle. 1. What was the maiden name of this Mrs. Jane Furze; and what relationship was there between her and the Noels, Earls of Gainsborough? 2. Did the granddaughter Mary marry; and, if so, to whom was she married? The other granddaughter was married in 1773 to the Rev. Nathaniel Ellison, of the old Northumberland family of that name. Col. Noel Furze was killed in action. I have reason to believe, though I have not yet searched the records, that the Furze family were of Danish origin, and were naturalized. Any information will much oblige. ALBA COLUmba. THE CHIMES OF WARE. Lend me your wife to-day; I'll lend you mine to-morrow. The above lines are among the earliest of the Court Place, Iffley, Oxford. TO MAKE NEW BRONZE DARK.-Until lately I was the happy possessor of a remarkably fine bronze medal; but now my happiness is tempered by both sorrow and anger. Unfortunately it fell into the hands of a "restorer." What that specimen of a never-to-be-sufficiently-reprobated class did to it I do not know. But I do know that my beautiful medal now is the colour of a penny fresh from the Mint, instead of being lovely with age. It is also ornamented by various scratches, which have doubtless been caused by the means taken to "clean" it. Is there any way by which I can again give it the dark colour it formerly had? I have been advised to put it into vinegar; but I do not know whether any good would be obtained by so doing. LEO. printer and engraver. Any information with respect to his wife, children, place of burial, &c., will be thankfully received. EDWARD W. George. Woodlands, Stratford, E. Matthew KINGSMILL. Can any one give me the parentage or pedigree of Levina Kingsmill, heiress of Ballyowen, co. Tipperary, who married Pennefather, of Clonegoose, co. Tipperary? WILLIAM BUTLER. 16, Holbein Buildings, Sloane Square, S.W. PUBLIC SPEAKING.-Would some one kindly recommend the most useful book dealing with this subject? STUDENT. [You will find references to books on the memory in La Nouvelle Biographie Générale' of Dr. Hoefer.'] MUSIC IN NORWICH.-I shall be much obliged if any of your readers who may have in their possession any books, pamphlets, papers, &c., relating to music in Norwich (particularly between the years 1750 and 1824) will send me names or referROBIN H. LEGGE. ences. 33, Oakley Street, Chelsea, S.W. ARMS ON TOKEN.-In 1668 my ancestor John issued a token, described in the latest edition of Dickinson, of Gildersome, near Leeds, merchant, Boyne. The obverse is stamped with the following arms: A chevron between three martlets; crest, on an esquire's helmet an arm, the hand grasping a scimetar, the whole encircled "Iohn Dickinson.' Now this is not the coat recorded to John Dickinson and his descendants in the Heralds' College, nor anything like it, and the various works of reference attribute it to Marley of Untbank (? Durham or Northumberland). There was not, however, so far as I am aware, any connexion between these Marleys and our family, and I think it possible these arms and crest may have been used by some northern guild or corporation, Can any one enlighten me? Eden Bridge. 66 C. E. GILDERSOME-DICKINSON. Replies. SHAKSPEARE AND MOLIÈRE. (8th S. ii. 42, 190, 294, 332, 389, 469; iii. 9.) A painful contrast. In 1616, after a glorious career as actor and dramatic author, Shakespeare died, honoured and beloved, in the small town where he was born, and was quietly interred in the church of that town, where a tomb, surmounted by his bust, was erected to his memory. In 1740 the ladies of England made a subscription among themselves to raise a monument to him in Westminster Abbey, that Pantheon of illustrious Englishmen, which should be worthy in their estimation of the glory shed on England by the Bard of Avon. Every year the anniversary of the birth of Shakespeare is celebrated with great éclat, and on April 23, 1864, the third centenary of his birth, that grand ceremony took place where at the same banquet were assembled men of all religious creeds and political opinions, united in the same feelings of sympathy and admiration for Shakespeare and of charity towards each other. The pious and learned Bishop of St. Andrews and the Archbishop of Dublin, both Protestants, came to acknowledge the genius of Shakespeare, and claim him as a coreligionist with large and charitable views; the learned and venerable Cardinal Wiseman, almost on his death-bed, writes a grand eulogy on Shakespeare, and proclaims him one of the greatest geniuses the world has ever produced. And the dramatic pieces of Shakespeare are proformed everywhere, and in every English theatre. In 1673, at the age of fifty-two, the same age as the English poet, a great genius, who had also been actor and dramatic author, died in Paris, that centre of intellectual light, as it is the custom to call the capital of France; he died, too, in the midst of his great labours, victim to his own devotion, of his love for his troupe of actors, for those to whom his talents gave the means of earning their daily bread. Molière, who died excommunicated by the Church, as were all comedians, could not be buried in consecrated ground without the express intervention of the King, Louis XIV. His widow was obliged to distribute a considerable sum of money in order to disperse the infuriated mob who were ready to molest the modest funeral procession which silently traversed Paris during the night, on its way, without passing by the church, to the cemetery of St. Joseph. Let us hope that Molière will find a M. Rio* to prove that, like Shakespeare, the actor-author was a good Christian, in spite of the anathema on his profession, as in his last moments he sent for a priest, and was *M. Rio wrote, in 1864, a book of more than three hundred pages to try to prove that Shakespeare, if not an avowed Roman Catholic, was so at heart, and, according to M. Rio, his works prove this. attended by two nuns, whom he had always assisted by his purse, and on that very day received into his house. But what do I say? It is not a M. Rio who has come forward, it is a Louis Veuillot, more severe than Bossuet, exclaiming, as it were, at the grave of Molière, "He passed from amidst the jokes and merriment of the theatre, where he breathed his last, to the tribunal of Him who has said, 'Woe to you who laugh, for you shall weep!"" "Yes, more implacable still, Louis Veuillot is not satisfied by assigning to the poet a place in hell in another world, he declares that Molière's place in this world ought to have been at the galleys. Ah, well! however that may be, a day will come when it will be acknowledged that if the friend of the pious Racine has held the bypocrite up to contempt and ridicule in 'Tartuffe,' he has never written a word against religion; a day will come when, as in Shakespeare's case, not only all rightminded, generous men will claim the great reformer of the manners, vices, and absurdities of the seventeenth century as one of themselves, but also all those who are really religious, and enemies to hypocrisy. Molière was not an academician; it was not till 1844 that a statue to his memory was raised in Paris, near the house in which he died; and even in 1862 the representation of "Tartuffe,' though permitted in Paris, was forbidden at Marseilles. L. NOTTELLE, B.A., Officier d'Académie. In my note (8th S. iii. 9) I stated "Shakespeare was wedded at eighteen to a lady nine years his senior." Anne Hathaway was born in 1556, Shakespeare in 1564, consequently she was eight W. A. HENDerson. years his senior. Dublin. Whatever the exact build of the brouette which is the subject of his query, MR. BOUCHIER may banish from his mind the ideas of a wheelbarrow and a sedan chair. In speaking of the former he is somewhat confused. The wheelbarrow brouette is certainly poussée, but it would be rough usage were a passenger by it for the nonce to be poussé too. Chéruel's Dictionnaire historique des Institutions, Moeurs et Coutumes' (1855, art. "Voitures," p. 1267) has the following, which I quote rather as interesting than as pertinent to MR. BOUCHIER's query:— "On se servait aussi de petites voitures qu'on appelait brouettes. Le roi,' écrit Servien dans une lettre du 28 août 1635, étant hier à la chasse dans sa petite brouette, le tonnerre tomba si près de lui qu'il renversa et blessa un peu le cocher, qui était sur le derrière, où il se met toujours." This was evidently a sort of coach, perhaps the prototype of the hansom. In Maigne's 'Dictionnaire des Origines, Inventions et Découvertes,' art. "Chaise à porteurs," we read :— "En 1669 un sieur Dupin en imagina une espèce qui était montée sur deux roues ; mais ces nouvelles chaises, que l'on appelait Brouettes, Roulettes et Vinaigrettes, n'eurent pas beaucoup de succès." Larousse ('Dict. Universel,' art. "Brouette") says the vinaigrette of the preceding quotation was a 66 sorte de chaise roulante tranîée à bras d'hommes ......désignée aussi sous le nom de brouette"; and he adds that in the time of Pascal, who is thought to have applied his genius to the improvement of these conveyances, "on donnait ce nom de brouette, et aussi celui de roulette, à une sorte de chaise à deux roues, dans laquelle les grandes dames se faisaient traîner." Antonini, in his useful Dictionary, says that the name brouettes was given ironically to these "petites chaises traînées par des hommes," which were not used in Italy. Since the foregoing was written I have seen the 'Encyclopédie.' The brouette is there described une voiture fermée, à deux roues, & trainée par un seul homme," and is figured in plate xix. of the collection of planches headed "SellierCarrosse." See Génin, 'Récr. Philol.' (1858), i. 75-8. F. ADAMS. as 66 66 Brouette, une sorte de chaise fermée à deux roues, tirée par un homme. Se faire traîner dans une brouette. C'est ce qu'on nommait autrement Vinaigrette." "Brouetteur, celui qui traînait les brouettes de place dans lesquelles on se faisait voiturer par la ville." 'Dict. de l'Académie.' Swallowfield, Reading. CONSTANCE RUSSELL. "At this period [1670] a vehicle drawn by men, and called a Brouette (or wheelbarrow) was introduced at Paris. It was a sedan chair to hold one person, with the door in front like the sedan chairs are now made, but on two wheels, about 3 ft. 6 in. high, and with two poles or shafts projecting forward [but not backward], between which one man ran, whilst another pushed behind if required [like in the case of a Japanese jinriksha...... There is a tradition in the North of England that small broughams, on two wheels, drawn by men, were used 60 years ago as well as sedan chairs for the conveyance of ladies to evening parties."-G. A. Thrupp's History of Coaches' (London, 1877), p. 42, with illustration of a brouette on plate facing p. 49. L. L. K. The Eighteenth Century' of Lacroix (p. 13) has an engraving of the juvenile Louis XV. taking an airing in a conveyance which combines some of the distinguishing features of the sedan and bath chairs, on three wheels. EDWARD H. MARSHALL, M.A. -Mr. A. W. Ward remarks, in his 'English A JESUIT PLAYWRIGHT (8th S. ii. 486; iii. 15). Dramatic Literature,' vol. ii. p. 312:— it is easy to recognise Shirley's best work of this species, "In The Traitor' (licensed 1631), on the other hand, and indeed one of the finest of the romantic tragedies of And on the following page— this period." "The authorship of this tragedy, which was more than once revived after the Restoration, was at one time claimed by or for a Jesuit of the name of Rivers." Halliwell, in his 'Dictionary of Old Plays,' has:— ments, and additions, as it is now acted at the Theatre "The Traitor. A tragedy with alterations, amendRoyal by their Majesties Servants, written by Mr. Rivers, 4to., London, 1692. This is merely a version of the tragedy (Shirley's) last mentioned." F. C. BIRKBECK TERRY. SHAKSPEARE And the CommenTATORS (8th S. ii. 488; iii. 17).-"If we wish to know the force of to see the insignificance of human learning we may human genius we should read Shakespear. If we wish study his commentators," is the closing sentence of Hazlitt's essay On the Ignorance of the Learned' (Table Talk '). Swallowfield, Reading. CONSTANCE RUSSELL. May I be allowed to take up R. R.'s glove, and to assign the Hazlitt quotation to 'On the Ignorance of the Learned,' in his 'Table Talk,' p. 103 (Bohn's edition)? EDWARD H. MARSHALL, M.A. The Brassey Institute, Hastings. GLOVES AND KISSES (8th S. ii. 508; iii. 18).—To the best of my knowledge the origin of the custom of claiming a pair of gloves for a stolen kiss is still unknown." Sir Walter Scott alludes to the custom in his Fair Maid of Perth,' c. v. Catharine, finding Henry Gow asleep on St. Valentine's morn, gives him a kiss. Scott, speaking of valentines for the year, says that they had to begin the year with a kiss of affection, and that it was looked upon as a peculiarly propitious omen if the one party could find the other asleep, and awaken him or her by performance of this interesting ceremony. F. C. BIRKBECK TERRY. "CROSS-PURPOSES " (8th S. iii. 27).-This was a game of questions and answers, though, as DR. MURRAY remarks, a clear account of it is somewhat hard to come at. However, Whalley, in his note on Ben Jonson's 'Cynthia's Revels,' explains another game of a similar nature by say ing, "This was probably the diversion of the age, and of the same stamp as our modern cross-purposes, or questions and commands." Also, most of the old dictionaries mention it, though only scantily, as a "game." JNO. BLOUNDelle-Burton. Barnes Common, S.W. FRENCH PRISONERS OF WAR IN SCOTLAND (8th S. ii. 428, 511).-The walls of a large room in Hawkhill House, situated between Restalrig and Leith, beside Lochend Loch, are adorned with large panel paintings (the subjects conventional pieces of scenery) which are attributed to the brush of French prisoners confined in the house. Unfortunately I do not know at what period; nor do I know what is the authority for the tradition. Perhaps the chairman or secretary of the Hawkhill Recreation Grounds, to whom the mansion belongs, or did belong in 1889, may be better informed. J. T. B. FAIRS (8th S. ii. 267, 297, 375).-I perfectly remember being taken as a child to Ham Fair, Surrey, I think between 1848 and 1851, and my impression is that most of the gentry of the neighbourhood also attended it. S. M. K. ENGRAVING NANCY WALPOLE (8th S. iii. 47). -Edward Atkyns, Esq., of Ketteringham Hall, Norfolk, great-great-grandson of Sir Edward Atkyns, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, who died in 1698, and who was uncle to Sir Robert Atkyns, the historian of Gloucestershire, married June 18, 1779, Miss Charlotte Walpole, "the pretty Miss Walpole, of Drury Lane Theatre." He died March 27, 1794, aged thirty-six. She survived her husband and also their only child, Wright Edward Atkyns, Esq., of Ketteringham, who died unmarried November 16, 1804, aged twenty-four. Their monuments are at Ketteringham. See Gent. Mag. for 1779, p. 326, and for 1794, p. 385; and Joseph Hunter's history of Ketteringham in Norfolk Archaeology, iii. 295. C. R. MANNING. TENNYSON ON TOBACCO (8th S. ii. 326, 371, 450; iii. 53).—I have a number of reprints from Cope's Tobacco Plant, including the three booklets called 'The Smoker's Garland,' but no poem from the pen of the late Laureate is included. Had a piece of his appeared in the Tobacco Plant it would, I should imagine, have been chosen as one of the first to reprint. S. J. ADAIR FITZ-GERALD. PLAINNESS VERSUS BEAUTY (8th S. ii. 289, 477). -MR. E. YARDLEY assigns the lines at the last reference to Lord Carlisle. I do not know that the correction is of much importance to any one, but in point of fact the lines were written by myself, and were published in Good Words many years ago, under the title of 'Dorothy.' How it When I look at the love for others For who can doubt that her nature Nothing to say for herself!" You say she is "commonplace," I would I could think she were so, Are they such common things? |