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would have been little pleased if told that he only carried out the intention of the Inquisition. I have no doubt that his conscience was as easy as that of his rival hereticide Philip II., whose deathbed Mr. Motley has so well described.

I offer no opinion on the propriety of burning Servetus, but refer to the case as stated by Hallam, Literature of Europe, vol. ii. c. iii. s. 27, and to a very able pamphlet entitled

"A Letter to the Subscribers to the eighth edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica on the Articles 'Calvin' and Channing,' by John Gordon. London, 1854."

I may be allowed to urge the expediency of calling things by their right names. E. L. says:

"The first quotation is only the expression of a man who thought that an infidel, such as Servetus undoubtedly was, should even be put to death if necessary."

Hallam says, "Servetus distinctly held the divinity of Christ."

"Dialogus secundus modum generationis Christi docet, quod ipse non creatus sit, nec finitæ potentiæ, sed vere adorandus verusque Deus." - Alwoerden, p. 214.

When the flames were about him, Servetus exclaimed, "Jesus, thou Son of the eternal God, have pity on me." Whether this is heresy or not, is a question of theology, and, as such, inadmissible to "N. & Q." but surely it is not infidelity. Н. В. С.

U. U. Club.

A PRINCE OF WALES'S BROOCH (4th S. i. 10, 47.)-This title for the trinket in question is totally inaccurate. There can be no doubt that it must be referred to George III. during the lifetime of his father. The so-called trident is neither more nor less than the label, which Nisbet states is a brisure upon the armorial ensigns of the eldest sons whilst their fathers are in life. The substitution of two for the three feathers of Wales is only a sim lar mark of difference. The expression "Hope of the British empire," was quite appropriate to George III. at the time.

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rived from ὀρφνὸς = ὄρφνινος. In Plat. Tim. we have the expression ὄρφνινον χρώμα, signifying a colour mixed of black, red, and white (but with most black)-a brownish grey (vide Liddell and Scott in verbo). If, therefore, Franklin's scrapbook were such as described, the term, though perhaps not over felicitous, would not be inappropriate. But how M. E. can be beguiled into the delusion of regarding it as what he calls the first supine of fusco, I cannot anywise understand. Fusco is of the first conjugation, the supine active of which would be fuscatum. Fuscum is clearly the adjective agreeing with opus, or some such neuter substantive understood. Under the word ὄρφνη, Scapula remarks: "Etym. deducit παρὰ τὸ ἐρέφω, tego." EDMUND TEW.

POEM WANTED (4th S. ii. 39.) - The poem inquired for by BAR-POINT

"See the leaves around us falling,"will be found in Murray's Introduction to the English Reader, among the "Promiscuous Pieces" of Poetry, section xvii.. F. C. H.

CORONATION OATH (4th S. ii. 10.) - I have not seen any reference yet to the following note from Blackstone's Commentaries, vol. i. p. 98:

"An Act of Parliament to repeat or alter the Act of Uniformity in England, or to establish episcopacy in Scotland, would doubtless in point of authority be sufficiently valid and binding, and, notwithstanding such an act, the union would continue unbroken. Nay, each of these measures might be safely and honourably pursued, if respectively agreeable to the sentiments of the English Church or Kirk in Scotland. But, it should seem neither prudent nor perhaps consistent with good faith, to venture upon either of these steps, by a spontaneous exertion of the inherent powers of parliament, or at the instance of mere individuals. So sacred, indeed, are the laws above mentioned (for protecting such church and the English liturgy) esteemed, that in the Regency Acts, both of 1751 and 1765, the regents are expressly disabled from assenting to the repeal or alteration of either of

these or the act of settlement."

Read "abolish episcopacy in Ireland," for "establish episcopacy in Scotland," and there is an opinion given by one of our greatest constitutional writers, "ante litem motam." Such an abstract opinion, from such a source, is deserving of great attention be it right or wrong.


TALBOT, EARL OF SHREWSBURY (4th S. ii. 32.) — Although it was said by another great captain

(the Duke of Marlborough, I believe), that all he had ever learnt of the history of England was in Shakespeare, I repeat with MR. JOHN WOODWARD that "it may be worth noting, that Shakespeare is mistaken" with regard to the order of St. Michael as well as the Golden Fleece. As Byron says, "I like to be particular in dates." Now John Talbot, first Earl of Shrewsbury, was killed at the battle of Castillon, near Bordeaux, in 1453, I have a document on parchment, beginning thus:

and the order of St. Michael was erst instituted tion. The Catalogue of West's Library, as sold by Lewis XI. in 1469. by auction in 1773, contains only printed books. W. D. MACRAY.

"Nous Jehan Seigneur De Talbot et de Furnivall | Mareschal de France Certiffions par ces pūtes que du

nombre de Soixante hommes d'Armes, Acht [à cheval]

ire p'sonne comprinse," etc.; and ending--" Eu tesmoign de ce nous auons scele ces pntes de ñre Scel le penultieme Jour de Juillet L'an mil cecc trente sept."

On the red wax seal the escutcheon is very visible: "Six merlos e bende vermeille portait en la baniere blanche"; as also in the legend, the words Talbot and Furnyval. It is countersigned thus: "Stafford." Who was this Stafford? P. A. L.

NUMISMATIC (4th S. ii. 34.)-I am afraid that the ingenious suggestion of correspondent A. Н., as to the origin of Tas, Tascia, found on early English coins, will scarcely be considered a satisfactory explanation. Among the ancient coins given by Akerman (Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes geographically arranged and described, Hispania, Gallia, Britannia, London, 1846), there is one, No. 27 described thus p. 192 :

"Obu. CVNOBELINI. Laureated beardless head, to the left. Rev. TASCIOVANI. F. Centaur, to the right, blowing a horn."

And again, No. 41 :

"Obv. CVNOBE. Beardless helmed bust, to the left. Rev. TASC. FII. A boar (?) resting on its haunches, its head raised, and holding in its mouth a serpent (?)."

Though Tasciovanus is not mentioned by the Roman historians, these coins show that Cunobelinus was his son. We find another of these petty princes, Eppilus, styled "COM.F.," and another "Tinc.," styled also "COM.F.": we may therefore conclude with Mr. Birch, that they followed the Roman formula "Cæsar. divi f."


CHRONICLE BY JOHN DOUGLAS (4th S. i. 508.) I have never been able to trace the present depository of the Chronicle said to have been written by this monk of Glastonbury. A copy was in the possession of Thomas Rawlinson, in the sale catalogue of whose MSS. (1734, p. 18) it is entered as follows:

"254. A Chronicle of England, entituled, The Memorials, Chronicles written by John Douglas, Munke of Glastenburye Abbaye. On velom."

In a copy of this Catalogue in the Bodleian Library, which contains the prices and purchasers' names in MS., there is the following entry: "West. pd 3s. 3d." The MSS. collected by James West, President of the Royal Society, appear to have been all sold to the Earl of Shelburne (afterwards Marquis of Lansdowne), and are consequently now to be found among the Lansdowne MSS. in the British Museum, but this Chronicle is not entered in the Catalogue of that Collec

INSCRIPTION AT MOUNT STUART: HEART OF PRINCE CHARLES (4th S. i. 559.) -The inscription over the old door-way at Mount-Stuart cannot possibly have been written by the Prince "when in concealment in the isle," as it is matter of history that he never was either in or near the island of Bute at any time during his expedition of 1745-6. C. E. D.

CROMWELL'S COFFIN-PLATE (4th S. i. 553.) — This interesting relic is now in the possession of Earl De Grey and Ripon, who is himself descended from the Cromwell family.


THE ATHANASIAN CREED (4th S. ii. 35.)-The inference drawn by MR. R. J. ALLEN from the words of Bishop Grossteste is incorrect. The bishop says that the faithful should all have a plain knowledge of the faith, as contained in the greater and les lesser creed, meaning the Nicene and that of the Apostles, "et in tractatu qui dicitur Quicunque vult." Now, though he uses the term "tractatus," it does not at all follow that he considered the Athanasian as not a creed. He calls it a treatise, on account of its much greater length, and more explicit language; and had he lived a few centuries later, he would perhaps have applied the same name to the creed of Pope Pins IV., which is longer still. But there can be no doubt that the formulary under the name of St. Athanasius was always designated by the Church as a Symbolum Fidei, a creed, or profession of faith - a very different thing from a mere treatise or dissertation. At the earliest public mention of the Athanasian Creed, which was at the Council of Autun in the seventh century, it was ordered in the very first canon, that all priests and clerics should know by heart the Symbol attributed to St. Athanasius. The church approved of it,proposed it to the belief of all the faithful, and decreed that it should be publicly recited in the divine office. All this proves that it was of much higher authority than a mere treatise, or dissertation; and we should search in vain for any such distinction between this and the other creeds, as Grossteste is unfairly supposed to have intended.

F. C. H.

BRADSHAWE THE REGICIDE (4th S. ii. 34.)— Your correspondent M. J.'s legend respecting the Lord High President's (who ob. Oct. 31, 1659,) having died at a lone house on Baddeley Edge, in the Staffordshire Moorlands, has highly interested me-since, though born and long resident in the immediate neighbourhood, I had never previously heard of it. There is in Longsdon, close to Leek, an ancient grange called "Bradshaw," with which local tradition connects the regicide, but I have never been able to trace it to any authentic source. Temp Eliz. 3, Thomas de Bradeschawe was sworn a feudatory forester of the Forest of Leeke; and I find Roger Bradschagh witness to a deed bearing date A.D. 1431.

There is an interesting account of Bradshaw Hall, near Chapel-en-le-Frith, the cradle of the family, at p. 145 of the second volume of the Reliquary; but the name is of such frequent occurrence in the sister shires of Chester, Derby, and Stafford, that it is hard to say from which particular branch "poor Jack" actually descended.



"RECOLLECTIONS OF MY LIFE, BY MAXIMILIAN, EMPEROR OF MEXICO" (4th S. i. 535, 563.)-As I ventured to communicate to you the doubts which had arisen in my mind as to the authenticity of this work from the manner of its publication and its contents, I feel bound to tell you the result of inquiries I have made in quarters certain to be informed in Germany.

The work, as now published at Leipsig and translated into English, was, it appears, printed for private circulation by Prince Maximilian while in retirement at Miramar. He then gave, or sold,

the copyright to a publishing house at Leipsig;

but when it was almost ready for publication, he

revoked the contract for its publication, and paid the firm 2000 guilders for the expenses they had incurred. This was before he left Miramar.

Nothing further was done by Prince Maximilian, that I can ascertain, for its publication, and so the matter rested when he perished in Mexico. Subsequently to his death communications took place between the publishers and the Court of Vienna. They terminated in authority for its publication being given to them.

It is, I am assured, published as originally printed for private circulation by Prince Maxi



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not yet been thought of, is as likely as either. But in the meantime, one evidence in favour of hogs-hide will be found in Sir Thomas Urquhart's translation of Rabelais (book iii. chap. xv.); it is where Panurge, in expounding the monkish mystery concerning powdered beef, says:

"Not to sup at all! that is the devil! Come, Friar John, let us go break our fast; for if I hit on such a refection in the morning, as will fill the mill-hopper and hogshide of my stomach, and furnish it with meat and drink sufficient, then I could make a shift to forbear dining."-vol. iii.

p. 104.

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QUOTATION WANTED (4th S. ii. 10, 45.)-
"And she hath smiles to earth unknown-
Smiles that with motion of their own
Do spread, and sink, and rise:
That come, and go, with endless play,
And ever as they pass away,
Are hidden in her eyes."

It may interest your correspondent J. T. F. as a Cambridge man, and also MR. BOUCHIER, to inthat a Latin version of Wordsworth's pretty little poem "Louisa" is to be found in the Arundines Cami, editio quarta-a book dear to scholars, and is there headed "Rustica Phidyle." The English version commences not


"I met Louisa in the shade,"

"Though by a sickly taste betrayed,
Some may dispraise the lovely maid,
With fearless pride I say," &c.

Being, however, just at present enjoying an outing in the country, I have not my copy of the Arundines at hand in order to give a precise reference to the page, and the name of the translator of the poem into Latin Sapphics. Be it observed that the editions of the Arundines Cami vary very materially, and perhaps the poems in question may not have a place in all of them. The last. to my knowledge, underwent considerable alterations at the hands of its late accomplished editor, Archdeacon Drury.

We all know the ode of Horace whence "Rustica Phidyle" is borrowed

"Cœlo supinas si tuleris manus,
Nascente luna, rustica Phidyle,
Si thure placaris et horna
Fruge lares, avidaque porca,
Nec," &c.

Wormingford, near Colchester.




The whole Works of William Browne of Tavistock and of the Inner Temple. Now first collected and edited, with a Memoir of the Poet, and Notes by W. Carew Hazlitt of the Middle Temple. The First Volume. (Printed for the Roxburghe Library.)

Nearly a century has elapsed since Tom Davies gave to the world the only collective edition of the writings of this admirable poet. In this good work Davies was assisted by Dr. Farmer, the Rev. Thomas Warton, and other admirers of Browne's genius. In 1815 Sir Egerton Brydges published a volume of Browne's hitherto inedited poetry, which Park pronounced to be even more marked by a peaceful delicacy and pure morality" than those already given to the world. Under these circumstances, we think Mr. Hazlitt has shown good judgment in including the whole works of Browne in the Roxburghe Library. This first volume, which is very handsomely printed, contains, in addition to Britannia's Pastorals, a Life of the Poet, which Mr. Hazlitt's industry and researches have enabled him to detail much more fully than his predecessor, Brydges. The work will be welcome to all lovers of Old English Poetry.

The Annual Register: a Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad for the Year 1867. New Series. (Rivington.)

The Annual Register now stands alone as a permanent and available record of the more remarkable events at home and abroad, and the gradual development of the political history of this and other foreign countries; and we are, therefore, glad to record the appearance of the volume for 1867, which appears to be ably and carefully compiled.


We have a number of small books which require a few words of notice. First and foremost among them is Warne's Chandos Shakespeare: Plays, Poems, Glossary, &c. reprinted from the Original Edition, and compared with all recent Commentators, printed very neatly and legibly, and sold for one shilling; and from the same publisher, and at the same remarkably low price, The Poetical Works of Longfellow. Milton and Machiavelli, two Essays by Lord Macaulay, printed with great neatness and distinctness, and published at sixpence. We have received from Messrs. Lockwood a volume which will be acceptable to many-Instructions in Wood-carving for Amateurs, with Hints on Design, by a Lady. From Mr. Walker of Leeds, an amusing little volume, Old Leeds: its Bygones and Celebrities, by an Old Leeds Cropper. And from Messrs. Moffat of Dublin, St. Patrick's Ruction, by Barney Bradey; an amusing bit of rollicking Irish fun and rhyme.

A few guide books have also reached us, which we may make a note of for the benefit of "intending" tourists, viz. St. David's: its Early History and Present State, by an Ecclesiologist (Bemrose); Bemrose's Guide to Matlock, Bakrwell, Chatsworth, Haddon Hall, &c., with Lists of Wild Flowers, Ferns, &c., by John Hicklin; and Through the Peak, between London and Manchester, or Tourist's Guide between London and Manchester via Derby, Matlock, and Buxton (Bemrose).

THEODORE'S SON. - The London Stereoscopic Company have just published a very effective carte de visite of this interesting child.

LIBRARY OF THE REV. T. CORSER. -The first part of this extraordinary Collection of our Early English Poets and Dramatists, will be sold by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkin

son, & Hodge, on the 28th, 29th, and 30th instant. No greater proof of the importance of this library can be given than is furnished by the fact that the three days' sale contains only 606 lots.

LIBRARIANSHIP OF THE CORPORATION OF LONDON: LAMBETH LIBRARY.-The salary of Mr. Overall, who fills this office with so much credit to himself and with so much advantage to all who have occasion to consult the Library entrusted to his charge, has just been increased from 2001. to 300l. a year, with an annual increase of 102. until it reaches 400%. per annum. The salary of his assistant, Mr. Welch, is in like manner to be gradually increased to 2001. a-year.

As nothing has yet been done, we believe, on the subject of the Librarianship of Lambeth, we venture to recommend the liberal conduct of the Fathers of the City to the consideration of those who may have the settlement of this question.


Particulars of Price, &c., of the following Books, to be sent direct to the gentlemen by whom they are required, whose names and addresses are given for that purpose:


Wanted by John Sleigh, Esq., Thornbridge, Bakewell.

THE RELIQUARY. Any Nos. form 1-24, unbound.

Wanted by Mr. George W. Marshall, Weacombe House,
Bicknoller. Somerset.

MURRAY'S HANDBOOK FOR SPAIN. Part I. containing South Spain. Wanted by P. P., Mr. Brooks, 7, Torrington Place, W.C.



DRESDEN GALLERY. 2 Vols. folio.


CONGREVE'S WORKS. 3 Vols. Baskerville.

Wanted by Mr. Thomas Beet, Bookseller. 15, Conduit Street,
Bond Street, London, W.

[blocks in formation]

THE INDEX TO OUR LAST VOLUME will be issued with "N. & Q." of Saturday next.

THE GENERAL INDEX TO THE THIRD SERIRS is all in type, and will be ready for pustication, we hope, by the end of the month. BRADFORD. should be very glad indeed to see the volumes. QUESTIONER. T here is no doubt that Berkeley Square is always pronounced Barke Square" by educated people at the West End." ERRATUM. 4th S. ii. p. 31, col. i. line 6 from bottom, dele "we find." *** Cases for binding the volumes of "N. & Q." may be had of the Publisher, and of all Booksellers and Newsmen.


"NOTES & QUERIES" is registered for transmission abroad.

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