has been engraved for Lady Wallace's translation of his letters. There is an engraving by Gottschick from a miniature painted by Grassi in 1785, when Mozart was twenty-nine. It is a full-face likeness. Finally, there are the portraits of a later period, either three-quarters or profile, which give the popular likeness of the great master. A pretty little German engraving, entitled "Familie Mozart," represents him at the piano with his sister, his father standing with his violin, and the portrait of his mother on the wall. J. B. D. Reform Club. BRADSHAWE, THE REGICIDE (4th S. ii. 34, 70.) By an absurd misprint, I am led to assign a date to Thomas de Bradeschawe's appearance on this short and shifting scene in the reign of Elizabeth III. instead of the third Edward. A Roger de Bradschawe also occurs in Deulacresse deeds of 1353-'8-'70. Contrary to the generally received acceptation of the President's character, his illustrious kinsman Milton describes him as " neither gloomy nor severe, but gentle and placid; exercising in his own house the rites of hospitality in an exemplary manner, and proving himself on all occasions a faithful and unfailing friend. No one more ready to forgive, he was yet impressive and terrible when it fell to his lot to pour shame on the enemies of his countrywhom no threats, no terrors, and no rewards could seduce from the plain path of rectitude." THE AUTHOR OF A "HISTORY OF LEEK." Bakewell. John Bradshaw, the President of the High Court of Justice, used to occupy a house at Congleton in Cheshire, and filled several municipal offices in that town. Twenty years ago, when a boy, I recollect a poor old woman at Congleton, in return for many kindnesses shown to her by my family, giving me the original grant of pardon to Henry Bradshaw, who was I suppose a brother of the regicide. of At that time I did not care much for such things, and handed it over to a friend, a great antiquary, in whose collection I imagine it now to be, and who thanked me heartily for the present. The document was on a large piece parchment, written in the ancient court-hand; and on the left-hand side, at the top, was a portrait of the grantee of the pardon; but, after the lapse of so many years, I cannot say whether it was that of Charles II. or James II. Is my surmise right, that the said Henry was the brother of John Bradshaw? And, let me ask, what crime had he committed to merit the pardon? Bradshaw Hall, near Chapel-en-le-Frith, I have visited, and have always understood that it was the ancient home of the race. Bradshaw Edge is the name of one of the townships of that parish, and perhaps in the registers of the church some particulars worth knowing concerning that family might be discovered a portion of which is now, I believe, settled in Ireland; and no doubt valuable information would be found in the records and archives of Congleton. OXONIENSIS. Wormingford, near Colchester. LANCASHIRE SONG (4th S. i. 390, 619.)-I was not aware until I read ALDERMAN WILKINSON'S communication that "Th' mon o' Measter Grundy's" had been in print. In the Ashton Reporter, June 13, the song is reprinted from "N. & Q." with the following introduction, which it may be well to give more permanence than it is likely to gain in the columns of a provincial newspaper: "The following ballad, copied from Notes and Queries of Saturday week, is with a single exception the oldest known ditty in the Lancashire dialect. The exception is Warriken Fair,' supposed to have been written in the reign of our Sixth Edward. The song now presented is, with only slight differences, included in Ashburner's New Vocal and Poetic Repertory, printed at Ulverston in 1807, as appeared by a copy in the library of Dr. Robson of Warrington. In that version the last line of each stanza runs 'Th' mon at Measter Grundy's,' which is doubtless the original and more correct form. At any rate, it tallies more closely with the satirical phrase or proverbial expression, once more common, but still lingering in many a cottage and farmstead of South Lancashire, and is usually applied to folks dressed in a little brief authority and conceited of their positionsviz.: 'He's th' yead mon at Mester Grundy's.' When the song was written, who was its author, who the Mr. Grundy, who his uplifted employé, or where they resided, are things alike at present unknown. Joynson Street, Strangeways. H." W. E. A. A. NOTES ON BOOKS, ETC. A Facsimile of the First Edition of The Christian Year, 1827. 2 vols. (Parker, 1868.) Few works have exercised greater influence over the religious mind of the country, during the present century, than the remarkable volumes of Devotional Poetry which were published in the summer of 1827 under the title of The Christian Year. A second edition was called for in December in 1827, and a third in the following year, and edition after edition has been issued from the press until the book has become a household book in the widest and best sense of the word. The publishers have, under these circumstances, we doubt not, done wisely in producing a facsimile (even to the paper boards) of the original volumes, for there are various obvious reasons which would make such a reprint acceptable to many readers; and they have acted not less wisely in accompanying this reprint with a "List of all the variations of any importance from the original text which the author made in later editions." Munimenta Academica: Monuments illustrative of Academical Life and Studies at Oxford. Part I. Libri Cancellarii et Procuratorum. Part II.: Libri Cancel larii et Procuratorum accedunt Acta Curiæ Cancellarii et Memoranda ex Registris nonnulla, By Rev. Henry Anstey, M.A., late Vice-Principal of St. Mary's Hall. 2 vols. (Longman.) We had recently to call the attention of our readers generally, and of Oxford men in particular, to Mr. Macray's valuable and amusing History of the Bodleian Library- the glory of the University. We have now to direct the attention of those interested in investigating the progress and phases of academical life and studies at Oxford to two very curious volumes which Mr. Anstey has just added to the valuable series of historical works publishing under the immediate direction of the Master of the Rolls. The documents contained in the book before us extend from the reign of Henry III. to that of Henry VIII.; and they are preceded by an Introduction of considerable length, in which the history of the University during such period is laid before the reader, and the bearing of the documents upon such history pointed out. This Introduction will be found to bear upon questions connected with University education, which are sure to be renewed in the Reformed Parliament, and Mr. Anstey's volumes have appeared at a time likely to secure for them the examination of many who are likely to take part in the discussions which those questions must evoke. THE ARCHEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE will this year hold its Annual Meeting at Lancaster, under the Presidentship of Colonel Patten. The inaugural meeting will be held at the Shire Hall at Lancaster Castle, on Tuesday next, and during the week which the meeting will occupy excursions will be made to Heysham, Dalton Castle, Peel Castle, Furness, Cartmel, Levens Hall, Lezergh Hall, Skipton Castle, Bolton Abbey, &c The meeting promises to be very successful, very instructive, and full of interest. THE HAWKINS CARICATURES.-Such of our readers as are aware of the extent and value of the extraordinary collection of Caricatures formed by the late Edward Hawkins, Esq., who had devoted many years to annotating and illustrating them, will be glad to learn that it has not been dispersed, but has found a resting-place in the British Museum, in which their amiable collector had so long occupied an important position. GUSTAVE DORÉ'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF TENNYSON'S "ELAINE." The nine original drawings by M. Gustave Doré for the illustration of Elaine, have been exactly reproduced in facsimile printing for the Crystal Palace Doré Art Union, by Mr. Vincent Brooke, and are ready for distribution in sets, under circumstances peculiarly advantageous to subscribers. For one guinea the nine chromo-lithographs, which are honestly worth twice the sum, are delivered, with a ticket entitling the purchaser to a chance of gaining one of the original designs. For two guineas, the chance is doubled; and a copy of Elaine, with the prints before letters, in sepia ink, is given. The three guinea subscription entitles to a copy of Elaine, illustrated with photographs from the original drawings, in a handsome portfolio, with three chances of a prize. For five guineas, the subscriber receives a portfolio copy of Tennyson's poem, illustrated with artist's proofs before letters of the engravings, or with the photographs coloured, and five chances of obtaining one or more of the drawings. The highest subscription of six guineas procures a copy in bronze of Woolner's medallion of Tennyson, together with six chances in the lottery for the original drawings. With regard to the facsimile impressions, each reproduced in its exact original tint from the design of the gifted artist, it may with truth be affirmed that nothing of their kind has ever surpassed them for fidelity. We have said nothing of the merits and beauty of the original drawings, they being by this time known to all as among the most striking works of an artist of remarkable genius. BOOKS AND ODD VOLUMES Particulars of Price, &c., of the following Books, to be sent direct to the gentlemen by whom they are required, whose names and addresses are given for that purpose: CALENDARIUM INQUIS. POST MORTEM. 8vo. 4 Vols. DUCATUS LANCASTRIE. 8vo. 3 Vols. Wanted by Major Fishwick, Carr Hill, near Rochdale. BEWICK'S QUADRUPEDS. Ist edition. Large paper. Wanted by Mr. Thomas Beet, Bookseller, 15, Conduit Street, Notices to Correspondents. UNIVERSAL CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ON ART. - All Additions and Corrections should be addressed to the Editor, South Kensington Museum, London, W. THE GENERAL INDEX TO THE THIRD SERIES will be ready on the 1st of August. J. WRIGHT (Carlisle.) It is impossible for us to write privately to Correspondents who forward Queries; and as the subject of your query, it is impossible you have not mentioned to explain to you the reason of W. H. S. (Yaxley). Consult Mr. Rivière of 196, Piccadilly. E. HEARD. The Roxburghe Library is published by Mr. Russell Smith. H. R. (Dublin.) For the lines "God and the doctor," &c., see "N. & Q." 3rd S. iv. 499; v. 62, 469, 527. J. C. (Paisley.) The" Exile of Erin" is by Thomas Campbell, and is printed in his Poetical Works, edit. 1862, p. 61. For the history of the song consult Beattie's Lite and Letters of Thomas Campbell, ed. 1849, i. 330-332; iii. 429. ERRATA. 4th S. ii. p. 44, col. i. line 26, for "Brunck"read" Brunet; " and line 26, for "Parrhisiis" read "Parrhisii." *** Cases for binding the volumes of "N. & Q." may be had of the Publisher, and of all Booksellers and Newsmen. A Reading Case for holding the weekly Nos. of "N. & Q." is now ready, and may be had of all Booksellers and Newsmen, price or, free by post, direct from the publisher, for 18. 8d. "NOTRE AND QUERIES" is published at noon on Friday, and is also issued in MONTHLY PARTS. The Subscription for STAMPED COPIES for six Months forwarded direct from the Publisher (including the Halfyearly INDEX) is 118. 4d., which may be paid by Post Office Order, payable at the Strant Post Office, in favour of WILLIAM G. SMITH, 43, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C., where also all COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE EDITOR should be addressed. "NOTES & QUERIES" is registered for transmission abroad. PAPER AND ENVELOPES. its non-appearance. 18.6d.; THE PUBLIC SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE exceeding 208. Good Cream-laid Note, 2s., 3s., and 48. per ream. PARTRIDGE & COOPER, 192, Fieet Street, Corner of Chancery Lane.-Price List Post Free. PIESSE and LUBIN'S HUNGARY WATER, delightfully cooling, refreshing, invigorating. "I am not surprised to learn (says Humboldt) that orators, clergymen, lecturers. authors, and poets give it the preference, for it refreshes the inemory." Emphatically the scent for warm weather, for hot and depressive climate. A case of six bottles, 10s. 6d.; single samples, 2s. - 2, New Bond Street, W. SEWING MACHINES. W. F. THOMAS & Co. CELEBRATED "No. 2," £10. D OMESTIC MACHINES, FROM £5 5s. ELECTRICITY IS LIFE. CURE YOURSELF BY THE PATENT SELF-ADJUSTING CURATIVE AND ELECTRIC-BELT. Sufferers from Nervous Debility, Painful Dreams, Indigestion, Weakness, &c., can now cure themselves by the only "Guaranteed Remedy" in Europe, protected by Her Majesty's Great Seal. Free for One Stamp, by H. JAMES, ESQ., (Medical Electrician to the London Hospitals), Percy House, Bedford Square, London. N.B. Medicine and Fees Superseded. (Reference to the leading Physicians of the Day.) HOLLOWAY'S PILLS COMFORT FOR EVERY BODY. It is essential for lealth that every organ of the body be fully competent and duly prepared for the natural execution of its appropriate function, which cannot be the case under great transition of temperature. unless some corrective medicine be taken occasionally. When the chilling winds of spring are succeeded by the summer heat, the liver and skin can only be in int ined in efficient action by some such alterative medicine as Holloway's noted Pirls, which regulate the circulation, cool the system, and fortify the nerves. By means of this all-powertul purifier, many lingering and paintul maladies will be escaped, and the more acute and bilious fever will be averted. diseases of cholera, diarrhœa, dysentery, WATSON'S OLD PALE SHERRY. Amontillado character, pure, very soft, and unbrandieu, recommended with confidence. Per dozen, 348.; bottles and cases 58. per dozen extra (if not returned). Three dozen, railway carriare paid, to all England and Wales. Per Octave-14 galls. (cask included) equal to 7 dozen, 111. 48. A saving of 28. per dozen. Railway carriage paid to all England and Wales. Per Quarter Cask.-28 galls. (cask included), equal to 14 dozen, 217. 148. A saving of 3s. per dozen. Railway carriage paid to all England and Wales. W. D. WATSON, Wine Importer, 72 and 73, Great Russell Street, corner of Bloomsbury Square, London, W.C. Established 1841. Full Price Lists post free on application. Terms, Net Cash. Hochheimer, Marcobrunner, Rudesheimer, Steinberg, Liebfraumilch, 60s.; Johannisberger and Steinberger, 728., 84s., to 1208.; Braunberger, Grunhausen, and Scharzberg, 488. to 848.; sparkling Moselle, 488., 608., 668., 788.; very choice Champagne, 668., 788.: fine old Sack, Malmsey, Frontignac, Vermuth, Constantia, Lachrymæ Christi, Imperial Tokay, and other rare wines. Fine old Pale Cognac Brandy, 60s. and 728. dozen. Foreign Liqueurs of every description. per On receipt of a Post-office order, or reference, any quantity will be forwarded immediately by HEDGES & BUTLER, THE SCIENTIFIC WONDER. This Instrument has a clear magnifying power of 32,000 times, shows all kinds of Animalculæ in Water, Circulation of the Blood. &c. &c., Adulteration of Food, Milk, &c., and is just the Microscope that every Surgeon, Dentist, Schoolmaster, Student, and Working Man should have. It is pronounced by the Press (and all scientific men who have seen it), to be the best, cheapest, and most simple microscope ever invented. It has twenty times the power of the Coddington or Stanhope Microscope, and is twice as good as the celebrated Rae Microscope (which has been awarded so many prize medals), as lowing letter received from Mr. Rae himself: may be interred from the fol"CARLISLE, DECEMBER 12th, 1867. "To Mr. McCulloch, Philosophical Instrument Maker. "Sir, Having seen some of your Diamond-Plate Lenses, I write to ask your terms for supplying me with the same per 20 gross, as I consider them superior to mine. Yours, &c., "RAE & CO., Opticians, Carlisle." I beg to inform the public that I have no Agent anywhere, and all pretended Agents are impostors. The above instrument can only be had from me, in Birmingham. Those at a distance who care for instruction and amusement, can have it safe and free by sample post, with book of full instructions, on receipt of 32 Postage Stamps. Samples sent abroad 2 extra Stamps. All persons wishing further particulars and testimonials, must send stamped and addressed envelop. Address, A. McCULLOCH, Philosophical Instrument Maker, 18, Blucher Street, Birmingham. Ready on AUGUST 1st, price 5s. 6d. cloth boards (Free by Post), GENERAL INDEX TO SERIES THE THIRD (VOLS. I. XII.: 1862-1867) OF NOTES AND QUERIES A Medium of Intercommunication FOR LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. "When found, make a note of."-CAPTAIN CUTTLE. EXTRACT FROM PREFACE. SIX YEARS having elapsed since, following the example of other Joint Stock Companies-for what is NOTES AND QUERIES but a Joint Stock Company for the promotion of historical truth? -we rendered to our subscribers an account of our stewardship, we have called in once more the assistance of our highly skilful literary accountant, and in the following pages submit to public inspection his balance sheet, which will, we trust, show most satisfactorily how great has been the gain to historical, biographical, literary, antiquarian, and philological knowledge in the last twelve volumes of NOTES AND QUERIES. The late Lord Brougham, whose name can never be mentioned by us without grateful acknowledgment for many unsolicited acts of friendship, was once good enough to declare to us his opinion that "NOTES AND QUERIES was most useful, most valuable, and made ten times more so by its admirable Indexes." Lord Brougham was perfectly right. Intrinsically valuable as the contents of the many volumes of NOTES AND QUERIES must be for the information they contain, they would be comparatively useless but for the ready means which the Indexes afford of turning the information stored up in them to instant account. Without such Index they would form "One glaring chaos and wild heap of wit." But with such an Index as is here set before the reader, which well deserves Bayle's definition of an Index, " the soul of a book," the huge confusion springs into regularity and order, and the curious masses of information are at once available to the student. How vast and how varied these masses of information are, one little fact will serve to show. In the series of Indexes, of which the present is the third, there will be found nearly EIGHTY THOUSAND ARTICLES, many of them furnishing references to the best authorities on the special subjects to which they refer. The FIRST SERIES of NOTES AND QUERIES, in Twelve Volumes, was brought to a close at the end of 1855, by the issue of a GENERAL INDEX. Of the utility of this INDEX, The Times spoke as follows on June 28, 1856: "The utility of such a volume, not only to men of letters, but to well-informed readers generally, is too obvious to require proof, more especially when it is remembered that many of these references (between 30,000 and 40,000) are to articles which themselves point out the best sources of information upon their respective subjects." A SECOND SERIES of Twelve Volumes was completed at the end of 1861, by the publication of a similar GENERAL INDEX, of which The Times of November 8, 1862, remarks: "It contains about 30,000 references to articles written by some of our best scholars upon every conceivable subject, from predestination to slea silk,' for in the pages of this Everybody's Common-place Book no subject comes miss. It is a book which will be found most useful to those who pussess NOTES AND QUERIES, and indispensable to the searchers after the curiosities of literature.'" Of these Two INDEXES a few Copies may still be had, price 5s. and 5s. 6d. respectively. W. G. SMITH, 43, Wellington Street, Strand, and by order of all Booksellers and Newsmen. Printed by GEORGE ANDREW SPOTTISWOODE, at 5 New-street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the County of Middlesex; and Published by WILLIAM GREIG SMITH, of 43 Wellington Street, Strand, in the said County. Saturday, July 25, 1868. DISTRIBUTION OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS TO "ELAINE." AN ART UNION has been formed for the object of distributing the Original Drawings by GUSTAVE DORÉ to "ELAINE," an Idyll of the King. These beautiful works of Art, which are painted in monochrome, are on view at the Crystal Palace, and for the nominal Subscription of ONE GUINEA, each Subsriber has the certainty of obtaining a SET OF NINE fac-simile Chromo-lithographs. together with the chance of obtaining ONE of the ORIGINAL PAINTINGS. Agents are appointed in the principal Towns of the United Kingdom, of whom Prospectuses may be had, as well as at the Crystal Palace. Index to the original Drawings, by GeSTAVE DORE, the whole of which are to be distributed as Prizes: PRIZE I. KING ARTHUR DISCOVERING THE SKELETON OF THE BROTHERS. "And from the skull the crown Roll'd into light, and turning on its rims Fled like a glittering rivulet to the tarn." PRIZE II. LANCELOT APPROACHING THE CASTLE OF ASTOLAT. "Till as he traced a faintly-shadow'd track, That all in loops and links among the dales Fired from the west, far on a hill, the towers." PRIZE III. LANGELOT RELATING HIS ADVENTURES. "He spoke and ceased: the lily maid Elaine, Won by the mellow voice before she look'd, PRIZE IV. LANCELOT BIDS ADIEU TO ELAINE. "He look'd, and more amazed Than if seven men had set upon him, saw The maiden standing in the dewy light." PRIZE V. ELAINE ON HER ROAD TO THE CAVE OF LANCELOT. "Then rose Elaine and glided thro' the fields, In either twilight ghost-like to and fro PRIZE VI. TORRE AND LAVAINE BID FAREWELL TO THE BODY OF ELAINE. "So those two brethren from the chariot took Set in her hand a lily, o'er her hung The silken case, with braided blasonings." PRIZE VII. THE BODY OF ELAINE ON ITS WAY TO KING ARTHUR'S PALACE. "And the dead, Steer'd by the dumb went upward with the flood- The letter For she did not seem as dead, PRIZE VIII. KING ARTHUR READING THE LETTER OF ELAINE. "Thus he read, THE REMORSE OF LANCELOT. PRIZE IX. "And Lancelot answer'd nothing, but he went, And at the inrunning of a little brook Sat by the river in a cove, and watch'd The high reed wave." 4TH S. No. 31. (Price Fourpence. Stamped Edition, 5d. Will Close August 22. NATIONAL PORTRAIT EXHIBITION, Exhibition Road, South Kensington. Third and Concluding Series of Celebrated Persons who have died since 1800. On and after MONDAY, August 3, the Exhibition will be open FREE ON Mondays, Tuesdays. and Saturdays. On Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays the admission will be Sixpence each Person. Open from 10 A M. till 7 P.M. Catalogues 18. and Is. 6d. FRASER'S MAGAZINE FOR AUGUST. No. CCCCLXIV. price 28. 6d. Price 1s., Monthly, MACMILLAN'S MAGAZINE, No. 106 (for AUGUST). CONTENTS OF THE NUMBER. 1. MR. CLEMENTS R. MARKHAM on "THE ABYSSINIAN EXPEDITION," concluded. 2. "SUGGESTIONS ON PRIMARY EDUCATION, ANDA SHORT NOTICE OF THE METHOD OF TEACHING READING AND WRITING IN GERMANY." By A. J. C. 3. MR. HELPS' "REALMAH." continued. 4. MR. BALFOUR STEWART and MR. NORMAN LOCKYER on "THE SUN AS A TYPE OF THE MATERIAL UNIVERSE," concluded. 5.-MR. JOSEPH BENNETT on "THE AUTOGRAPH OF HANDEL'S MESSIAH."" 6. MISS YONGE'S "CHAPLET OF PEARLS," continued. 7.." THE QUARRELS OF FRIENDS." 8. THE REV. J. GILMORE'S "SAVED AT LAST." MACMILLAN & CO., London. |