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ness into the mind of an ingenuous youth, seeds of wisdom and virtue, which ripened into full maturity in the character of a most accomplished man: directing him to the acquisition of knowledge, * as the best instrument of action; teaching him by the cultivation of his reason, to strengthen and establish in his heart those principles of moral rectitude which were congenial to it; and, above all, exhorting him to regulate the whole conduct of his life by the predominant influence of gratitude, and obedience to God, as the only sure groundwork of every human duty!.

* Ingenium illustre altioribus studiis juvenis admodum dedit; non ut nomine magnifico segne otium velaret, sed quo firmior adversus fortuita Rem publicam capesseret.


What parent, anxious for the character and success of a son, born to any liberal station in this great and free country, would not, in all that related to his education, gladly have resorted to the advice of such a man? What youthful spirit animated by any desire of future excellence, and looking for the gratification of that desire, in the pursuits of honourable ambition, or in the consciousness of an upright, active, and useful life, would not embrace with transport any opportunity of listening on such a subject to the lessons of Lord Chatham? They are here before him. Not delivered with the authority of a preceptor, or a parent, but tempered by the affection of a friend towards a disposition and character well entitled to such regard.

On that disposition and character the editor forbears to enlarge. Their best panegyric will be found in the following pages. Lord Camelford is there described such as Lord Chatham judged him in the first dawn of his youth, and such as he continued to his lastest hour. The same suavity of manners, and steadiness of principle, the same correctness of judgment, and integrity of heart, distinguished him through life; and the

same affectionate attachment from those who knew him best has fol

lowed him beyond the grave.

Quæ Gratia vivo-Eadem sequitur tellure repôstum!

Of the course of study which these letters recommend, little can be necessary to be said by their editor. He is however anxious that a publication, calculated to produce extensive benefit, should not in any single point mislead even the most superficial reader: nor would he, with all the deference which he owes to the authority of Lord Chatham, willingly appear to concur in the recommendation or censure of any works, on which his own judgment is materially different from that, which he is now the instrument of delivering to the world.

Some early impressions had prepossessed Lord Chatham's mind with a much more favourable opinion of the political writings of Lord Bolingbroke, than he might himself have retained on a more impartial reconsideration. To a reader of the present day, the "Remarks on the History of England" would probably appear but ill entitled to the praises which are in these letters so liberally bestowed upon them. For himself, at least, the editor may be allowed to say, that their style is, in his judg

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