lating to Dodsley's publication of the Elegy, and to THE CONTENTS OF VOLUME THE SECOND OF GRAY'S WORKS. N. B. (Never before published). SECTION I. METRUM. INTRODUCTION by the Editor. Observations on English Metre. 3. On the Pseudo-Rhythmus. 31. -Observations on the use of Rhyme. 44.-Additional ditto. 50.-Remarks on the Poems of Lydgate. 55. SECTION II. POETICAL-MISCELLANEOUS-CLASSICAL. INTRODUCTION by the Editor. 83.-Translation from Propertius. 85. Ditto from Ditto. 87.-Ditto from Tasso. 90.-Latin translation from Petrarch. 93.Ditto from the Anthologia Græca. 94.-Architectura Gothica. 98. - Gothi. 104. - Literæ. 111.Histrio et Saltatio. 114. History from Lucian. 119. --Xenophon's Apologia Socratis. 121.-Lacedæmon. 123.-Miscellanea Classica. 126.-Notes on Aristophanes: Acharnenses. 132-Equites. 136Vespæ. 139-Nubes. 143-Pax. 146-Aves. 151Thesmophoriazusæ. 165-Lysistrata. 167-Ranæ 169-Ecclesiazusæ. 173-Plutus. 176. SECTION III. GEOGRAPHICAL. RELATING TO SOME PARTS OF INDIA AND OF PERSIA. INTRODUCTION by the Editor. 183.--Authors cited in comparing the ancient and modern state of India and of Persia. 187.-Ancient Description of the Coast, proceeding from the river Indus eastward. 193.-The Inland Country according to Strabo and Arrian. 218.-Of the Ganges, and of the rivers which join it, from the same authors and from Pliny. 223.-The Coast upon the Southern Ocean, from the mouth of the Indus west to the Persian Gulph, and the confines of Persis, according to Nearchus. 227. -Aria. 231. Carmania the Desert. 240.-Parthia. 242. - Margiana. 265. -Bactriana. 271. SECTION IV. SOME ACCOUNT OF THE DIALOGUES AND OF THE EPISTLES OF PLATO. INTRODUCTION by the Editor. 293.-(General View of the Works of Plato by Mr. Sydenham). *289. Brief Notices of Socrates and of his Friends. 299. The Phædrus. 307-Lysis. 316-Alcibiades I. 318 -Alcibiades II. 321-Theages. 324-Euthyphro. 327-Apologia Socratis. 329-Crito. 334-Phædo. 334-Erastæ. 337-Laches. 338-Hipparchus. 343 Philebus. 344-Meno. 352-Gorgias. 357-Minos. 371-Charmides. 373-Cratylus. 376-Symposium.. 377-Euthydemus. 382-Hippias Major. 385Hippias Minor. 386-Protagoras. 387-Io. 403Theætetus. 408-The Sophist. 411-Politicus. 415 De Republica. 421-Book I. 422-II. 425-III. 429 -IV. 433-V. 437-VI. 441-VII. 445-VIII. 448-ΙΧ. 453-X. 456-De Legibus. 460-Book I. 461-II. 469-III. 473-IV. 481-V. 485The Epistles: Epistle I. 490-II. 491-III. 494IV. 496-V. 497-VI. 498-VII. 501-VIII. 509 IX. 511-Χ. and XI. 512-XII. 517-XIII. 523. -Emendationes in Platonis Textum ex Edit. Serrani, H. Steph. Conjecturâ F. Sydenhami. 513 to 547. APPENDIX. A Specimen of some Illustrations of the Systema Naturæ of Linnæus by Mr. Gray.-Introduction by the Editor. 551-Linnæi Classis I. &c. &c. 555 to 580-Postscript to this Edition of the Works of T. Gray by the Editor. 583 to 629. THE END OF THE WORKS OF THOMAS GRAY. J. M'Creery, Printer, Black-Horse-Court, London. |