CORSEUL ARRONDISSEMENT OF DINAN.-In the notice upon "Dinan" (3rd S. v. 273, 275), the name of a place, once celebrated amongst the ancient Gauls and their Roman conquerors, was given as "Corsent," instead of Corseul. An untoward fate, as to its real designation, seems to attach to this Breton "Herculaneum." The Romans did not choose to call it after its original occupants the "Curiosilita," and they, therefore, described it as "Fanum Martis." So it continued until the fifth century; when the valiant Curiosilites, having shaken off the Roman yoke, restored the town to its original Celtic appellation. Since then, it has been described, with various changes of orthography, viz. as Corseul, Corseult, Corsold, Coursoult, Cursoul, Courseult, Courseu, Corseu, and Corseulte." It was not until the eighteenth century the "Fanum Martis" was identified, by the discovery in an obscure hamlet of the remains of a Roman temple. The more the soil of the same locality has since that time been explored, the more convincing are the proofs that, during the Roman occupation, Corseul must have been a station of very great importance. It has too, since then, been a subject of constant contention amongst Breton antiquaries. They have been puzzled in determining by whom it was first founded, and by what race of barbarians it was finally not merely destroyed, but almost completely obliterated. Lobineau, Deric, Manet, De la Porte, Merimes, are in doubt as regards both points. An accurate description of its most interesting antiquities has been given by M. Odirici, in a work upon Dinan; and a further reference to them is to be found in a work, published last year, by M. Jéhan de Saint Clavier, upon "Britanny." As to the derivation of the name of "Corseul," one of the Breton antiquaries, M. Jollivet, makes the following remark-the last sentence of which is worth quoting in the original :· "It has been asserted that Corseul is derived from Cur sul; and that these two words signify, in the Celtic language, the wood of the sun, the wood of the god of war. Nous ne voyons nulle part que cur ait la signification qu'on lui donne, ne même que ce mot soit breton." W. B. MAC CABE. Dinan, Côtes du Nord, France. Miscellaneous. NOTES ON BOOKS, ETC. The History of Our Lord as exemplified in Works of Art: with that of His Types, St. John the Baptist, and other Persons of the Old and New Testament. Commenced by the late Mrs. Jameson. Continued and completed by Lady Eastlake. In Two Volumes. (Longman & Co.) What lover of Art does not know and admire the beautiful and instructive volumes in which Mrs. Jameson has both told and illustrated how the Great Masters treated The Legends of the Madonna; The Legends of the Saints and Martyrs; and The Legends of the Monastic Orders? At the time of her death, in 1860, she was preparing the work before us; which she considered as the more important section, as well as the natural completion of her series of contributions to the literature of Christian Art. But though she had sketched out the programme, and indeed written some portion of it, Lady Eastlake-who, to do homage to the memory of her friend, undertook to continue and complete it-has had to do the work in her own way, and well indeed has she done it. After due consideration, she resolved on departing in some measure from the scheme proposed by Mrs. Jameson; and determined, as we think rightly, to treat the subjects chronologically. The work commences, therefore, with the Fall of Lucifer, and Creation of the World, followed by the Types and Prophets of the Old Testament. Next comes the History of the Innocents and of John the Baptist, leading to the Life and Passion of Our Lord. Lady Eastlake's reputation as an Art critic, and her intimate acquaintance with the Art treasures both of this country and the Continent, are sufficient to satisfy the reader as to the skill and judgment with which she would work out such a programme; and when we add, that she has been assisted by many of the men most eminent for their knowledge of Art in all its various forms, it will readily be conceived what a valuable contribution to our History of Early Art is the work before us. Like the volumes to which they form a handsome and appropriate completion, the two now before us are as profusely as they are beautifully illustrated-for upwards of 280 woodcuts, and upwards of 30 etchings, from the great works of the Great Masters, give interest to these two volumes: which, as Lady Eastlake says, may "serve to indicate those accumulated results of the piety and industry of ages-and the laws, moral, historical, and pictorial, connected with them-which have created a realm of Art almost kindred in amount to a Kingdom of Nature." The History of Scotland, from the Accession of Alexander III. to the Union. By Patrick Fraser Tytler, &c. In Four Volumes. Vol. I. (Nimmo.) The many years which have elapsed since the publication of the last edition of Mr. Tytler's History, have by no means diminished its reputation. The pains which the author bestowed on the accumulation of his materials, and the pleasing style in which he exhibited the result of his researches, won for the book a ready and welldeserved recognition of its merits. Under these circumstances, seeing the success which has attended the People's Editions of Macaulay and Alison, we think Mr. Nimmo has shown good judgment in determining to issue a People's Edition of Tytler; and seeing how neatly, yet cheaply it is produced, there can be little doubt that it will meet with the success it deserves. Notes on Wild Flowers. By a Lady. (Rivington.) The fair authoress of this pleasing little volume claims for it only the merit of a careful and painstaking com pilation, but it is something considerably more than this. Lately published, in small 8vo, 38. It is compiled with great taste, and a love for the beauty Notes. By the REV. WHARTON B. MARRIOTT, M.A., and of the gems which deck our fields, woodlands, and hedgerows, which is likely to lead many to the pleasant study of English wild flowers. Our Mutual Friend. By Charles Dickens. With Illustrations by Marcus Stone. (Chapman & Hall.) We will back Charles Dickens's Greenbacks against Chase's all the world over, as being of higher value, and consequently being certain of a wider circulation and readier acceptance. In this first issue, Mr. Dickens shows all his old vigour-his touching pathos, and quiet humour; and it is easy to foresee that before the story comes to an end, Our Mutual Friend, who already numbers his admiring acquaintances by thousands, will increase them ten fold. Particulars of Price, &c., of the following Books to be sent direct to the gentlemen by whom they are required, and whose names and aadresses are given for that purpose: JERUSALEM: the Emanation of the Great Albion, 1804. Printed by W. Wanted by Mr. J. Baynes Thompson, 3, Rothwell Street, SPENSER'S FARRY QUEENE. Books IV. & V., forming part of the 1st OLD ENGLISH PLAYS (the Series known as Dilke's). Part I. containing Marlow's Dr. Faustus. Large paper. London, 1814. WILLIAMS'S VIEWS IN GREECE. Part XII., completing the work. Royal 8vo. London, about 1814. Wanted by Mr. Marsh, Fairfield House, Warrington. BURKE'S EXTINCT PEERAGE. Wanted by E. M. B., Oxford Union Society, Oxon. Boys's NARRATIVE OF HIS CAPTIVITY IN FRANCE. 2nd Edition. Wanted by Rev. P. Sankey, North Shields. THE PLEASURES OF PIETY: a Poem, by the Rev. Robert Wilson. 2nd Edition. 1840. Wanted by H. M. Bealby, Esq., 4, Crowhurst Road, Angell Road, Brixton. DUNHAM'S HISTORY OF SWEDEN, DENMARK, &c., in Lardner's Cabinet Wanted by Mr. Miller, 5, Victoria Terrace, Larkhall Lane, S. Notices to Correspondents. JAMES II. AT FEVERSHAM. We shall in next "N. & Q." publish a very interesting contemporary account of the King's arrest. A. F. G. There is really now no settled rules as to mourning. It is now worn for a much shorter period than it used to be. There is no charge for inserting Queries in "N. & Q," Will our correspondent kindly say how we can return the stamps enclosed by him. PHILLIP SANKEY. "Tempora mutantur." The proper line is — "Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis," by Borbonius. See Delicia Poet. Germ., tom. i. p. 685. KILLINGFORD. Certainly," Gentleman," which is surely not, even in these days, applied to persons of inferior rank. E. M. B. Messrs. Nichols, 25, Parliament Street. R. H. R. The allusion is to the well-known passage in the Merry Wives of Windsor, Act I. Sc. 1, where Slender boasts that the Shallows may give the dozen white luces in their coat." *** Cases for binding the volumes of "N. & Q." may be had of the Publisher, and of all Booksellers and Newsmen. "NOTES AND QUERIES" is published at noon on Friday, and is also issued in MONTHLY PARTS. The Subscription for STAMPED COPIES for Six Months forwarded direct from the Publisher (including the Halfyearly INDEX) is 11s. 4d., which may be paid by Post Office Order, payable at the Strand Post Office, in favour of WILLIAM G. SMITH, 22, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C., to whom all COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE EDITOR should be addressed. "NOTES & QUERIES" is registered for transmission abroad. HE ADELPHI OF TERENCE, with English B.C.L., formerly Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, and late Assistant Master at Eton. "A work displaying sound scholarship and experience in teaching. In the Introduction the difficult subject of the Metres of Terence is ably treated."-Athenœum. "The comments on the Latin Text are both copious and able." Literary Churchman. "Very admirable notes at once able, judicious, critical, philological, and explanatory of the text, construction, and intention of the Play." "The edition before us deserves a cordial welcome." Press. Saturday Review. Ninth Edition, fcap. 2s. 6d. sewed; or 3s. cloth, HE WATER CURE in CHRONIC DISEASE: Chronic Diseases of the Digestive Organs, Lungs, Nerves, Limbs, and Skin; and of their Treatment by Water and other Hygienic Means. By JAMES MANBY GULLY, M.D., L.R.C.S., and F.K.P.S., Edinburgh; F.R.M.C.S. London, &c. "Dr. Gully has published a large and elaborate work on the Water Cure, which is, we think, the best treatise on the subject that has yet appeared."-Westminster Review. "Dr. Gully's book is evidently written by a well educated medical man. This work is by far the inost scientific that we have seen on hydropathy."-Athenaeum. "Of all the expositions which have been published respecting the Water Cure, this is the most tangible and complete.", Literary Gazette. LONDON, SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1864. - CONTENTS. -No. 124. NOTES:- Historical Fragment: James II. at Faversham, - REPLIES:- Cardinal Beton and Archbishop Gawin Dunbar, 402" Robin Adair," 404-Old Bindings, Ib.- Lewis Morris, 405-"Family Burying Ground". Sheen Priory -Fardel of Land - English Topography in Dutch-"In the Midst of Life we are in Death"-The Robin-Foreign Honours Burlesque Painters Robert Robinson of Cambridge "Revenons à nos Moutons"— - Sepia - Etymology of the Name Moses - D'Abrichcourt Queries Illegitimate Children of Charles II.- Lawn and Crape, &c., 406. Notes on Books, &c. Notes. Hymn HISTORICAL FRAGMENT: JAMES II. AT FAVERSHAM. The enclosed last two leaves of a Diary which adds a few details to the account of the capture of James II. at Faversham, which we have in Clarke's life of that king, and the other commonly quoted authorities, will, I am sure, be felt by you to possess sufficient interest for preservation in the pages of "N. & Q." Although there are no indications as to who the writer was, it is evident that he was in attendance upon the king. WM. DENTON. Ob. Walker, Ja. Gifford, Jo. Laybourne, Ch. Pulton, Wm Kingsley, Lockyer, and 2 priests, with several R. Cathol. merchts, ye Ld. Arundel's son and grandson, and others. "These were stopp't in or near Ospring Street, and most of y plunder'd: the success of these men was one of the greatest reasons yt push't ye seamen of Fevershã forwa, who abt 7 yt night, under y conduct of Wm Ames and Jo. Hunt mann'd out 3 boats, wth abt 50 men in ye whole, who taking notice of an uncertain rumour yt went abroad, yt several were flying by sea into France, in great zeal and in quest of a prize, went off towards Sheppey, and abt 11 at night 5 near the Naze point they found a Custom-house boat, who was taking in ballast, whin was St Ed. Hales, Ralph Sheldon, and one more, yt prov'd to be K J. W Ames leapt into the hold alone, and seized ym in ye P. of O.'s name. S E. Hales wd have fir'd, but was forbid by ye unknown gent. Tre were 5 or 6 cases of pistols loaden, wch might have done great execucon, if made use of, but no hopes cd have been of y' lives, if they had proceeded to opposicon in yt manner. Yet I am very well satisfy'd, if ye Ke had discover'd himselfe privately to W. Ames, who was some time in ye hold alone, he had never been carry'd ashore, but been dismiss't before morning. "The seamen kept off to sea all night, where they rifled ye parties wth rudeness enough. They found in the whole near 2001 in gold, and about half wth K.J. wch wth swords, and watches, &c. were great plunder to ym. I know not how it happen'd, but ye greatest rudeness still fell on ye Ks, whose very breeches were undone and examin'd for secret weapones so undecently, as even to the discoveries of his nudities. This ye Ks afterwds much resented, as not fit to be offer'd to a gentleman or any other person. odd a disguise, unsufferable affronts were put "Whilst ye K. continu'd unknown and in so upon him. He was generally concluded to be a Jesuite, if not F. Peter, and treated with such harsh expressions as old rogue, ugly, lean-jaw'd, hatchet-fac't Jesuite, popish dog, &c. . . . . Dec. 11th, 1688.' The mobile were up, and stopped several considerable passengers, "Thus y night was pass't unpleasantly enough, viz. Sr Tho. Jenner 2, Mr. Burton, Graham 3, &c.;ye mob being extremely abusive, ev'n beyond wt (1)"Things growing more in a ferment, and all tending towards the Prince, the King went the 10th at night to Somerset House, and stayed with the Queen Dowager some time; and at 2 in the morning on the 11th he took water privately, and went over the river, in order to going beyond sea."-Luttrell's Brief Relation. "The night between the 10th and 11th of December, in a plain suit and bob-wig, he took water at Whitehall, accompanied only by Sir Edward Hales, and Abbadie, a Frenchman, page of the back stairs, without acquainting other with his intention." (2) Chief Baron of the Exchequer, and hence frequently spoken of as Baron Jenner. (3) "The Bishop of Chester" [Cartwright] "is said to have been seized near Dover, and Baron Jenner, Burton, ye leaders desir'd. Only one Jeffreys, a pipemaker, was very civil to ye Ke unknown, as supposing him to be a gentleman, wch humanity I and Graham, at the town of Fereham."-Ellis Correspondence, vol. ii. p. 356. (4) Not in London, as Lord Macaulay seems to have supposed. (5) Macaulay says, "James had travelled with relays of coach-horses along the southern shore of the Thames, and on the morning of the twelfth had reached Emley Ferry, near the isle of Sheppey." It is evident from our diarist, that the king could not have arrived later than early on the evening of the eleventh. Indeed, had he travelled by relays, he must have arrived long before the morning of the twelfth. saw ye Ks resent very gentilely, and give him such a reward as his condicōn wd bear. "Dec. 12th. Abt noon, ye Kɛ St E. Hales, and R. Sheldon, were brought up in a coach to Feversha, frō ye place of yr landing, when tis remarkable yt fresh rudeness attended him, for tho' S E. Hales was carry'd over the ouse, or dirt, by ye seamen, yet it was a long dispute wheth' y' civility shd be pay'd to ye unknown person. "He was carry'd to the Q's Arms in Feversha, where he was soon discover'd and guards set upon gt strictness and severity. "He ask't several to be instrumental to procure him a boat to carry him off, but ye seamen generally deny'd him, upon wch a strange jealousy seis'd them yt in the night ye gentlemen in some odd disguise wa carry him off, wch made ym more rudely diligt in y' guards, and unwilling he shd remove to a private house. his room wth "The E. of Winchelsea was sent for by y Ks, who came before night, and yn it was thought convenient ye K8 shd remove to private lodgings : but gt opposicōn was made by ye seamen, and as y K pass't down ye stairs, swords were drawn and threatening expressions us'd by the guards, and w much adoe they were contented to let ye Ks remove, upon promise, yt ye seamen only might guard him, whilst he stayed in town, who confin'd him very strictly by reason of ye jealousie wch made him melancholy at times. "That night, however, he seemed to sup heartily, and was pleased to comand ye gentlemen to sit down with him, wch condescension was very gratefull to several. "Dec. 13th. The East Kent gentlemen came in a great body, and before his face (for he was in the window) read the P. of O.'s declaracōn, weh made ye mobb break out into fresh insolencies, and towds night a messenger came from the fort of Sheerness, wch told ye Ks y'ye govern' intended to surrender yt fort, and the fleet in the Swale (the road near for ships to ride in) to y° P. of O. wch seemed to afflict him, but he sd he was willing to consent to anything to avoid bloodshed. "After wch y seamen guarded y Ks so narrowly, y tis sd they follow'd him to his devocōns, nay, and were so indecent as to press near him in his retiremt for nature. "Dec. 14. By this time news came yt ye P. of O. did not approve of ye Kg's being stop't, wch made several of ym yt were concern'd very blank, and wish they had never medled. But w" news came yt y° Lds at Guildhall did not much dislike y thing, they soon reviv'd and fancy'd y' they shd all be rewarded for yir expedicion. "Abt noon news came yt ye K.'s guards were upon ye road, to wait on him to Lond, and yn ye strangest ferm and passion siez'd ye mobb, yt cd be thought of, bec. ye Ld Feversha (a man ill resented by ym) was sd to be wth ym. They seem'd resolv'd not to part with him, talking of making preparacons to fight, and taking ye pains to cutt ym off, &c., wch put ye neighbourhood into a gt consternacōn, for nobody knew wt they meant, nor where it wd end. "The gentlemen endeavour'd all they cd, but all in vain, for ye seamen and the mobb ruled all, and yir passions flew out to yt extremity, yt y• gentlemen were forc't to send expresses to y guards, to stop short 6 miles, for doubtless if they had enter'd Feversha yt night, mischief had ensu’d. "Dec. 15th. As soon as cd be wth convenience, y K moved out of town, wth his guard of seamen, and ye gentlemen, and about 5 miles off was met by his guards, who took him out of ye hands of ye mobb, wn his spirit seem'd to revive, and he became as it were anoth' man, as being glad to be rid of such guards, whose rudeness none cd justify, and wt wd be ye consequences at last none cd guess. Notes by the Diarist. "(1.) The Ks was in an old camlet cloak, an ill pair of boots, a short black wigg, a patch on his upper lips on the left side, and otherwise extremely plain, in habit. 66 (2.) The Ks would not receive his gold again, of weh he was plunder'd, but ordered it to be divided among ym y took him. But watches, swords, and pistols were taken by him again. "(3.) When it was observ'd ye Ks out of generosity refused his gold, but was destitute still, one Mr Lees, a clergyman, 1, wth some oth gentry and clergy, humbly offer'd him some gold (in all about 100lb) to serve his pesent wants, wch he took very kindly, but took care to repay yTM ere he left y town. 66 (4.) The K. lost a crucifix he much valued, say'd to have some of the true material cross in it, and offer'd largely to regain it, but ye party y had it broke it in pieces, in greediness of y gold, wh wch it was only tip't, wch ye K. seem'd much concern'd for. 66 (5.) The K borrow'd a bible, w" in town, and was seen to read much in it, and sa he took grt pleasure in reading SS, and made it part of his private retirem before devocōn. "(6.) The Ks was very temperate, and never or rarely drank between meals, wch tho' well known elsewhere, yet was matt of pleasing surprise to many here, who had other nocōns of gr men and courts. "(7.) The women were very tender and compassionate to ye Ks in his confiñent, seeming not to approve wt ye seamen did. 66 (8.) The K afterwds discourst wth several of ym yt siez'd him, and forgave ym, and w" he left ye town they came in a body, a party, to ask forgiveness, wch he cheerfully gave ym, saying, I forgive y° all, even Moon too, weh Moon, after ye Ke was discov'd, curst him to his face,-ye K ask't him his name, wch wn he had told, ye Ks sd it ought to be Shimei, for Shimei curs't ye Ld's anointed, and so ye man is commonly call'd. 66 (9.) His discourses were very grave and pious, and show'd a grt sense of religio, and y comfort he had in his troubles, among many oth wt follows is remarkable. He sd he was certain ye P. of O. on his coming design'd his life, and yt he thought y' was but one step between his priso and his grave, and y'fore tho' he might fall a sacrifice, as Abel did by ye hand of Cain, yet he doubted not but he and his cause wd be accepted of God. "W" he look'd out of his window and saw ye violece of ye rabble, he sd, I can't help nor hinder this, God alone can do it, who stills ye raging of the seas, ye noise, &c. "He was not willing to send away his son till he had a call to doe so, tho it was not so extraordinary and express, yet it was as sufficient as wt ye angel sd to Jos. Ma. ii. 13, Arise, &c.' He often repeated Herod doth seek ye life of ye young child to destroy him.' เ "The K, persuading some clergymen yt waited upon him to provide some vessels to carry him off, us'd ye loyalty of ye Ch. of Eng. for an argum*, telling y if he sha perish for want of yir assistance, wt trouble it might give ym to reflect y'on. He told ym how David's heart smote him for cutting off y skirt of Saul's garmt, and this must be more troublesome, if they considr ye mischief yt may y'by fall upon him. Wn they made yir excuse fro y difficulty and danger of ye attempt, he replied to ym in ye words of ye Saviour, He that is not for me is against me.' "He repeated ye greatest part of Job's 5th ch. abt afflictio and ye benefit of it. V. 1, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 to ye end. "He made use of ye 1 Macc. xi. 10, For I repent that I gave my daughter to him, for he sought to slay me.' He sd ye fears of ye Ch. of had occasioned yse troubles, but he never design'd any hurt or disturbance to yir interest, but as they are afraid of idolatry and superstitio, they ought to have a care to avoid, and not be engaged in rebellio and oth' sins, and he quoted 6 Rom. ii. 22, Thou that abhorrest,' &c. "He appli'd Job xlii. 10-12 to himself, And ye La turned again,' &c. They plunder'd all things but a psalter or psalm book, wch he s he valu'd more y all he had lost. "Rainy, rainy, rattle stones, Don't you rain on me; ANON. passing the Hambleton Station on the railway be hives having pieces of crape attached to them. tween Milford and Selby, I observed three beeOn inquiring of a fellow-passenger, he informed me that some members of the station-master's family had lately died, and that the custom of putting the hives in mourning under such circumstances was not uncommon in that district. ACHE. EDWARD HAILSTONE. WILTSHIRE METHOD OF PREVENTING TOOTH- If you take one of the forelegs of a want (i. e. a mole), and one of its hind legs, and put them into a bag, and wear the whole hung about your neck, you will never have the tooth-ache. This valuable specimen of Wiltshire wisdom is ap"He own'd much comfort he had recd in read-parently one of the "things not generally known." ing of SS, weh he s was not deny'd by ye Ch. of "He s he wd forsake sceptre, and crowns, and all this world's glory for Xt's sake, and he had yt inward peace and cofort wch he wd not exchange for all ye interest of ye earth. B. H. C. |