serious Passages in the Course of his Life and Fortune. 1715." H. CONGREVE. "THE IRISH TUTOR."- Who really wrote The Irish Tutor? I know to whom the credit is given, but he was not the author. S. REDMOND. Liverpool. "KIMBOLTON PARK: A HUNTINGDONSHIRE QUERY.-Who was "the Revd. Mr. H," the author of the poem of "Kimbolton Park," which occupies nine pages in vol. iv. of Pearch's Collection of Poems, 1783? Was he "the Reverend Mr. Hutchinson of Holywell, Hunts," referred to in a foot-note to p. 569, vol. ii. of Pratt's Gleanings in England, 1801, as the "very respectable and ingenious gentleman," who is mentioned in the body of the work as having "been long and laboriously employing himself in a history of the county (Huntingdonshire), with the laudable design of doing justice to some parts which have suffered from misrepresentation, and of giving a fair and candid description of the whole." Of Mr. Hutchinson's History, Pratt says, "Various public and private causes have protracted, and are still likely to delay, the publication of this work; but, from a generous outline which I am permitted to communicate to you, you will judge what copious sheaves may be expected, when I can send you his whole harvest." I am desirous to know if the History, or any, portion of it (other than the " generous outline" here indicated) was ever published? and, if not, if Mr. Hutchinson's collection has been used by any other author, or if it is still in existence, and if so, where? CUTHBERT Bede. "LOYALTY MEDALS," ETC. I saw described in a coin dealer's London catalogue, medals with the head of Charles I., thus described. They were of silver. Is there any work which gives a description of the medals of the Royalists of the time of Charles I.? A memorial, which I take to be something of this sort, is described in a note to The Diary of Sir Henry Slingsby of Scriven, Bart., and of Red House, near York, edited by Daniel Parsons, M.A. 1836, p. 137: "A very interesting memorial of this march [towards Dantry during the Civil War] is still in existence: it is a silver medal of an oval shape, made to be worn. On it is a half-length of Sir Henry in his military dress, but unhelmeted, and with long flowing hair, and round three sides this legend: 'Ex. Residvs. Nvmmi. Svb. Hasta Primmiana. Lege. Prædati. Jvxta. Daventriam. An. Earnest. Penny. For. My. Children.' Tho. H. B. Slingsby, Oxon. 1644. On the back, which is quite smooth, is lightly engraved Scriven and Slingsby impaling Belasyze, and the crest a lion passant. And it is remarkable that the baron coat is dimidiated so that Scriven appears once at top, and once below, barwise. Below the coat is engraved, Beheaded June ye 8. by O. C. 1657,' which should be 1658. The coat and inscription on the back may be presumed from the style of engraving to have been added about the close of the 17th century." In a meeting of the Society of Antiquaries of May 5, W. D. Haggard, Esq., presented to the society's library, among other bequests, "4. A List and Description of Medals relating to the Pretender." Would some member of the Antiquarian Society of London be so good as to note such medals of the Stuarts, with their description, from this list as are not in the "Series of Medals of the Stuart Family in the Collection of Mr. Edward Hawkins, F.R.S., F.S.A., mentioned in the Catalogue of Antiquities, Works of Art, and Historical Scottish Relics, exhibited in the Museum of the Archæological Institute at Edinburgh in 1856, and send them to "N. & Q.," so as to render the list of Stuart medals as complete as possible. ANON. INSCRIPTION AT PORTCHESTER.-Can any of your readers inform me if the following inscription on a monument in the ancient church of Portchester, Hampshire, is a quotation or an original composition? Early, bright, transient, chaste as morning dew, THE REGENT AND LORDS GREY AND GRENVILLE.-In 1812, on the expiration of the "restrictions" on the Regency, the Prince Regent addressed a letter, dated Feb. 13, to the Duke of York, which was intended as an overture to Lords Grey and Grenville. of the same month. Of these two documents I This letter was answered by them on the 15th have copies. Can any one tell me whether they have as yet appeared in print, and if so, where? D. SALMON IN THE THAMES.-In the famous Ledger Book of Rochester, or Textus Roffensis, cap. 179, is the following curious entry, which I translate thus, subject, of course, to correction: "This is the alms-giving [elemosina] which Lord Ernulf, the Bishop, with the consent and at the request of the monks, appointed to be made every year for the soul of our father Gundulf, the Bishop, in his anniver sary. The Secretary should give 40 pence [quadriginta denarios], the Chamberlain 40 pence, the Cellarer 40 pence, and a thousand of herrings [unum millenarium allecium], Hedreham [probably Hedenham, of which the monks held the manor] 4 shillings [solidos], and two salmon [duos salmones]. Frendesberi, Devintuna, Flietes, Wldeham [probably Frindsbury, Davington, South Fleet, and Wouldham] 6 shillings and two salmons. Lambetha one, and Southwerca one [Lambeth, the manor of which they had, except the curia or palace of the Archbishop, and Southwark]. These 20 shillings the Cellarer shall receive, and having thence bought bread and herrings [et empto inde pane et allece], he with the almoners shall distribute them on that day to the poor. That the monks shall have the salmon in the refectory." We are told that at one time salmon were so common that parents bound down masters not to give this food to their children when apprenticed more than twice a week; that they have been taken above bridge in the Thames by hundredweights in a day, and so on. Now Gundulf's anniversary was on the 7th of March (our 18th, New Style), when this fish are no longer rarities. Could it have been worth while then, if salmon abounded, to receive them, one from such a place as Lambeth, and one from Southwark; and to carry them thirty miles to Rochester, or to make four towns club together to find two salmon-half a fish a piece-when we should have supposed they might have been caught not far from Rochester in scores? Fortypence (three shillings and fourpence) and a 1000 herrings also seem an odd proportion to four shillings and two salmon. It seems curious too that none of the eight salmon were given away, but entirely consumed by the monks themselves. The passage would seem to infer that in Ernulf's time, A.D. 1115, salmon were not so common in the Thames. Poets' Corner. A. A. -I SLAVERY PROHIBITED IN PENNSYLVANIA. am very desirous of obtaining a copy of an Act passed in the year 1711 by the Assembly of Pennsylvania, prohibiting, under any condition, the importation of slaves into that colony. "As soon as the law reached England to receive the usual confirmation of the Crown, it was peremptorily cancelled."-Life of Wm. Penn, by Dixon, Philadelphia edit. p. 331. Dixon refers to Proprietary Papers, vol. ix. Q. 29, State Paper Office. In Bettle's Negro Slavery, "Memoirs, Hist. Soc. of Penna.," vol. i. part 1. p. 370, the title of the Act is given: "An Act to Prevent the Importation of Negroes and Indians into the Province." The writer says, "it is doubtful whether a copy of it is in existence." If this be a proper question for "N. & Q." I venture to hope that some correspondent will be able to refer me to the right quarter for information. I learn from a friend of Mr. Granville John Penn, that that gentleman is now engaged in examining hitherto unexplored papers of his distinguished ancestors. Perhaps this and other more interesting questions may be solved by this search. ST. T. UNPUBLISHED SHAKSPERIAN MSS. OF THE LATE MR. CALDECOTT.-These MSS. would no doubt be of considerable 'importance, Mr. Caldecott being an able critic, and having access to so many rare books of the Elizabethan period. His notes were chiefly unpublished, those on two plays only having been printed. I have ascertained that they were bequeathed to Mr. George Crowe, son of the late public orator at Oxford. If Mr. Crowe is still living, perhaps he would excuse an appeal that the papers be deposited in the Shakspeare Museum at Stratford-on-Avon, a collection already of great importance, preserved in spacious rooms at the birth-place in Henley Street, and for the benefit of which I should gratefully receive any Shaksperian presents. I will take great care of any that may be entrusted to my charge at No. 6, St. Mary's Place, West Brompton, near London. The names of all donors will be registered at the Museum, and also published. J. O. HALLIWELL. REV. GEORGE WALKER.-Can of any your correspondents give me any information respecting the ancestors and descendants of the Rev. George Walker, who defended Londonderry against James II.? His sister Anne married Mr. Maxwell of Falkland, co. Monaghan; and a watch, formerly belonging to him, is in the possession of one of her descendants. H. M. L. THE REV. THOMAS WILKINSON published: — 1. "A Discourse on the Doctrine of Original Sin (occasioned by an Appendix to Stackhouse's Dissertation on that Subject, dedicated with Permission to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, by the Rev. Dr. Gleig, a Bishop of the Scotch Episcopal Church), preached at St. Paul's Cathedral on Sunday, the 9th of March. London. 8vo. 1817." 2. "The Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures proved by the evident Completion of many very important Prophecies. London. 8vo. 1823." In the first work he is designated M.A., Rector of Bulvan, Essex, and Curate of St. Andrew's, Holborn; and in the second, B.D., Rector of Bulvan. We presume that he was of Trinity College, Cambridge; B.A. 1793; M.A. 1796; B.D. 1819. Information respecting him, and especially the date of his death, will oblige Cambridge. C. H. & THOMPSON COOPER. [It is somewhat remarkable that nothing is known of the personal history of George Meriton, attorney at North Allerton, and author of several legal and other works. He was the elder brother of Thomas Meriton, the dramatist, who dedicated (“with notable nonsense," says Wm. Oldys) his tragedy Love and War, 4to, 1658, "to the truly noble, judicious gentleman, and his most esteemed brother, Mr. George Meriton." Langbaine says, “I am apt to believe these two brothers acted the counterpart of those German brethren that dwelt at Rome, the orator and the rhetorician mentioned by Horace (Epist. lib. ii. ep. 2), whose business it was— 'Ut alter Alterius sermone meros audiret honores: Gracchus ut hic illi foret, hic ut Mucius illi.”” George Meriton must be the person of that name who appeared at Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, A.D. 1666, when he described himself of Castle Leavington, son of Thomas of the same place (ob. 1652), who was son of George Meriton, D.D., chaplain to Anne of Denmark, and Dean of Peterborough and afterwards of York. The George Meriton living in 1666 had married Mary, daughter of T. Palliser of Kirkby Wick, by whom he had Thomas, aged eight in 1665. He had also two sisters married to two Pallisers, and one of the family being an archbishop in Ireland, may possibly account for his removal to that country, as related by Thoresby. George Meriton sent his second son George to Cambridge, where he died on August 14, 1680, and was buried in All Saints' Church. An inscription to his memory is printed in Le Neve's Monumenta Anglicana, iv. 4. Cole, in his MS. Parochial History of Cambridgeshire, iii. 65, states that this monument has since been removed," and no signs of any such monument being there, nor the upper stone preserved, that I could see in any part of the church; but luckily the inscription, though the stone is lost, is preserved, through the care of that most learned and industrious antiquary, Mr. Baker, who sent it to Mr. Le Neve." A few such industrious antiquaries as Browne Willis, Thomas Baker, and John Le Neve, are much required in our day for the preservation of monumental inscriptions. One of the most popular productions of George Meriton, the attorney, is that curious poem, The Praise of Yorkshire Ale, 1683, 1685, and 1697, which, by-the-bye, is attributed to Giles Morrington by our correspondent in his History of North Allerton, pp. 348, 387. That literary detective, William Oldys, in his notes on Langbaine in the British Museum, informs us that this humorous piece was "by George Meriton, a Yorkshire attorney, who wrote several books on the law," the same George Meriton, as he thinks, with the person of that name mentioned by Langbaine (p. 368) in the account of his brother, Thomas Meriton. Hence, too, when Thoresby says that "George Meriton had written somewhat of the Northern dialect," he was no doubt thinking of the "Alphabetical Clavis unfolding the meaning of all the Yorkshire words" used by him in this delectable poem, and printed as an Appendix to it. Again, in Immorality, Debauchery, and Profaneness Exposed, by George Meriton, Gent., the author in several places speaks of the strong ale of North Allerton, as well as of his small estate at Cleaveland, which seems to confirm the identity. The Praise of Yorkshire Ale is attributed to him by Gough (British Topog. 1780, ii. 467), in Bohn's Lowndes, and in the Catalogues of the Bodleian, Grenville, Malone, and Douce collections. A list of George Meriton's productions will be found in Watt's Bibliotheca Brit., and in Marvin's Legal Biography. The following work is omitted, which we are inclined to attribute to him: Miscellanea, or a Collection of Wise and Ingenious Sayings, &c. of Princes, Philosophers, Statesmen, Courtiers, Poets, Ladies, Painters, &c., also Epitaphs. By G. M. 12mo, 1694. In Thorpe's Catalogue, 1832, No. 6409, it is stated to be by G. Mereton. There is also an unpublished MS. by him in the British Museum (Addit. MS. 10,401), entitled "A Briefe History or Account, shewing howe People did Trafficke in the World before the invention of Money, with an Account of the severall sorts of Metalles; likewise to whome the prerogative of Coyning Money belongs, also an Account of our Silver and Gold Coyns; lastly, an Abstract of all our Laws relating to Money. Dedicated to Lord Chief Justice Holt. By George Meriton, 4to." This MS. was purchased at Heber's sale, lot 762.] LAMBETH DEGREES IN MEDICINE. — In the House of Commons, on the 13th of May, Colonel French asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if it were the fact, that the Archbishop of Canterbury had the power to confer the title of Doctor of Medicine on persons who had not undergone an examination before the College of Physicians. Sir G. Grey said, in reply, that he had been unable to ascertain what were the facts of this subject, and could only state that under an old statute the Archbishop of Canterbury had the power of conferring the degree of Doctor of Medicine. That, however, was hardly recognised under the last Medical Act. He could not state whether the present Archbishop had ever exercised the power. Colonel French said that it was exercised in 1858. Probably some of the correspondents of "N. & Q" will be able to state some of the latest instances of this degree having been conferred. N. [A careful inspection of The London and Provincial Medical Directory for 1864, would doubtless give the latest instance. In glancing through it we noticed that the Lambeth degree of Doctor of Medicine had been recently conferred on the following gentlemen: W. S. Oke, Southampton, 1828; William Bayes, Cambridge, 1850; F. G. Julius, Richmond, Surrey, 1851; R. B. Grindrod, Great Malvern, 1855; J. H. Ramsbotham, Leeds, 1855. An honourable member of the House has moved for a return of all medical degrees conferred by the Archbishops of Canterbury; which return, we presume, will be made in due course. A correspondent of The Times of May 17, 1864, has furnished the following interesting particulars of medical legislation: "As a Lambeth graduate in medicine, I may not only be able to answer the question asked by Colonel French in the House of Commons last night, but also to give to your readers some insight into Henry VIII.'s medical legislation. "I may premise that, at the commencement of his reign, medicine-or, as it was then called, physic-was in a most deplorable condition throughout the whole of England; the practice of the art was in the hands of monks, alchymists, and empirics, and all that was known of the science was confined to those (chiefly priests) who had studied at Rome, Padua, Bologna, Florence, &c., where physic had long before been taught - although up to this time there had been little, if any, provision for teaching it in this country. Henry VIII.'s first attempt at a Medical Bill was by the 3rd of Henry VIII. cap. 11, whereby he confers on the Bishop of London, and, in his absence, on the Dean of St. Paul's, the exclusive power or privilege of licensing physicians in the City of London and within seven miles in compass. In 1518 two priests, John Chambre and Thomas Linacre-the latter of whom had been tutor to the Prince Arthur, and both of whom had studied physic at Florence, &c., obtained from Henry, through the influence of Cardinal Wolsey, letters patent constituting a corporate body of regular physicians in London. The 14th and 15th of Henry VIII. cap. 5, confirms this charter. The 25th of Henry VIII. cap. 21, gives power to the Archbishop of Canterbury to confer all manner of licenses, dispensations, faculties, &c., as heretofore hath been used, and accustomed to be had at the See of Rome, and this power was held by our courts of law, about the end of the eighteenth century, to be a power to confer degrees. "The 32nd of Henry VIII. cap. 42, incorporates the (until that time) unincorporated Surgeons with the Corporation of Barbers; and the 34-35th of Henry VIII. cap. 8, gives power to persons, being no common surgeons, to administer medicine in some diseases-viz, ague, &c. The 18th of George II. cap. 15, forms the surgeons into a separate corporation. The 55th of George III. cap. 194, incorporates a body of medical practitioners to be called Apothecaries. "The late Medical Act gives to all registered practitioners in medicine and surgery an unqualified right to practise medicine and surgery throughout the whole of Her Majesty's dominions at home and abroad, thereby sweeping away at one blow the whole of the petty restrictions of the different licensing boards; it requires, however, every practitioner in medicine or surgery to be registered, and exempts all future graduates of Lambeth from the right to be registered."] MEDMENHAM CLUB.-Is there any truth in the accounts in that strange book Chrysal, of orgies more than Bacchanalian, carried on at Medmenham Abbey by a party of noblemen and gentlemen from the metropolis, about the end of the last century or the beginning of this? Has anything been written on the subject more than appears in this book? H. C. [Johnston, in his novel Chrysal; or, the Adventures of a Guinea, has probably furnished the longest, but somewhat fictitious account of the Medmenham Club-a society of wits and humorists, who, under the assumed title of Monks of St. Francis, converted the ruins of the Abbey into a convivial retreat. Some other particulars of this mysterious fraternity may be found in Capt. Edward Thompson's Life of Paul Whitehead, edit. 1777, pp. xxxiii. to xxxix.; The Town and Country Magazine, i. 122; and Churchill's Poems, edit. Tooke, 1854, iii. 168, 185, 275. It is not surprising that a club, which had excited so much notoriety, and provoked so much satire, should have rendered itself an object of literary curiosity, composed as it was of such men as Charles Churchill, John Wilkes, Robert Lloyd, Francis Lord le Despencer, Bubb Doddington, Lord Melcombe Regis, Sir John Dashwood King, Bart, Paul Whitehead, Henry Lovebond Collins, Esq., Dr. Benjamin Bates, Sir William Stanhope, K.B., and some other congenial spirits. Langley, who wrote his History of Desborough, Bucks, in 1797, was unable to collect any authentic particulars of this memorable sodality. He says: "Some few years since the abbey house was tenanted by a society of men of wit and fashion under the title of Monks of St. Francis, whose habit they assumed. During the season of their conventual residence, they are supposed not to have adhered very rigidly to the rules of life which St. Francis had enjoined. order: Fay ce que voudras.' Some anecdotes related in a publication of that day were said to refer to this society; but from the little information I have collected, there appears to be no strong foundation for that opinion. The woman, who was their only female domestic, is still living [1797]; and after many enquiries, I believe all their transactions may as well be buried in oblivion.”] Over the door is inscribed the motto of its last monastic NATHANIEL BENTLEY alias DIRTY DICK. There is an engraved portrait of this once notorious character, who was living in Leadenhall Street at the beginning of this century. There is also a Life of him, without date. When did he die? He is noticed in the Annual Register, xlvii. 521. S. Y. R. [The more venerable of the readers of " N. & Q." will doubtless remember a celebrated emporium for wares of all sorts in Leadenhall Street, called "Dirty Dick's Warehouse." The number of the house was 46, which is now divided into two tenements. In his early days, Nathaniel Bentley was called the Beau of Leadenhall Street, and might be seen at all public places of resort, dressed as a man of fashion. He not only spoke French and Italian fluently, but his demeanour was that of a polished gentleman. As the story goes, our young tradesman had made proposals to the daughter of a wealthy citizen, and had been accepted; but as "the course of true love never did run smooth," by some untoward event the match was broken off. Time passes on, and our fashionable beau becomes better known as "Dirty Dick," the inveterate enemy of soap and towels. his warehouse in Leadenhall Street, in which for forty years It was in February, 1804, that Bentley finally quitted he had conducted business among cobwebs and dust. He then took a house in Jewry Street, Aldgate, where he lived for three years; but his landlord refusing to renew the lease, he removed to Leonard Street, Shoreditch, taking with him a stock of spoiled goods to the amount of 10,000l. Here he was robbed of a considerable sum by a woman with whom he was imprudent enough to form a connexion in his old age. To divert his mind from the contemplation of his misfortune, he travelled from one place to another until he reached Haddington, in Scotdisposition, he took up his abode at the Crown Inn, where land. Almost pennyless, and suffering severely from in in the churchyard of that town.] he died about the close of the year 1809, and was buried LADY ELIZABETH SPELMAN.-This lady, in her will dated Nov. 2, 1745, describes herself of the parish of St. James's, Westminster, widow, and was buried at St. James's on Jan. 19, 1747-8. There is nothing in her will to indicate whose widow she was. If any of your genealogical readers can tell who her husband was, he will oblige by an answer to this query. Lady Spelman bequeathed many valuable portraits to different persons; amongst others, to her two cousins Mrs. Ann and Mrs. Elizabeth Brierly, the picture of the learned Sir Henry Spelman, and one cf Philip Lord Wharton. She bequeaths also a picture of the Lady Mary Carey, Countess of Denbigh, and the Lady Elizabeth Spelman, daughter to John Earl of Middleton, and Martha his Countess, quarter-length. The last picture was no doubt that of herself. From the bequest of the picture of the learned Sir Henry Spelman, one is led to infer that her husband was of the learned antiquary's family; and who her husband was, it is the object of this inquiry to ascertain. F. L. [We are inclined to think the lady inquired after is noticed in Blomefield's Norfolk, 8vo, edit. 1807, vol. vi. p. 459, where we read that "William Spelman, Esq., lord and patron of the manor of Wickmere, married Elizabeth, daughter of Martha Countess of Middleton, second wife of John Earl of Middleton in Scotland, and daughter and heiress of Henry Cary, Earl of Monmouth." In the Gent. Mag. xviii. 43, her death is thus noticed: "Died Jan. 11, 1748, Lady Elizabeth Spelman, daughter of late John Earl of Middleton, Governor of Tangier."] SANATORY.-Will some of your learned correspondents fix the orthography of this word? The great United States Commission spells it "sanitary," which may go far towards making this the accepted spelling. Would not analogy make it follow the spelling of sanatio, rather than of sanitas? ST. T. [Sanare is to cure, and a curing-place is properly called sanatorium. But the Latin for health is sanitas, and the laws which relate to health should be called sanitary. In French, we have sanatoire (a word of rare occurrence), curative, that which tends to restore health. Sanitaire, that which tends to preserve health; as "lois sanitaires," "police sanitaire," "cordon sanitaire" (Bescherelle). So in English, "Sanatory, healing, curing often erroneously used for sanitary" (Ogilvie.) "Sanitary, preservative of health; as, sanitary laws."-Itid.] Replies. PARISH REGISTERS. (3rd S. v. 243.) In a similar careful and restoring spirit as that described by W. W. S. have the old registers of the parish of Easton Maudit, in the county of Northampton, been preserved. This is easily accounted for from its having had the same rector as Wilby, one whose name can never be forgotten, Thomas Percy, the editor of The Reliques of English Poetry, afterwards Dean of Carlisle, and finally Bishop of Dromore. An inspection of the book shows at once that the same careful hand which was often employed in the restoration of the text of an old ballad, did not disdain to bestow an equal amount of care in rescuing from the ravages of time the entries in an old register. The handwriting is beautifully clear, and the ink apparently as fresh as when it flowed from Percy's pen. At this quiet country rectory it was that he was visited, in 1764, by his friend Dr. Johnson, who was in his happiest mood. Mrs. Percy told Cradock "That her husband looked out all sorts of books to be ready for his amusement after breakfast, and that Johnson was so attentive and polite to her, that, when her husband mentioned the literature prepared in the study, he said: No, Sir, I shall first wait upon Mrs. Percy to feed the ducks."" To her was addressed by her husband the charming ballad: "O Nanny, wilt thou gang with me?" which will always be freshly remembered. Close to the rectory is the church where Thomas Percy ministered from 1746 to 1778, which has been restored in a loving spirit by the present Marquis of Northampton; and happily, though the floor is entirely paved with encaustic tiles, yet the old inscriptions have been preserved upon them. One in particular marks the spot where three of Percy's six children repose in front of the chancel; and upon the tiles, the lion, the ancient crest of the ducal house of Northumberland, is delineated. Within the altar rails lie the remains of Morton, Bishop of Durham, who was ejected from his see in 1646, and died at Easton Maudit in 1659, at the advanced age of ninety-two, in poverty and comparative obscurity, where he had filled the office of tutor to Sir Henry Yelverton. His property, after paying a few legacies, amounted but to 100%., which paid his funeral expences, and provided a monument to his memory in the church. The sepulchral stone which originally covered the remains of the good old man, has been removed to the Yelverton chapel on the north side of the chancel, and bears a long Latin inscription, feebly attempting to describe his many virtues. The church consists of nave, side aisles, and chancel, on the north side of which is the Yelverton chapel, containing several monuments of that ancient family; and here was buried, about sixtytwo years ago, the last Earl of Sussex, in the vault of his ancestors, to whom, for many years, the manor belonged. I observed, though my inspection was merely of a very casual kind, several notes in the Register |