HIS СНО І СЕ. VVith his EYE fixed upon Heaven: Discovering THE HAPPY CONDITION OF A Self-denying Heart. Delivered in A TREATISE UPON Hebrews 11. 25, 26. By JREMIAH BURROUGHS. Printed by John NDON': and are to be fold by Thomas Eglesfield, at To the Right Honorable, ROBERT Earl of WARWICK, BARON of LEEZE, One of the Lords of his Majefties most Honorable Privy Councel. Right Honorable, A S thofe who have been of late, and in thefe days yet are of the Antichriftian party, may well be accounted men born in an evil time; because how foever heretofore was the time of Gods long suffering towards fuch, A 2 4 the |