OF AGGAWAM BY REV. NATHANIEL WARD A REPRINT OF THE 4TH EDITION, PUBLISHED IN 1647, WITH FAC-SIMILES OF TITLE PAGE, PREFACE AND HEAD LINES, THE TEXT IN ANTIQUE TYPE. 1 WITH AN ESSAY NATHANIEL WARD AND THE SIMPLE COBLER BY THOMAS FRANKLIN WATERS PRESIDENT OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLISHED BY THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY IPSWICH, MASS. THE SIMPLE COBLER OF AGGAVVAMM in AMERICA. WILLING To help 'mend his Native Country, la- And as willing never to bee paid for his work, It is his Trade to patch all the year long, gratis, By Theodore de la Guard. The Fourth Edition, with some Amendments. In rebus arduis ac tenai spe, fortifsima In English, When bootes and shoes are torne up to the lefts, This is no time to feare Apeles gramm: Ne Sutor quidem ultra crepidam. • LONDON, Printed by J. D. & R. I. for Stephen Bowred, at the figne of the |