"Now nay, now nay, thou naughty Page! But well, I ween, May there be seen Sir Ingoldsby Bray, in his fury and rage, By the back of the neck takes that little Foot-page; The scroll he seizes, The Page he squeezes, And buffets, -and pinches his nose till he sneezes ; Then he cuts with his dagger the silken threads Which they used in those days, 'stead of little Queen's heads. When the contents of the scroll met his view, Backward he drew His nailed shoe, "Now count the slain Upon Ascalon plain,Go count them, my Squire, go count them again!" "Twenty and three! There they be, Stiff and stark on that crimson'd lea! Twenty and three? Stretched in his gore Stay-let me see! By the Pope's triple crown there are twenty and four! Twenty-four trunks, I ween, are there. But their heads and their limbs are no-body knows where! Ay, twenty-four corses, I rede, there be, "Look nigher, look nigher, My trusty Squire!"- Out and spake Sir Ingoldsby Bray, A year and a day Have I been away, And she makes her moan, and she sobs and she sighs, And tears like rain-drops fall from her eyes, And she darneth her hose, and she crieth 'Alack! Oh! when will Sir Ingoldsby Bray come back?' "Rise up, rise up, Sir Ingoldsby Bray," King Richard said right graciously, "Of all in my host That I love the most, I love none better, Sir Bray, than thee! But-mind you make haste, and come back again soon!" FYTTE II. Pope Gregory sits in St. Peter's chair, And a belted Knight, In armour dight, "Now pardon, Holy Father, I crave, I have left, I fear me, in evil case; A scroll of shame From a faithless dame Did that naughty Foot-page to a paramour bear: I gave him a 'lick' With a stick, And a kick, That sent him-I can't tell your Holiness where ! Had he as many necks as hairs, He had broken them all down those perilous stairs!" "Rise up, rise up, Sir Ingoldsby Bray, A soldier, I trow, Of the Cross art thou; Ill it beseems that a soldier true Well mote we spare A page-or a pair, Be prayers for the dead Duly read, "Now pardon, Holy Father, I crave, O Holy Father, pardon and grace! Dame Alice, my wife, The bane of my life, I have left, I fear me, in evil case! 'Twere bootless to tell how I storm'd and swore: Alack! alack! too surely I knew The turn of each P, and the tail of each Q, And away to Ingoldsby Hall I flew ! Dame Alice I found, ground, She sank on the I twisted her neck till I twisted it round! All the King's Doctors and all the King's Men "Well-a-day! well-a-day! Sir Ingoldsby Bray, Why really I hardly know what to say :- For each mass they sing, and each pray'r they say, For a year, and a day, Sir Ingoldsby Bray "Now pardon, Holy Father, I crave, No power could save That paramour knave; I left him, I wot, in evil case! There, 'midst the slain Upon Ascalon plain Unburied, I trow, doth his body remain, His legs lie here, and his arms lie there, And his head lies- I can't tell your Holiness where!" Now out and alas! Sir Ingoldsby Bray, Foul sin it were, thou doughty Knight, To hack and to hew A champion true Of Holy Church, in such pitiful plight! Foul sin her warriors so to slay, When they're scarcer and scarcer every day! |