So they "set in the gathers," the large round the collar, While those at the wristbands of course were much smaller, The button-holes now were at length "overcast;" Then a button itself was sewn on-'twas the last ! All's done! All's won! Never under the sun Was Shirt so late finish'd-so early begun! -The work would defy The most critical eye. It was "bleach'd," it was wash'd-it was hung out to dry, It was mark'd on the tail with a T, and an I! On the back of a chair it Was placed,-just to air, it In front of the fire. - "Tom to-morrow shall wear it!" -O caca mens hominum!-Fanny, good soul, Had it been Dr. Arnott's new stove-not a grate : Had the coal been a "Lord Mayor's coal," viz., a slate ; What a different tale had I had to relate! Fate; One moment-no more!- Fan open'd the door! The draught made the blaze ten times worse than before; And Aunt Fanny sank down-in despair-on the floor! You may fancy perhaps Agrippina's amazement, When, looking one fine moonlight night from her case ment, She saw, while thus gazing, All Rome a-blazing, . And, losing at once all restraint on her temper, or Feelings, exclaimed, "Hang that Scamp of an Emperor, Although he's my son! - He thinks it prime fun, No doubt!--While the flames are demolishing Rome, There's my Nero a-fiddling and singing Home!'" 'Sweet -Stay-I'm really not sure 'twas that lady who said The words I've put down, as she stepp'd into bed, • On reflection, I rather believe she was dead; But e'en when at College, I Fairly acknowledge, I Never was very precise in Chronology; So, if there's an error, pray set down as mine a Mistake of no very great moment-in fine, a Mere slip-'twas some Pleb's wife, if not Agrippina. You may fancy that warrior, so stern and so stony, Whom thirty years since we all used to call BONEY, When, engaged in what he styled "fulfilling his des tinies," He led his rapscallions across the Borysthenes, And had made up his mind Snug quarters to find In Moscow, against the catarrhs and the coughs "Offs." At a time of the year When your nose and your ear Are by no means so safe there as people's are here, Inasmuch as "Jack Frost," that most fearful of Bogles, Makes folks leave their cartilage oft in their "fogles." You may fancy, I say, That same BONEY's dismay, And turn up his eyes, as his rappee he took, On perceiving that "Swing," And "all that sort Was at work-that he'd just lost the game without knowing it: That the Kremlin was blazing-the Russians "a-going it," Every plug in the place frozen hard as the ground, You may fancy King Charles at some Court Fancy-Ball, (The date we may fix In Sixteen sixty-six,) In the room built by Inigo Jones at Whitehall, Whence his father, the Martyr,---(as such mourn'd by all Who in his, wept the Law's and the Monarchy's fall,) Stept out to exchange regal robes for a pall- Hall, To Pye Corner, in Smithfield, there is not a stall You can't fancy Aunt Fan-as she looked on MY SHIRT!! Was't Apelles? or Zeuxis?-I think 'twas Apelles, Exact patronymic-I write and pronounce ill These Classical names-whom some Grecian Town Council Employ'd,-I believe, by command of the Oracle, * Not a "row" but a dance, "The brave Lord Keeper led the brawls, -And truly Sir Christopher danced to some tune. To produce them a splendid piece, purely historical, For adorning the wall Of some fane, or Guildhall, And who for his subject determined to try a At the moment her Sire, By especial desire To give up to slaughter An elegant daughter, After all the French, Music, and Dancing they'd taught her, And Singing, at Heaven knows how much a quarter, In lieu of a Calf!- It was too bad by half! At a "nigger" * so pitiful who would not laugh, And turn up their noses at one who could find No decenter method of "Raising the Wind?" No doubt but he might, Without any great Flight, Have obtain'd it by what we call "flying a kite." Or on mortgage-or sure, if he couldn't so do it, he Must have succeeded "by way of annuity." * Hibernicè "nigger," quasi "niggard." Vide B. Maguire passim. |