For not to these his genius was confin’d, Nature and I each tuneful pow'r had given, Poetic transports of the madding mind, And the wing'd words that waft the soul to heaven: The fiery glance of th' intellectual eye, Piercing all objects of creation's store, Which on this world's extended surface lie; And plastic thought that still created more. O grant, with eager rapture I reply'd, Grant me, great goddess of the changeful eye, To view each Being in poetic pride, To whom thy son gave immortality. Sweet FANCY Smil'd, and wav'd her mystic rod, As vassal sprites obey the wizard's charm. First a celestial form (of azure hue Whose mantle, bound with brede aetherial, flow'd To each soft breeze its balmy breath that drew) Swift down the sun-beams of the noon-tide rode. Obedient to the necromantic sway Of an old sage to solitude resign'd, With fenny vapors he obscur'd the day, Launch'd the long lightning, and let loose the wind. He whirl'd the tempest through the howling air, Rattled the dreadful thunder-clap on high, And rais'd the roaring elemental war Betwixt the sea-green waves and azure sky. Then, like heaven's mild embassador of love Unlike to this in spirit or in mien Another form succeeded to my view; A two-legg'd brute which Nature made in spleen, Or from the loathing womb unfinish'd drew. Scarce could he syllable the curse he thought, Prone were his eyes to earth, his mind to evil, A carnal fiend to imperfection wrought, The mongrel offspring of a Witch and Devil. Next bloom'd, upon an ancient forest's bound, On the green carpet of th' unbended grass, Through these the queen TITANIA pass'd ador'd, Arm'd cap-a-pee forth march'd the fairy king, Around their chief the elfin host appear'd; The scene then chang'd, from this romantic land, Pale Want had wither'd every furrow'd face, Bow'd was each carcase with the weight of years, And each sunk eye-ball from its hollow case Distill'd cold rheum's involuntary tears. Hors'd on three staves they posted to the bourn Deep in a gloomy grot remote from day, Where smiling Comfort never shew'd her face, Where light ne'er enter'd, save one rueful ray Discovering all the terrors of the place. They held damn'd myst'ries with infernal state, No human footstep cheer'd the dread abode, Sudden I heard the whirlwind's hollow sound, Now a dire yell of spirits underground Thro' troubled Earth's wide yawning surface broke ; When lo! each injur'd apparition rose; Aghast the murdʼrer started from his bed; Guilt's trembling breath his heart's red current froze, And Horror's dew-drops bath'd his frantic head. More had I seen-but now the God of day Yet still the dear ENCHANTRESS of the brain My waking eyes with wishful wand'rings sought, Whose magic will controls th' ideal train, The ever-restless progeny of THOUGHT. Sweet power, I said, for others gild the ray To grasp at air-blown bubbles of renown. Me (humbler lot!) let blameless bliss engage, If frailties there (for who from them is free?) Through Error's maze my devious footsteps lead, Let them be frailties of humanity, And my heart plead the pardon of Let not my reason impiously require my head. What heav'n has plac'd beyond its narrow span, But teach it to subdue each fierce desire, Which wars within its own small empire, man. Teach me, what all believe, but few possess ; |