What shall we call them? — piles of crystal light? A glorious company of golden streams ? Lamps of celestial ether burning bright ? Suns lighting systems with their joyous beams? But thou to these art as the noon to night. The Eclectic Review - Page 273edited by - 1821Full view - About this book
 | 1823 - 626 pages
...gloriens company of golden stream*— 5, -nulls of celestial other burning bright— Suns lighting systems with their joyous beams ? — But Thou to...noon to night. Yes ! as a drop of water in the sea, AH this magniueence in tbee is lost: What are ten thousand worlds compar'd to thee? And what am Z then... | |
 | 1821 - 282 pages
...A glorious company of golden streams — Lamps of celestial ether burning bright — Suns lighting systems with their joyous beams? But Thou to these...— What are ten thousand worlds compared to Thee ? And what am I then ? Heaven's unnumber'd host, Though multiplied by myriads, and arrayed splendour,... | |
 | 1821 - 284 pages
...A glorious company of golden streams — Lamps of celestial ether burning bright — Suns lighting systems with their joyous beams? But Thou to these...— What are ten thousand worlds compared to Thee ? And what am / then ? Heaven's unnumber'd host, Though multiplied by myriads, and array'd In all the... | |
 | 1821 - 788 pages
...Л glorious company of golden streams — Lamps of celestial ether burning bright — Suns lighting systems with their joyous beams ? But Thou to these...lost; What are ten thousand worlds compared to Thee ? And what am / then ? Heaven's unnumbcr'd host, Though multiplied by myriads, and arrayed In all the... | |
 | John Bowring - 1821 - 290 pages
...A glorious company of golden streams — Lamps of celestial ether burning bright — Suns lighting systems with their joyous beams? But Thou to these...— What are ten thousand worlds compared to Thee ? And what am / then ? Heaven's unnumber'd host, Though multiplied by myriads, and array'd splendor,... | |
 | 1821 - 788 pages
...A glorious company of golden streams — Lamps of celestial ether burning bright — Suns lighting systems with their joyous beams ? But Thou to these...lost : What are ten thousand worlds compared to Thee ? And what am / then ? Heaven's unmimbeKd host, Though multiplied by myriads, and arrayed In all the... | |
 | 1821 - 614 pages
...glorious company of golden Etreams — • Lamps of celestial ether burning bright — Suns lighting systems with their joyous beams ? But Thou to these...— What are ten thousand worlds compared to Thee ? And what am / then ? Heaven's unnumber'd host, Though multiplied by myriads, and arrayed In all the... | |
 | 1822 - 694 pages
...A glorious company of golden streams — Lamps of celestial ether burning bright — Suns lighting systems with their joyous beams ? But Thou to these...noon to night. " Yes ! as a drop of water in the sea, A}1 this magnificence in thee is lost : What are ten thousand worlds compared to Thee ? And what am... | |
 | 1821 - 498 pages
...burnmg bright — buns lighting systems with theirs joyous beams? But Thou to these art as the uoon to night. Yes! as a drop of water in the sea, All this magnificence in thee is losl: What are ten thousand worlds compared to thee? And what ara I then ? Heaven's unnumber'd host,... | |
 | 1821 - 746 pages
...light— A glorious company of golden streamsLamps of celestial ether burning bright — Suns lighting sound of all bells-(beUs, the music most bordering upon heaven) —most solem The following is equally worthy of praise. The last stanza, and particularly the couplet in italics,... | |
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