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Madison's report of March 1781

Madison receives a copy of Washington's letter

Reports of Luzerne. Pamphlet by William Barton
Report of the grand committee of congress.
Appeals of Hamilton through the press

The committee of three on the confederation and their report
Coercion impossible. Washington desires a new constitution

Schuyler proposes the union of New England and New York

Congress establishes departments. The minister of war. of finance
Hamilton on a national debt and a national bank.

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Ministry of Fox and the duke of Portland. The king against the ministry
Fox and the navigation act

The unfair offers of Fox to America. Jay and the slave-trade
The American commissioners offer mutual unconditional free trade
Debate in the house of lords

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The king sure that America could establish no stable government.
Regret that the treaty of peace had been made with the collective states
The fur-traders induce Lord North to retain the interior American posts. Pitt
Fox and reform. The new colonial system of Great Britain.

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The army at Newburg. Its appeal to congress

Financial scheme of Morris and the grand committee of congress
Interview of the grand committee with the deputies of the army
Disinterested conduct of Hamilton

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Washington examines the inland water communications of New York
Haldimand refuses to surrender the interior posts

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Congress votes Washington a statue. It receives him publicly
Follows his counsels on the army and navy

On interior trade. On the state of Ohio

On doing honor to Kosciuszko

An envoy from the Dutch republic

Madison forced to retire by the rule of rotation

Washington calls on his old soldiers to promote union.
The city of New York restored

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Jefferson's plan for international commerce. Accepted by congress
Jefferson and Washington on commerce with the West

Honors decreed to Washington by Virginia

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