The Speeches of Charles Phillips, Esq: Delivered at the Bar, and on Various Public Occasions in Ireland and England. To which is Added, a Letter to George IV.Hickman & Hazzard, 1821 - 249 pages |
Common terms and phrases
adulterer affection altar ambition amid amongst beauty bigotry Blake blasphemy blessed blood calumny Catholic character child Christian client consolation creed crime crown defendant degrade Derry desert desolation Dublin earth eloquence England eternal faith fancy father feel female fortune Galway genius Gentlemen Grattan Guthrie happiness heard heart heaven honour hope hour human husband idolatry imputed infant infidelity innocence Ireland Irish jury land libel liberty lisp lived Lord Lord Eldon Lord Ellenborough Lord Wellington marriage ment mind misery misfortune monstrance moral nature never O'Mullan once panegyric parents passion patriotism peace perhaps perjury persecution PHILLIPS piety plaintiff poor Portugal pride principles profession prostitution protection purity racter religion ROMAN CATHOLICS ruin sacred seducer slander smile Spain spirit splendid spurned sublime suffer throne tion triumph venerable venom verdict vice victim virtue wealth Wilkins wretched youth
Popular passages
Page 137 - So dear to Heaven is saintly chastity That, when a soul is found sincerely so, A thousand liveried angels lackey her, Driving far off each thing of sin and guilt...
Page 109 - The glorious, pious and immortal memory of the great and good King William — not forgetting Oliver Cromwell, who assisted in redeeming us from Popery, slavery, arbitrary power, brass money and wooden shoes.
Page 179 - A mind, bold, independent, and decisive — a will, despotic in its dictates — an energy that distanced expedition, and a conscience pliable to every touch of interest, marked the outline of this extraordinary character — the most extraordinary, perhaps, that, in the annals of this world, ever rose, or reigned, or fell.
Page 38 - Caesar was merciful, Scipio was continent, Hannibal was patient; but it was reserved for Washington to blend them all in one, and, like the lovely masterpiece of the Grecian artist, to exhibit, in one glow of associated beauty, the pride of every model and the perfection of every master.
Page 199 - Of a mere lifeless, violated form : While those whom love cements in holy faith, And equal transport, free as Nature live, Disdaining fear. What is the world to them, Its pomp, its pleasure, and its nonsense all ! Who in each other clasp whatever fair High fancy forms, and lavish hearts can wish...
Page 37 - ... of their philosophy, the eloquence of their senate, and the inspiration of their bards ! Who shall say, then, contemplating the past, that England, proud and potent as she appears...
Page 37 - I see you anticipate me—I see you concur with me, that it matters very little what immediate spot may be the birth-place of such a man as WASHINGTON. No people can claim, no country can appropriate him; the boon of Providence to the human race, his fame is eternity, and his residence creation.
Page 37 - In his hurried march, Time has but looked at their imagined immortality, and all its vanities, from the palace to the tomb, have, with their ruins, erased the very impression of his footsteps ! The days of their glory are as if they had never been ; and the island that was then a speck, rude and neglected, in the barren ocean, now rivals the ubiquity of their commerce, the glory of their arms, the fame of their philosophy, the eloquence of their senate, and the inspiration of their bards...
Page 181 - All the visions of antiquity became common places in his contemplation; kings were his people — nations were his outposts; and he disposed of courts, and crowns, and camps, and churches, and cabinets, as if they were the titular dignitaries of the chessboard! ."«• .•*. Amid all these changes he stood immutable as adamant. It mattered little whether in the field...
Page 203 - I denounce it in the name of the sovereignty of Massachusetts, which was stricken down by the blow. I denounce it in the name of humanity. I denounce it in the name of civilization which it outraged. I denounce it in the name of that fair play which bullies and prize-fighters respect.