to attend him at morning with the tello, in order to an early hour in the steward of the Cas assist him in his intended examination of the Angle Tower, whose dreary walls for fifteen years had never reveberated to the voice of man. CHAP. VIII Ir wanted one hour of midnight when the Padre Bernardo left his cell. Entering the chapel he was surprised to observe, near the skreen that divided it, a light; and curious to know who it could be that at that lonely hour visited the chapel, he shrouded his lamp, and slowly and cautiously proceeded forward. He now heard a low whispering, and soon after, saw a man enveloped VOL. II. G enveloped in a cloak in converse with a nun, who had thrown of her veil. The beams of her lamp shone bright on her countenance, which rivetted the attention of the monk. Large expressive dark eyes, with eye-brows beautifully arched; her cheeks the residence of the blushing rose, and her coral lips inviting the rapturous kiss. This nun, thought the monk, must surely be the one mentioned to me by the Demon; true it is she is not quite so enchanting as the lovely female I beheld in the pavillion yet her beauties interest me, and the flames of love arise in my breast The The monk now started at beholding the nun unlock the gate of the skreen, and the man enter and follow her toward the portal that led to the interior of the convent. "He now determined to watch them; and passing through the gate, which was left open, he cautiously advanced along a passage, and ascending a broad flight of stairs that appeared at the end, entered a corridore, where observing a light streaming from a door that was not closed he approached it, and saw the man who having laid aside his cloak, was seated by the side of the nun, with whom he appeared in earnest conversation. Bernardo now beheld a sight which filled him with rage. The Signor leant toward the nun, and throwing his arm around her neck, joined his lips to hers. The monk was ready to burst into the chamber and separate the fond pair, but a better plan was formed by his ready invention; he took his sandals off his feet, and uttering a deep hollow groan threw back the door, and hastily running to the extremity of the passage, shrouded his lamp, and awaited with impatience the result of his scheme. After some time the monk beheld the |