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"As soon as it had taken effect, and the Marchesa lay motionless on her couch, I acquainted the household with her death. Great was the grief of all the domestics, who had every reason to love her. They rushed in crowds to her chamber, and loudly lamented her loss.

"Under the idea that the disorder she died of was infectious, I restrained the eagerness of the servants, who wished to kiss her hand as the last proof of their affection, and would not permit any of them to advance nearer than the door of the chamber.

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for the interment, and the inanimate Marchesa was placed in the coffin, the lid of which I pretended to fasten my


"The funeral ceremony was to take place at midnight; and about two hours before that period, asisted by the Marchese, I removed her from her dreary abode, and carried her along the silent halls and corridores which led to the South Angle Tower, leaving her on a couch which had been previously brought there; and locking the door of her future prison, we proceeded to her former apartments; when having put into the coffin a weight equal to her body, I fastened it up, and at the time appointed

appointed it was carried into the chapel, and laid in the tomb prepared for it with the same solemnity as if it had been the mortal remains of Theodora.

"The Marchese for some time confined himself to his chamber, and appeared greatly to lament the loss of the Marchesa; but he rejoiced in private at the success of his well-concerted plans, and loaded me with presents and expressions of gratitude that drove away all compunction from my bosom, and I became hardened against all emotion of pity for the Marchesa.

"The next night I went to the




tower; I unlocked the door, and as the gleams of my lamp penetrated the gloom that reigned in the apartment, I beheld, setting by the side of her couch, the unfortunate Theodora.

"I will not attempt to describe my feelings at the sight of her; I evidently slunk from the penetrating glances of her eyes. She noticed my emotion.

"You start, father, at beholding me; tell me what is the reason of my being in this dismal chamber. Sure you have no design against my life. Oh! father, do I then-can it be possible, that I see in you an agent of the Marchese?'


Your life is safe, Marchesa,' I replied, ask no more questions, as they will not be answered. These are your provisions; to-morrow at this hour I will bring you more;' so saying I departed, and left the hapless Theodora to bewail her sad fate.

"The next night I entered her chamber. She besought me to take pity on her, to restore her to liberty, to bring her little Ricardo to her. She even threw herself on her knees before me, and laying hold of my habit, with her eyes streaming with tears of heartfelt woe, entreated me to let her know what were the designs of the Marchese respecting her.

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