A Call to praise God. f. + Prec. O COME let us sing unto (the-Lord: Can. Lēt us heartily rejoice in *the strength of our salvation. [* the Rock.] 2 Dec. Let us come before his presence with thänksgiv-ing: Can. And shew ourselves glad in him-with-psalms. For He is the great King and Creator of all. 3 Dec. For the Lord is a great Gód: Can. And a great King above all gods. 4 Dec. In his hand are all the * corners of the earth: Can. And the † strength of the hills is hïs also. [deep places. t heights.] 5 Dec. The sea is his, and he made it: Can. And his hands prepared the drý lànd. And this God is our God, and we are His people to-day. 6 Dec. O come let us worship, and fall down; Can. And kneel before the Lord öur Mâker. 7 Dec. For he is the Lörd, our God: Can. And we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hând Oh, that men would therefore serve Him truly. 一。 8 dim. Dec. To-day if ye will [but] hear his voice, (saying unto you) 'Harden not your hearts: Can. As in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation, in the wilderness; 9 Dec. 'When your fathers tempted mé : Can. Proved me, änd saw-my-works. 10 Dec. 'Forty years lõng was I grieved with this generation, and said, "It is a people that do err in their héarts: Can. For they have nöt known.my-ways; (H) 10 p. All. 'Forty years long was I grieved with this generation, and said (:), "It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they have nöt known.my-ways; 11 "Unto whom I sware in my wrath: That they should not (sl.) enter intö mý rèst."" Yet there remaineth a rest for the people of God. f. Dec. Glory be to the Father; and to the Son; and to the Holy Ghost: Can. As it was in the beginning; is now ; and ēver shall be, (sl.) world without end -. Amen. 1 This concurrence, which is but rare in this position, of the two accentless words 'unto the,' involving exceptional pointing, needs care in chanting to avoid false emphasis on any of these three syllables, the musical accent not being dissipated by diaeresis (see 14 a. s, is, a : a | Dim f- m- fm For ASH WEDNESDAY and GOOD FRIDAY. Di, i, t, : t, T. i, a t-1-1, 1 1 Introduction, p. 19). This first half-verse is therefore assigned to the Precentor, or some one voice, alone, with the Anglican, as well as with the Gregorian, chants. Obs. Not, un- to the Lord nor, un to the but, un to (the-Lord ||-and with no accent on 'un-'. Ω Lord VENITE, EXULTEMUS (1 continued.) A Call to praise God. f. + Prec. O COME let us sing unto1 (the-Lord : Can. Lēt us heartily rejoice in * the strength of our salvation. [* the Rock.] 2 Dec. Let us come before his presence with thänksgiv-ing: Can. And shew ourselves glad in hím-with-psalms. For He is the great King and Creator of all. 3 Dec. For the Lord is a great Gód: Can. And a great King above all gods. 4 Dec. In his hand are all the * corners of the earth: Can. And the † strength of the hills is his also. [* deep places. heights.] 5 Dec. The sea is his, and he made it; Can. And his hands prepared the drý lànd. And this God is our God, and we are His people to-day. 6 Dec. O come let us worship, and fall down: Can. And kneel before the Lord öur Maker. 7 Dec. For he is the Lord, our God: Can. And we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand -. Oh, that men would therefore serve Him truly. 8 dim. Dec. To-day if ye will [but] hear his voice, (saying unto you) 'Harden not your hearts: Can. As in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation, in the wilderness; 9 Dec. 'When your fathers tempted mé: Can. Proved me, änd saw-my-works. 10 Dec. 'Forty years lõng was I grieved with this generation, and said, "It is a people that do err in their héarts: Can. For they have nöt known.my-ways; (H) 10 p. All. 'Forty years lõng was I grieved with this generation, and said (:), "It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they have nöt known.my-ways; 11 "Unto whom I sware in my wrath: That they should not (sl.) enter intö mý rèst."" Yet there remaineth a rest for the people of God. f. Dec. Glory be to the Father; and to the Son; and to the Holy Ghost : Can. As it was in the beginning; is now; and ever shall be, (sl.) world without end 一. Amen. 1 See note on p. 23. • dtd | Rimrm | R mif-d- dt, 1- s 1 Prec., Dec., Can., are to be understood with every Gregorian chant, except in the old form of Te Deum, and Pss. cxxxvi, cxxxvii. A call to praise God. f. + Dec. Ö | COME let us sing unto (the-Lord : Can. Lēt us heartily rejoice in *the strength of our salvation. [* the Rock.] 2 Dec. Lēt us come before his presence • with thanksgiv-ing: Can. And shew ourselves glad in hím-with-psalms. For He is the great King and Creator of all. 3 Dec. For the Lord is a great Gód: Can. And a great King above all gods. 4 Dec. In his hand are all the * corners of the earth: Can. And the † strength of the hills is his also. [* deep places. † heights.] 5 Dec. The sea is his, and he made it: Can. And his hands prepared the drý lànd. And this God is our God, and we are His people to-day. 6 Dec. O come let us worship, and fall down: Can. And kneel before the Lord öur Mâker. 7 Dec. For he is the Lörd, oúr God: Can. And we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of hïs hând -. Oh, that men would therefore serve Him truly. 8 dim. Dec. To-day if ye will [but] hear his voice, (saying unto you) 'Harden not your hearts: Can. As in the provocation, and as the day of temptation, in the wilderness ; 9 Dec. 'When your fathers tempted mé: Can. Proved me, änd saw.my-works. 10 Dec. 'Forty years lõng was I grieved with this generation, and said, "It is a people that do err in their héarts: Can. For they have nöt known.my-ways; (H) 10 p. All. Forty years lõng was I grieved with this generation, and said (:), "It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they have nöt known.my-ways; 11 "Unto whom I sware in my wrath : That they should not (sl.) enter intö mý rèst."" Yet there remaineth a rest for the people of God. f. Dec. Glory | be to the Father; and to the Son ; and to the Holy Ghost: Can. As it was in the beginning; is now; and ever shall be, (sl.) world without end -. Amen. 1 See note on p. 23. |