New Elegant Extracts: A Unique Selection ... from the Most Eminent Prose and Epistolary Writers ...C.& C. Whittingham, 1827 |
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Common terms and phrases
acquaintance Adieu admire affectionate agreeable amusement arrived Ballyduff believe certainly character CHARLES SYMMONS compliments CURRAN DAVID HUME DEAR FRIEND dear Garret DEAR LORD dear madam dear sir dine doubt DUBLIN Duke EDMUND BURKE England English expect favour fear feel flatter France French friendship Gerrard Street GIBBON TO LORD give gout happy hear HOLROYD honour hope HORACE WALPOLE humble servant Ireland Lausanne least letter live London look Lord Rockingham LORD SHEFFIELD Lord Shelburne lordship manner ment Midgham mind months Nagle nature never obliged opinion Paris parliament passed perhaps person pleased pleasure politics poor present prince Prince of Conti remember sincere soon spirit summer sure talk taste tell thing thought tion TOPHAM BEAUCLERK town Vierville week WILLIAM COWPER winter wish write
Popular passages
Page 308 - On the bare earth exposed he lies, With not a friend to close his eyes. With downcast looks the joyless victor sate, Revolving in his altered soul The various turns of Chance below ; And, now and then, a sigh he stole, And tears began to flow.
Page 342 - This mischief had not then befall'n, And more that shall befall, innumerable Disturbances on earth through female snares, And strait conjunction with this sex: for either He never shall find out fit mate, but such As some misfortune brings him, or mistake; Or whom he wishes most shall seldom gain Through her perverseness, but shall see her...
Page 203 - I possess, to have patience to put them into verse. Here I am, probably for the last time of my life, though not for the last time : every clock that strikes tells me I am an hour, nearer to yonder church — -that church, into which I have not yet had courage to enter, .where lies that mother on whom I doated, and who doated on me ! There are the two rival mistresses of Houghton, neither of whom ever wished to enjoy it ! There, too, lies he who founded its greatness, to contribute to whose fall...
Page 178 - ... through his fingers, and were passed away like a shadow. What wonder then that I, who live in a day of so much greater refinement, when there is so much more to be wanted, and wished, and to be enjoyed, should feel myself now and then pinched in point of opportunity, and at some loss for leisure to fill four sides of a sheet like this ? Thus, however, it is, and if the ancient gentlemen to whom I have referred, and their complaints of the disproportion of time to the occasions they had for it,...
Page 207 - Yet to do the folks justice, they are sensible, and reasonable, and civilized ; their very language is polished since I lived among them. I attribute this to their more frequent intercourse with the world and the capital, by the help of good roads and postchaises, which, if they have abridged the king's dominions, have at least tamed his subjects.
Page 133 - You see plainly, what he meant to say, but that happy turn of expression is peculiar to himself. Mr. Walpole says, that this story is a picture of Goldsmith's whole life. Johnson has been confined for some weeks in the Isle of Sky ; we hear that he was obliged to swim over to the main land. taking hold of a cow's tail. Be that as it may, Lady Dif has promised to make a drawing of it.
Page 200 - ... news ; he walks about, and speaks to everybody. I saw him afterwards on the throne where he is graceful and genteel, sits with dignity and reads his answers to addresses well; it was the Cambridge address, carried by the Duke of Newcastle in his doctor's gown, and looking like the Medecin malgre lui.
Page 217 - In a dispute, into which she easily falls, she is very warm, and yet scarcely ever in the wrong : her judgment on every subject is as just as possible, on every point of conduct as wrong as possible ; for she is all love and hatred ; passionate for her friends to enthusiasm, still anxious to be loved (I don't mean by lovers), and a vehement enemy, but openly.
Page 133 - Do you know," answered Goldsmith, " that I never could conceive the reason why they call you Malagrida, for Malagrida was a very good sort of man.
Page 267 - ... genius of the first rank lost to the world, himself, and his friends, as I certainly must, if you do not assume a manner of acting and thinking here totally different from what your letters from Rome have described to me. That you have bad just subjects of indignation always, and of anger often, I do no ways doubt ; who can live in the world without some trial of his patience?