| 1611 - 360 pages
...When he appointed the foundations of the earth : Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: And I was daily his delight, Rejoicing always before him ; Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth ; And my delights were with the sons of men. Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye... | |
| Jesus Christ, John Henderson Thomson - 1871 - 720 pages
...and belief of the truth ' (2 Thess. ii. 13). ' Then 1 was by Him, as one brought up with Him : and I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him ; rejoicing in the habitable part of His earth ; and my delights were with the sons of men. Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye... | |
| Daniel Wilcox - 1744 - 454 pages
...declared his early fatisfaction in the profpect of accomplifhing his office in the fulnefs of time ; rejoicing in the habitable parts of the earth, and- his delights were with the fons or men. And when he appeared in the world, he efteemed and ipake of it as his meat and drink to... | |
| Richard Elliot - 1764 - 574 pages
...ptherwife ; his heart was from everlafting fet upon iV and he rejoiced in it : Wherefore he faith, I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him •, rejoicing in the habitable farts of bis earth, and try delights t Afts xv. 1 8. t 2 Tim. i. 9. delights were with the fans of... | |
| John Owen - 1772 - 498 pages
...Eph. ii. 16. So he fpeaks, Prov. viii. 30, 3 i. Then I was by him, as one brought vp with him, and 1 was daily his delight ; rejoicing always before him....Rejoicing in the habitable parts of the earth, and my delights were with the fens of men. They aie the words of the Wifdom that is, of the Son of God.... | |
| Richard Rawlin - 1772 - 324 pages
...fettled, before the hillr was I brought forth. Then was*} by him, as one brought up with him : and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him : Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth, and my delights were in the fans of ufual in fcriptureor other writtings, to fpeak... | |
| James Nassau - 1774 - 402 pages
...extended, to be the Redeemer of loft mankind ; who was with Jehovah the Father, as one brought up with him, was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him; rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth, and, his delights were with the fons of men. The command of a king feated oa his... | |
| John Barclay - 1776 - 516 pages
...fet up from everlafling. Then I was '•C l^yhini as 'one brought up with him: and I was ' '' d'.iily his delight, rejoicing always before him : re'••joicing in the habitable parts of his earth, and m'y ' t. delights were w,ith the fons of men.' "Was it not for/the joy of bringing many... | |
| Ralph Erskine - 1777 - 528 pages
...fms. 1 John iv. 10. And herein is love, that Chrift fo chearfully undertook this work ; He rejoiced in the habitable parts of the earth, and his delights were with the fons of men, Prov. viii. 3i. Here are both the parties of the covenant, God and Chrift; that glorious... | |
| SEVERAL HANDS - 1777 - 590 pages
...them with an everlafting love, and placed " all his delight" in making them happy. " He rejoiced'in. the habitable parts of the earth, and his delights were with the Ions of men." Prov. viii. 31.* XIX. ver. 3. There is no ffeecb nor language where their mulct it tiat... | |
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