Documents from Simancas Relating to the Reign of Elizabeth, (1558-1568.)Chapman and Hall, 1865 - 112 pages |
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Abbot accredited Aikin ambassador amid Archdeacon Archduke arrived in London Bishop of Aquila Bishop of London Bonner Calais Calendar Cardinal Cardinal Granvelle Catholic Cecil Church clergy conviction Council Count de Feria Court Crown Cuadra death December died dispatch Don Carlos Duchess Duchess of Parma Duke of Alva Duke of Norfolk Eliza embassy Emperor England English faith favour feared Flanders French Froude Geschichte Gonzalez Granvelle Grindal Guzman de Silva hate Henry heretic honour induce John July King of France Lady Catherine Lady Catherine Grey Leicester Lemon letter Lingard Lord Machyn Machyn's Diary marriage marry Mary Stuart mind noble oath of supremacy opinion ordered Parliament Parma persecution Philip Pope proposed Puritan Queen Mary Queen of Scots Reformers refused regarded religion reign religious replied Rome rumour Scotland sent Sir Thomas sought Spain Spanish Stevenson Strickland Strype Teulet Thomas Chaloner throne tion unto viii vols Wright's Elizabeth
Popular passages
Page x - Their van will be upon us Before the bridge goes down; And if they once may win the bridge, What hope to save the town? ' Then out spake brave Horatius, The Captain of the gate : 'To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late; And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers And the temples of his Gods...
Page x - Out of the bowels of the harmless earth, Which many a good tall fellow had destroy'd So cowardly ; and but for these vile guns He would himself have been a soldier.
Page 29 - As thy arms, O God, were stretched out upon the cross, so receive me into the arms of thy mercy, and forgive me my sins.
Page xvi - So hatt' ich dich zu halten keine Kraft. In jenem sel'gen Augenblicke Ich fühlte mich so klein, so groß; Du stießest grausam mich zurücke, Ins ungewisse Menschenloos. Wer lehret mich? was soll ich meiden? Soll ich gehorchen jenem Drang? Ach! unsre Thaten selbst, so gut als unsre Leiden, Sie hemmen unsres Lebens Gang.
Page 55 - Elizabeth most insisted, were, that being a heretic (siendo heretica) she could not marry him, and that she was resolved to restore religion precisely as it had been left by her father. That, although she would not assume the title of Head of the Church, she would not consent that money should be withdrawn for Rome, and that she would have the Act of Parliament sworn to by all who held public employments, although they might be ecclesiastics, and by the graduates of the Universities.
Page 105 - It remained in manuscript for centuries, but was at length printed in the Coleccion de documentos ineditos para la historia de Espana, v.
Page 91 - She had been compelled to temporize at the beginning of her reign...
Page 23 - The vessels in which the wine was kept were, probably, for the most part, bottles, which were usually made of leather, or goat-skins, firmly sewed and pitched together. The Arabs pull the skin...
Page 55 - Parliament, except the Earl of Shrewsbury, Lord Montague, the Bishops, and the Abbot of Westminster...