| 1782 - 434 pages
...true honour and Aibftantial dignity were facrificed. France, my Lords, continued he, Jias infulted you : (he has encouraged and fuftained America ; and...officious infult of French interference. The minifters and amba(Tadors of thofe who are called rebels and enemies, are in Paris : in Paris they tranfact the reciprocal... | |
| 1791 - 302 pages
...dignity, are facrificed.— France, my lords, has infulted you ; — fhe has encouraged and luftained America : — and whether America be wrong or right, the dignity of this country ought to fpum at the officious infuit of' French imerfcrence.— The minifters and ambafladors of thole who... | |
| John Almon - 1793 - 542 pages
...dignity, ' are facrificed. France, my Lords, has ' infulted you ; Ihe has encouraged and fuf' tained America ; and whether America be * wrong or right,...French interference. The minifters and ' ambaffadors of thole who are called rebels ' and enemies, are in Paris ; in Paris they ' tranfa6t the reciprocal interefts... | |
| John Almon - 1797 - 440 pages
...glories, her true honour, and fubftantial dignity, are facfificed. France, my Lords, has irifulted you; (he has encouraged and fuftained America • and whether America be wrong of right, the dignity of this country ought to fpurn at the officious infult of French interference.... | |
| Hugh Boyd - 1800 - 638 pages
...fubftantial dignity, are facrificed. France, my Lords, has infulted you ; fhe has encouraged raged and fuftained America: — and whether America be...rebels and enemies, are in Paris : in Paris, they tranfaft the reciprocal interefts of America and France. — Can there be a more mortifying infult?... | |
| John Adolphus - 1802 - 626 pages
...glories, her true «777honour, and fubftantial dignity, are facrificed. France has infulted you ; me has encouraged and fuftained America: and whether America be wrong or right, we ought to fpurn at the officious infult of French interference. The minifters and embafl'adors of... | |
| John Adolphus - 1802 - 630 pages
...well-earned glories, her true honour, and fubftantial dignity, are facrificed. France has infulted you ; Ihe has encouraged and fuftained America: and whether America be wrong or right, we ought to fpurn at the officious infult of French interference. The minilters and cmbatladors of... | |
| Caleb Bingham - 1807 - 312 pages
...substantial dignity, are sacrificed. France, my lords, has insulted you ; she has encouraged and sustained America ; and whether America be wrong or right, the dignity of this country ought to spurn at the officious insult of French interference. The ministers and ambassadors of those who are... | |
| Nathaniel Chapman - 1808 - 514 pages
...substantial dignity are sacrificed. France, my lords, has insulted you; she has encouraged and sustained America ; and whether America be wrong or right, the dignity of this county ought to spurn at the officious insult of French interference. The ministers and ambassadours... | |
| John Almon - 1810 - 380 pages
...substantial dignity, are sacrificed. France, my Lords, has insulted you ; she has encouraged and sustained America ; and whether America be wrong or right, the dignity of this country ought to spurn at the officious insult of French interference. The ministers and ambassadors of those who are... | |
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