| 1782 - 434 pages
...retiring from theAmerican lines, which drew after it no decifive confequence, was obliged to relinquifh his attempt, and with great delay and danger to adopt a new and diftant plan of operation, by embarking his army in tranfports, and proceeding to the fcene of action by fea. Waiting... | |
| 1791 - 302 pages
...much. ..Beficles the fufferings, perhaps total lofs, of 'the Northern force, the beft appointed army that ever took the field, commanded by Sir William...from- .the American lines; — he was. obliged to relinquifh. h,Ls. attempt; and with great «itf lay • and danger, to adopt a new and diftant plan'of... | |
| John Almon - 1793 - 542 pages
...Be* fides the fufferingi?, perhaps fatal lofs, of * the Northern force t; the beft appointed ' army that ever took the field commanded ' by Sir William...retired from, ' the American lines; he was 'obliged to re' linquim his attempt, and with great delay * and danger, to adopt a new and diftant ' plan of operations.... | |
| John Almon - 1797 - 440 pages
...fuffered much. Befides the fufferings, perhaps total lofs, of the Northerh force*; the befi appointed army that ever took the field commanded by Sir William...retired from the American lines; he was obliged to relinquifh his attempt, and with great delay and danger, to adopt a new and diftant plan of operations.... | |
| Hugh Boyd - 1800 - 638 pages
...Amherft. . \ VOL. i. u perhaps perhaps total lofs, of the Northern force* — The beft appointed army that ever took the field} commanded by Sir William...retired from the American lines ; — he was obliged to relinquifh his attempt ; and with great delay and danger, to adopt a new and diftant plan of operations.... | |
| Nathaniel Chapman - 1808 - 518 pages
...the field commanded by sir William Howe, * Sir Jeffery (now lord) Amherst. t General Burgoyne's army. has retired from the American lines. He was obliged...and with great delay and danger, to adopt a new and distant plan of operations, We shall soon know, and in any event have reason to lament, what may have... | |
| Nathaniel Chapman - 1808 - 514 pages
...Jeffery (now lord) Amherst. t General Burgoyne's army. has retired from the American lines. He laas obliged to relinquish his attempt, and with great delay and danger, to adopt a new and distant plan of operations. We shall soon know, and in any event have reason to lament, what may have... | |
| Thomas Mortimer - 1810 - 532 pages
...suffered much. Besides the sufferings, perhaps total loss, of the Northern force, the best appointed army that ever took the field, commanded by sir William...and with great delay and danger, to adopt a new and distant plan of operation.— We shall soon know, and in any event have reason to lament, may have... | |
| John Almon - 1810 - 376 pages
...prescience expressed it on the 1 Sth of November, arrived in England in the beginning of December. by Sir William Howe, has retired from the American...and with great delay and danger, to adopt a new and distant plan of operations. We shall soon know, and in any event have reason to lament, what may have... | |
| John Almon - 1810 - 380 pages
...speaker's prescience expressed it on the 18th of November, arrived in England in the beginning of December. by Sir William Howe, has retired from the American...and with great delay and danger, to adopt a new and distant plan of operations. We shall soon know, and in any event have reason to lament, what may have... | |
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