Namque aliqui exercent vim duram, & rebus iniqui Haud magis imprudens mihi erit, & luminis expers, VID. Poetic, lib. ii. line 44. A TROPE a fov'reign pow'r o'er language fhows, And upon words a foreign sense bestows. GOD is a Rock, and guards his Saints from ill; HEROD's a Fox, and will be cruel still. A METAPHOR Compares without the fign: Virtue's a fun, and shall for ever shine. An ALLEGORY in a length of chain Will the reiterated Trope detain. A vine from Egypt, by JEHOVAH's hand, "Was refcu'd and remov'd to Canaan's land. "To give the ftranger room the noxious thorn, "And baleful hemlock from the foil were torn: "Fenc'd round by Heav'n the plant in safety grew, "Bleft the full beam, and drank th’enliv'ning dew: "Deep in the earth it ftruck its thriving root, "Enlarg'd with foliage, and enrich'd with fruit: The "The wide-extended fhade the hills admir'd, A METONYMY will, for kindred's fake, Th' offender out, and rack his conscious mind *. 1 A METALEPSIS throng'd with Tropes appears. SYNECDOCHE our ftile diverfifies, And at her call a thoufand beauties rife. How did great MARLBOROUGH Britain's thunder wield, I Numb. xxxii. 23. + Matt. xxvi. 27... Genus Genus for fpecies ftands. New life proclaim And heaves th Atlantic in a thousand waves. ANTONOMASIA for a common name When the world's Monarch + fhook beneath his pow'r! • Mark xvi. 15. + CICERO. An + CÆSAR. || The story here referred to is thus related by Dr WARD, in his Latin Oration prefixed to his Syftem of Oratory, which I fhall take the liberty to tranflate. "But I cannot, fays the "Doctor, refrain myself from mentioning how this moft emi"nent man (CICERO) obtained the liberty of his friend, ac“cused of a capital offence; an occasion in which, if ever, the utmost ftrength of his eloquence exerted itself. The "civil war between CASAR and POMPEY being ended, and "the fovereignty of Rame being now in the hands of Cæsari 66 QUINTUS LIGARIUS was accused by Q. TUBERO of being in arms against CÆSAR in Africa. CICERO undertook Li*GARTUS's defence. Upon CESAR's being made acquainted with it, he cries, W’by fould we bear what CICERO has to “Jay? The man is guilty zobafe cause be pleads, and is unquef“* tionably a wicked enemy against us. But when CICERO be“gan to speak, his oration appeared so admirable for its pa ་ thos and various elegance, that it wonderfully wrought"upon CÆSAR, which he at firft difcovered by a confused “countenance, and the frequent change of colour; but in a « while he was thrown into fuch perturbation, that his whole body trembled, and he dropped fome parchments out of his hand. In the end CICERO carried his cause, and LIGAUS was fet free. Thus the Sovereign of fo many nations An IRONY in fmooth mellifluent phrase Its poifon fhoots, and wounds with deep difgrace. "Ye are the men of all mankind most wise, "And when ye die, no doubt all wisdom dies." SARCASM is Irony in its excefs. "King of the Jews, thee humbly we addrefs; HYPERBOLE the truth will oft' neglect By bold excefs, and by as bold defect. Mark how it rifes. "Yon tall mountain fhrowds "Its height in heav'n, and tow'rs above the clouds." Again it finks. "Shall man his grandeur boaft? "An atom of an atom-world at most !” A CATACHRESIS thro' the want of words, Or fond of charms which novelty affords, Boldly bounds o'er expreffion's wonted fence, And makes the Reader tremble for the fenfe. "How swift thofe cranes, exulting in the gale, "Thro' the cerulean gulphs of Æther fail? "For me the wheat's fat kidneys crown the plains, "And mine's the blood the mellow grape contains ‡.” "was overcome by the force of Eloquence; and he who had "carried his victorious arms to almoft every part of the globe, "was himself at length vanquished by more powerful weapons. "An illustrious victory indeed! in which CICERO might well "boaft, that arms had yielded to the gown." |