Ellis's British Tariff for ...A.H. Baily, 1845 |
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Common terms and phrases
9 Vict ad valorem admitted to entry aforesaid Alderney allowed August Biscuit bond Britain British Posses British Possessions abroad British ships British vessels cargoes casks certificate charged with duty Collector and Comptroller colony Comptroller continued Corn declaration deemed delivered ditto dominions drawback duties payable duty free East India Company's entered enumerated exceeding Excise exported FIVE PER CENT Flour foreign country forfeit free free free gallon Guernsey hereby hydrometer India Company's Charter Ireland Islands Isle July landed lawful Letters Majesty Majesty's Majesty's Treasury manufacture master Mauritius Miscellaneous Orders Order in Council Out-ports packages passengers port of importation Privy Council prohibited proper officers quantity Regulation Act respect Scotland Silk Simon's Town Spermaceti Spirits Sugar thereof Timber tion Tobacco trade Train Oil Treas Treaty unenumerated United Kingdom Van Diemen's Land ware warehouse WAREHOUSING PORTS Wheat Wine Wood
Popular passages
Page 50 - The present convention shall be in force for the term of ten years from the date hereof ; and further, until the end of twelve months after • either of the high contracting parties shall have given notice to the other of its intention to terminate the same; each of the high contracting parties reserving to itself the right of giving such notice to the other, at the end of the said term of ten years...
Page 180 - Majesty shall judge capable of being converted into or made useful in increasing the quantity of military or naval stores, provisions, or any sort of victual which may be used as food by man ; and if any goods so prohibited shall be exported from the United Kingdom or carried coastwise, or be water-borne to be so exported or carried, they shall be forfeited.
Page 395 - ... most favoured nation, unless His Majesty, by His Order in Council, shall in any case deem it expedient to grant the whole or any of such privileges to the ships of any foreign country, although the conditions aforesaid shall not, in all respects, be fulfilled by such foreign country...
Page 59 - Provinces, or in British vessels ; and the same duties shall be paid, and the same bounties and drawbacks allowed, on the exportation of any articles the growth, produce, or manufacture of the...
Page 49 - Articles shall remain in force for the period of ten years from the date at which they may come into operation ; and further until the expiration of two years after either of the High Contracting Parties shall have given notice to the other of its wish to terminate the same...
Page 382 - ... that all the produce of the forest in logs, lumber, timber, boards, staves, or shingles, or of agriculture, not being manufactured, grown on any of those parts of the State of Maine watered by the river St.
Page 53 - It is hereby declared that the stipulations of the present treaty are not to be understood as applying to the navigation and carrying trade between one port and another situated in the States of either contracting party, such navigation and trade being reserved exclusively to national vessels.
Page 144 - Charter, and not being sweetened Spirits, or Spirits mixed with any article, so that the degree of strength thereof cannot be exactly ascertained by such Hydrometer...
Page 145 - Sykes's hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater or less strength than the strength of proof, and for any greater or less quantity than a gallon, viz.
Page 53 - ... in such cases than would be paid by national vessels in like circumstances ; and they shall be permitted to load in like manner at different ports in the same voyage outward.