THE BASSET-TABLE, T AN E CLOGU E. CARDELIA. SMILINDA. CARDELIA. HE Baffet-Table spread, the Tallier come; Why stays Smilinda in the Dreffing-room? Rife, penfive Nymph; the Tallier waits for you. SMILINDA. Ah, Madam, fince my Sharper is untrue, And thofe feign'd fighs which cheat the liftening CARDELIA. Is this the cause of your romantic ftrains? SMILINDA. Is that the grief, which you compare with mine? 10 15 CARDELIA. CARDELIA. A lover loft, is but a common care ; And prudent Nymphs against that change prepare: SMILINDA. See Betty Lovet! very à propos, She all the cares of Love and Play does know : LOVET. Tell, tell your griefs; attentive will I stay, Though time is precious, and I want fome Tea. CARDELIA. Behold this Equipage, by Mathers wrought, SMILINDA. 20 25 30 35 This Snuff-box,-once the pledge of Sharper's love, When rival beauties for the Present ftrove; At Corticelli's he the Raffle won; Then firft his Paffion was in public shown: 40 This This Snuff-box,-on the Hinge fee Brilliants shine: CARDELIA. Alas! far leffer loffes than I bear, Have made a Soldier figh, a Lover fwear. SMILINDA. But ah! what aggravates the killing smart, The cruel thought, that ftabs me to the heart; This curs'd Ombrelia, this undoing Fair, 45 59 55 By whofe vile arts this heavy grief I bear; She, at whose name I fhed these spiteful tears, She owes to me the very charms fhe wears. An awkward Thing, when firft the came to Town; Her Shape unfashion'd, and her Face unknown: 60 She was my friend; I taught her first to spread I introduc'd her to the Park and Plays; CARDELIA. Wretch that I was, how often have I fwore, 65 70 SMILINDA. SMILINDA. How many Maids have Sharper's vows deceiv'd! How many curs'd the moment they believ'd! Yet his known Falfehoods could no Warning prove: Ah! what is Warning to a Maid in Love? CARDELIA. But of what marble must that breaft be form'd, To gaze on Baffet, and remain unwarm'd? 75 80 When Kings, Queens, Knaves, are fet in decent rank; My Paffions rife, and will not bear the rein, 85 And fee if reafon must not there be loft. SMILINDA, What more than marble must that heart compose, 90 95 Think Think of that moment, you who Prudence boast; CARDELIA. At the Groom-Porter's, batter'd Bullies play, Some Dukes at Marybone bowl Time away.. But who the Bowl, or rattling Dice compares To Baffet's heavenly Joys, and pleasing Cares? SMILINDĄ. Soft Simplicetta doats upon a Beau; Prudina likes a Man, and laughs at Show. Their several graces in my Sharper meet; Strong as the Footman, as the Master sweet. LOVET, Cease your contention, which has been too long; I grow impatient, and the Tea's too strong. Now leave complaining, and begin your Tea. 100 105 110 |