MORAL AND SACRED POETRY, Compiled by the late Rev. THOS. JANES, "All men agree, that licentious Poems do of all writings fooneft. THE FOURTH London: EDITION. PRINTED BY AND FOR STEPHEN COUCHMAN; G. G. J. AND J. ROBINSON, E. NEWBERY, G. WILKIE, MDCC XCII. то THE REA DE R. THE Editor of this little volume was a perfon of confiderable literary abilities and judgment and had he not been taken to his reward early in life, this production proves, that mankind might have been much benefited by his judicious labours. As a COLLECTION it is inferior to none in the kingdom. And as the compiler was juftly efteemed for his piety and vivacity of spirit, fo has he made choice of those pieces that cannot fail, if duly attended to, to inftil into the mind of the reader, the love of virtue, and true religion; abstracted from all illiberal ideas and pedantic notions, which are only of man's invention. |