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" And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. "
The Signs of the Times: In Three Parts - Page 18
by James Bicheno - 1808 - 270 pages
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The Accomplishment of the Scripture Prophecies: Or the Approaching ...

Pierre Jurieu - 1687 - 626 pages
...moft High , and think to change times aud IAW- ; and they fhall be given into hit hand , untill v. 16. a time , and times , and the dividing of time. But the judgment fhall fit , and they fballtakf. away his dominion j to consume and to dffhroj it unto the end. AnA...
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An essay on Scripture prophecy, wherein it is endeavoured to explain the ...

William Burnet - 1724 - 190 pages
...weai "wear out the Saints of the moft High, and' cc think to change Times and Laws } and they " fhall be given into his hands until a Time, and " Times, and the dividing of Tims. The Samenefs of the Period fhews plainly, that the [JHe'] is the fame in both thefe Places ;...
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Ten Sermons on the Millennium: Or, the Glory of the Latter Days; and Five ...

Thomas Taylor - 1789 - 364 pages
...Jhall wear out the faints of the Moft High, and think to change times and laws; and they Jtiall he given into his hands, until a time, and times, and the dividing of times. But the judgment Jhall fit, and they Jhall take away his dominion, to confume and to deJlroy...
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Conjectures on the prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of st. John ...

1795 - 76 pages
...authority of this prophet. . * And he fliall fpeak great luorJs againft the MOST HIGH, and fliall wear out the Saints of the MOST HIGH. and think to change times and laws. B 2 THE The prophecy which is contained in the firft two verfes of this chapter, is admitted by all...
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Discourses Relating to the Evidence of Revealed Religion ...

Joseph Priestley - 1796 - 404 pages
...of the Moft High, and think to change times and laws ; and they Jhall be given into his hand un~ til a time and times, and the dividing of time. But the judgment Jhall Jit, and they Jhall take away his dominion, to confume and to dejlroy it unto the end. The hiftory...
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The Christian guardian (and Church of England magazine).

1851 - 592 pages
...another shall arise after them ; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. And he shall speak great words against the Most High,...think to change times and laws : and they shall be f>iven into his hand, until a time and times, and the dividing of time. But the judgment shall sit,...
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Brief commentaries upon such parts of the Revelation and other prophecies as ...

Joseph Galloway - 1802 - 512 pages
...them, within the laft ten years. ' A ninth mark of the Little Horn is, "and they (the faints) " fhall be given into his hands, until " a time, and times, and the dividing of time." This three-fold divifion means, as I humbly apprehend, only three years and an half. But as in this...
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Poems on several occasions, Volume 1

Charles Crawford (calling himself earl of Crawford.) - 1803 - 192 pages
...(Lib. iii.) f It must be allowed also that Daniel has the same meaning when he mentions a power that " shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change times and laws." Daniel, chap. vii. verse 2? . 2(5 There is no author whatever...
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A Short and Plain Exposition of the Old Testament: With Devotional ..., Volume 6

Job Orton, Robert Gentleman - 1806 - 416 pages
...against the most High, or, as the most High ; assuming arrogant titles, such as belonged to God alone ; and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and Kiw -, instituting sacred times, deposing kings, and din/imsing itiitfi laws, human and divine : and...
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A Short and Plain Exposition of the Old Testament: With Devotional ..., Volume 6

Job Orton, Robert Gentleman - 1806 - 416 pages
...against the most High, or, as the most High ; assuming arrogant titles, such as belonged to God alone ; and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws, instituting sacred times, deposing kings, and dispensing viith latas, human and divine : and they shall...
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