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have hereunto set my hand & afixed my Seale the day & yeare above writen.

Signed Sealed and published this to be my Last will & testament in presence of Thomas Battelle

Thomas Fisher.

Exhibited at a

her mark

Hester S Hunting (seal)

Entered in ye Margent.

I John Huntting, Sen of Dedham do give my free consent to my wife Hester Huntting to make this her last will and do confirme ye same fully

Wittness my hand

his mark

John IH Huntting, Sen'.

County Court for


12 ffebry 1684,

A line of descent from Esther Hunting is as follows:Elder JOHN HUNTING, born 1597, died in Dedham, April 12, 1688; married Esther Seaborn, who died May 4, 1676; their daughter

MARGARET HUNTING, died Aug. 26, 1670; married March 24, 1645, Robert Ware of Dedham, who died April 19, 1699; their son

EBENEZER WARE, born Oct. 28, 1667; died Jan., 1765; married March 18, 1690, Martha Herring, born July 11, 1668; died Jan. 30, 1710; their daughter

SARAH WARE, married April 29, 1731, Joseph Davenport, born in Milton, Aug. 30, 1701, died in Newton, March 12, 1752; their son

BENJAMIN DAVENPORT, born in Newton June 16, 1743; died in Needham, Dec. 28, 1833; married Jan. 26, 1769, Sarah Wilson of Dedham, b. Dec. 10, 1745; died Nov. 16, 1821; their daughter

MARTHA DAVENPORT, born in Dedham, April 8, 1770; died in Dedham Sept. 5, 1846; married April 11, 1793, Amasa Alden, born in Needham, March 29, 1772; died in D., Dec. 7, 1857.



of San Francisco, Cal.

(Continued from Vol. VI., page 68.)

48. EZEKIEL, Jr., son of Ezekiel (29) and Susanna (Wadsworth) Fisher, was b. in that part of Stoughton, now Canton, Aug. 5, 1748; m. 1st, Jan. 10, 1771, Sarah, daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah ( ) May, who was b. at Stoughton, Oct.

25, 1751, and d. there Jan. 16, 1787; m. 2dly, Oct. 18, 1787, Anna Horton, who was b. at Stoughton, Feb. 11, 1763, and d. at Canton, March 1, 1841, aged 78. He was a Sergeant in Captain James Endicott's company at Lexington alarm, and subsequently served in the war; was a blacksmith by trade, and his house, built in 1787, in Ponkapoag, Canton, is still standing, the homestead being owned and occupied by his grandson, Charles Fisher. Ezekiel d. in Canton, Aug. 22, 1802. Their children, b. in Canton, were :

MARY, b. May 8, 1772; m. 1st, Elijah Crane, Jr., Dec. 6,

1787; moved to Maine; m. 2dly, Abner Tibbetts, of
Exeter, Me.

GEORGE, b. Dec. 25, 1774; m. Lois Vose Ward, of Milton.
ELIAS, b. Feb. 3, 1777; m. Hannah Carver; res. Taunton.
ALEXANDER, b. Dec. 2, 1780; m. Clara Tucker, Sept.
26, 1816.


SARAH,7 b. April 21, 1783; m. Elijah Skinner, and moved
to Corinth, Me.

NATHAN, b. March 6, 1785; m. 1st, Mary Johnson; 2dly,
Maria Carpenter, of Rehoboth; residence Taunton.
SAMUEL HORTON, b. (by second wife) Nov. 6, 1789; d.
unm. Aug. 19, 1849.

NANCY, b. Feb. 14, 1792; m. Laban Fields, of Taunton.
EUNICE, b. [ ]; m. Justus Pooler, of Belchertown.

49. LEMUEL, son of Ezekiel (29) and Susanna (Wadsworth) Fisher, was b. in that part of Stoughton, now Canton, Dec. 8, 1754, and d. at Canton, Aug. 23, 1810, aged 55. He m. at Stoughton, June 1, 1780, Anna Billings, who was b. at

Stoughton, Oct. 20, 1757, and d. at Canton, Feb. 7, 1827, aged He lived on what is now called the Dunbar Farm in CanTheir children were:

69. ton.

SARAH, b. April 12, 1781; m. Henry Stone Bemis, of

Canton, in 1804.

JOHN, b. Nov. 10, 1782; d. single, in Ohio.

ASA, b. July 15, 1784; m. [ ] Waite, of Spencer.
LEMUEL, b. Feb. 24, 1786; a farmer, res. Canton; d. unm.

Dec. 22, 1843, aged 57.

JOSEPH, b. Jan. 30, 1788; m. Mrs. Ruth Irvine, June 13, 1816.

ANNA, b. Jan. 3, 1790; d. Sept. 8, 1806.

RUTH,7 b. Feb. 4, 1792; m. Luther Ingraham, March 7, 1816.

MARY,' b. April 22, 1794; m. James Leonard, 1820.

SUSAN, b. Dec. 14, 1798; d. in Maine, Feb. 27, 1879,

aged 80; unm.

(To be continued.)


AT the bottom of page 146 of the October REGISTER, there is a reference to Laban Lewis. Laban (b. April 12, 1764, at Canton, Mass., where he d. July 19, 1842), the eighth of the eleven children of James Hawkes and Lydia (Pratt) Lewis, of Canton, was a direct descendant in the sixth generation (Laban, James Hawkes, John, John3, James2, George1) of George Lewis of Greenwich, England, who after seven years' residence in Plymouth and Scituate settled in Barnstable in 1637. Laban had m. 1st, Dec. 26, 1799, Rebecca (b. April 24, 1774, d. Oct. 13, 1812), dau. of Philip and Rebecca (Fuller) Withington of Sharon, Mass. There were five children by this marriage. On Feb. 20, 1823, he m. 2dly, Abigail (b. May 17, 1771, d. Oct, 9, 1857), dau. of James and Abigail (Puffer) Endicott of Stoughton and Canton. No children by this marriage. In the columns of Lewisiana can be found a full record of the descendants of Laban Lewis.

In connection with the Fisher genealogy now appearing in the REGISTER, it may not be out of place to note that Laban's

brother, Benjamin (b. Nov. 13, 1766, d. May 20, 1860), m. Hannah (b. March 14, 1773, d. June 5, 1833), dau. of Nathaniel and Hannah (Baker) Fisher. See Lewisiana for descendants.

James Hawkes Lewis, the father of these brothers, came to Canton in 1745, and bought of John Andrews a farm of one hundred acres on Cherry Hill, being a portion of the northeast sec-tion of the Ponkapoag Reservation; and it extended from the old turnpike (the Indian trail from Boston to Providence) to the shore of Ponkapoag Pond.

CARLL A. LEWIS, Editor of Lewisiana.


A new volume of Dedham Records, edited by the Town Clerk, Don Gleason Hill, under the title "An Alphabetical Abstract of the Record of Marriages," 1844-1890, completes the publication of the vital statistics of the town from 1635 to Jan. 1, 1891, and forms the seventh volume of Town Records edited by Mr. Hill. He began the work as a labor of love, in 1886, the anniversary year of the town, and has continued it in the same spirit ever since with unabated zeal. Included in this series are the Church Records of baptisms, marriages and deaths, 1638-1845, published in 1888, and the Early Records of the Town Meetings and Selectmen, 1636-1673, issued in 1892 and 1894. Only those who have undertaken the actual work of compiling such records can realize the exhausting labor and painstaking care necessary in making accurate transcripts, and in doing the proper editorial work; and it is not too much to say that Mr. Hill's work will stand the most critical test in these particulars. Not only persons interested in the preservation and diffusion of genealogical and historical material, but the people of Dedham owe Mr. Hill a debt of gratitude for his unselfish devotion to their interests.


1. Who was Priscilla Clarke (REGISTER, II. 109), who mar. Nathaniel Colburn, July 25, 1639? Was she a sister or dau. of Joseph Clarke, Dedham, 1642?

Can any one give me information about Daniel Pond, b. about 1630, and who had children b. in Dedham as early as 1652? His aunt was a Belcher, and she lived with him at Dedham.

ELLEN DUNLAP HOPKINS, 200 West 23d Street, N. Y. 2. Who was Elizabeth Wheaton, the 1st wife of Ebenezer Newell, b. Oct. 18, 1736, d. Feb. 28, 1797?

MRS. M. W. DAVENPORT, 212 East 16th Street, N. Y.

Vol. V. 43, halfway down the page, for Nantucket, read Nantasket.

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