The said Inhabitants, taking into Consideration the great necesitie of providing some means for the Education of the youth in or s'd Towne, did with an unanimous consent declare by voate their willingness to promote that worke, promising to put too their... Dedham Historical Register - Page 411896Full view - About this book
| 1827 - 460 pages
...EXTRACT FROM THE TOWN RECORDS. 1644. At a meeting the first day of the Elcuenth Month. The sd Inhabitants takeing into Consideration the great necesitie of...prouiding some meanes for the Education of the youth of or sd Towne did with an Vnaninous consent declare by voate their willingnes to promote that worke... | |
| 1895 - 214 pages
...doubtless be surprised to learn. The record proceeds in the following terms : — The sd Inhabitants takeing into Consideration the great necesitie of...promote that worke promising to put too their hands to prouide maintenance for a Free Schoole in our said Towne This sentence is an admirable and complete... | |
| William Ward Wight - 1890 - 384 pages
...necesitie of providing some nieanes for the Education of the youth in ye sd Towne, did with an unanimous consent, declare by voate, their willingnes to promote...too their hands, to provide maintenance for a free school in our sd Towne." Resolutions follow to raise £20 per annum, and put it with certain set apart... | |
| 1890 - 428 pages
...Education of the youth in or s'd Towne, did with an unanimous consent declare by voate their willingness to promote that worke, promising to put too their...maintenance for a Free Schoole in our said Towne. And farther did resolve and consent, testifying it by voate, to rayse the summe of Twenty pounds p... | |
| 1890 - 432 pages
...Gowinge. &ce. The said Inhabitants, taking into Consideration the great necesitie of providing some means for the Education of the youth in or s'd Towne, did with an unanimous consent declare by voate their willingness to promote that worke, promising to put too their... | |
| 1893 - 544 pages
...EXTRACT FROM THE TOWN RECORDS. 1644 At a meeting the first day of the Eknenth Month. The sd Inhabitants takeing into Consideration the great necesitie of...prouiding some meanes for the Education of the youth of or sd Towne did with an Vnaninous consent declare by voate their willingnes to promote that vvorke... | |
| 1898 - 358 pages
...Dedham at a town meeting the first day of the nth month, 1644, voted as follows: — The sd Inhabitants takeing into Consideration the great necesitie of...prouiding some meanes for the Education of the youth of or sd Towne with an vnaninous consent declare by voate their willingnes to promote that worke promising... | |
| 1899 - 484 pages
...EXTRACT FROM THE TOWN RECORDS. 1644 At a meeting the first day of the Kleuenth Month The sd Inhabitants takeing into Consideration the great necesitie of...prouiding some meanes for the Education of the youth in o* sd Towne did with an vnaninous consent declare by voate their willingnes to promote that worke promising... | |
| Lewis Wilder Hicks - 1899 - 68 pages
...Education of the youth of sd Towne did with an unanimous consent declare by voate their willingness to promote that worke promising to put too their hands to provide maintenance for a Free School in our said Towne, and farther resolve and consent testifying it by voate to rayse the sume... | |
| 1902 - 874 pages
...Education of the youth in our s'd Towne, did with an unanimous consent declare by voate their willingness to promote that worke, promising to put too their...maintenance for a Free Schoole in our said Towne. "And farther did resolve and consent, testifying it by voate, to rayse the summe of Twenty pounds per... | |
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