If TITA. Perchance, till after Thefeus' wedding-day. you will patiently dance in our round, And fee our moon-light revels, go with us; If not, fhun me, and I will fpare your haunts. [Exeunt TITANIA, and her train. OBE. Well, go thy way: thou shalt not from this grove, Till I torment thee for this injury. My gentle Puck, come hither: Thou remember'st And heard a mermaid on a dolphin's back, Puck. I remember. OBE. That very time I faw, (but thou could'ft not,) Flying between the cold moon and the earth, Cupid all arm'd: a certain aim he took At a fair veftal, throned by the west; And loos'd his love-shaft fmartly from his bow, In maiden meditation, fancy-free. Yet mark'd I where the bolt of Cupid fell: It fell upon a little western flower,— Before, milk-white; now purple with love's wound,— And maidens call it, love-in-idlenefs. Fetch me that flower; the herb I fhow'd thee once; 1 The juice of it on fleeping eye-lids laid, PUCK. I'll put a girdle round about the earth OBE. Having once this juice, I'll watch Titania when she is asleep, [Exit PUCK. And drop the liquor of it in her eyes: I'll make her render up her page to me. But who comes here? I am invifible; And I will over-hear their conference. Enter DEMETRIUS, HELENA following him. The one I'll flay, the other flayeth me. Thou told'st me, they were ftol'n into this wood, Hence, get thee gone, and follow me no more. DEM. Do I entice you? Do I fpeak you fair? Tell you-I do not, nor I cannot love you? HEL. And even for that do I love you the more. The more you beat me, I will fawn on you: ufe What worfer place can I beg in your love, my spirit; HEL. And I am fick, when I look not on you. Into the hands of one that loves you not; And the ill counsel of a defert place, With the rich worth of your virginity. HEL. Your virtue is my privilege for that. It is not night, when I do fee your face, Therefore I think I am not in the night : Nor doth this wood lack worlds of company; For you, in my respect, are all the world: Then how can it be faid, I am alone, When all the world is here to look on me? DEM. I'll run from thee, and hide me in the brakes, And leave thee to the mercy of wild beasts. HEL. The wildest hath not such a heart as you. When cowardice pursues, and valour flies. But I fhall do thee mischief in the wood. HEL, Ay, in the temple, in the town, the field, Your wrongs do fet a scandal on my sex : We should be woo'd, and were not made to woo. To die upon the hand I love fo well. [Exeunt DEM. and IIEL. OBE. Fare thee well, nymph: ere he do leave this grove, Thou shalt fly him, and he fhall feek thy love. Re-enter PUCK. Haft thou the flower there? Welcome, wanderer. ОВЕ. І pray thee, give it me. I know a bank whereon the wild thyme blows, Take thou fome of it, and feek through this grove: A fweet Athenian lady is in love With a difdainful youth: anoint his eyes; But do it, when the next thing he espies May be the lady: Thou fhalt know the man SCENE III. Another part of the Wood. Enter TITANIA with her train. TITA. Come, now a roundel, and a fairy fong; Some, war with rear-mice for their leathern wings, SONG. 1. FAI. You fpotted fnakes, with double tongue, Newts, and blind-worms, do no wrong; Chorus. Philomel, with melody, Sing in our fweet lullaby; Lulla, lulla, lullaby; lulla, lulla, lullaby : Never harm, nor spell nor charm, Come our lovely lady nigh; So, good night, with lullaby. II. 2. FA1. Weaving spiders, come not here ; VOL. I. LI |