(Weak masters though ye be,) I have be-dimm'd [Solemn mufick. I'll drown my book. Re-enter ARIEL: after him, ALONSO, with a frantick gefture, attended by GONZALO; SEBASTIAN and ANTON10 in like manner, attended by ADRIAN and FRANCISCO: They all enter the circle which PROSPERO had made, and there ftand charmed; which PROSPERO obferving, speaks. A folemn air, and the best comforter To an unfettled fancy, cure thy brains, Now useless, boil'd within thy fkull! There ftand, Holy Gonzalo, honourable man, Mine eyes, even fociable to the shew of thine, Fall fellowly drops.-The charm diffolves apace; E My true preferver, and a loyal fir To him thou follow'ft; I will pay thy graces Thou'rt pinch'd for't now, Sebastian.—Flesh and blood, That now lie foul and muddy. Not one of them, As I was fometime Milan :-quickly, spirit; Thou shalt ere long be free. ARIEL re-enters, finging, and helps to attire PROSPERO, ARI. Where the bee fucks, there fuck I ; In a cowflip's bell I lie: There I couch when owls do cry. On the bat's back I do fly, After fummer, merrily : Merrily, merrily, fhall I live now, Under the bloom that hangs on the bough. PRO. Why, that's my dainty Ariel: I shall miss thee But yet thou fhalt have freedom: so, so, so.— Under the hatches; the mafter, and the boatswain, ; And presently, I pr'ythee. ARI. I drink the air before me, and return Or e'er your pulfe twice beat. [Exit ARIEL. GON. All torment, trouble, wonder, and amazement Inhabits here; Some heavenly power guide us Out of this fearful country! PRO. Behold, fir king, The wronged duke of Milan, Profpero : ALON. Whe'r thou beeft he, or no, Or fome inchanted trifle to abuse me, As late I have been, I not know thy pulse Beats, as of flesh and blood; and, fince I faw thee, The affliction of my mind amends, with which, (And if this be at all,) a most strange story. Thou pardon me my wrongs:-But how should Profpero Be living, and be here? PRO. First, noble friend, Let me embrace thine age; whofe honour cannot Be meafur'd, or confin'd. GON. Whether this be, Or be not, I'll not fwear. PRO. You do yet tafte Some fubtilties o' the ifle, that will not let you Believe things certain :-Welcome, my friends all :you, my brace of lords, were I fo minded, But [Afide to SEB. and ANT I here could pluck his highness' frown upon you, And justify you traitors; at this time I'll tell no tales. SEB. The devil speaks in him. PRO. No: For you, most wicked fir, whom to call brother ALON. If thou beeft Profpero, Give us particulars of thy preservation : How thou haft met us here, who three hours fince PRO. I am woe for't, fir. ALON. Irreparable is the lofs; and patience Says, it is past her cure. PRO. I rather think, You have not fought her help; of whose soft And rest myself content. ALON. You the like lofs? PRO. As great to me, as late; and, portable [Afide. grace, To make the dear lofs, have I means much weaker Have loft my daughter. ALON. A daughter? O heavens! that they were living both in Naples, Where my fon lies. When did you lofe your daughter At this encounter do fo much admire, That they devour their reafon; and scarce think Are natural breath: but, how foe'er you have Which was thrust forth of Milan; who moft ftrangely Not a relation for a breakfast, nor Befitting this first meeting. Welcome, fir; The entrance of the cell opens, and difcovers FERDINAND and MIRANDA playing at chefs. MIRA. Sweet lord, you play me false. FER. No, my dearest love, I would not for the world. MIRA. Yes, for a fcore of kingdoms, you should wrangle, And I would call it fair play. ALON. If this prove A vifion of the island, one dear fon Shall I twice lofe. SEB. A moft high miracle! FER. Though the feas threaten, they are merciful: I have curs'd them without caufe. [FERD. kneels to ALON. ALON. Now all the bleffings Of a glad father compass thee about! |