Are known to honest quadrupedes; No single brute his fellows leads; View him soon after to inferiors Aping the conduct of superiors: He promises with equal air, And to perform takes equal care. At court, the porters, lackeys, waiters, A NEW SIMILE. IN THE MANNER OF SWIFT. LONG had I sought in vain to find And now proceęd we to our simile. Imprimis, pray observe his hat, Wings upon either side-mark that. Well! what is it from thence we gather ? Why these denote a brain of feather. With wit that's flighty, learning light; In the next place, his feet peruse, I'm sure it may be justly said, His feet are useful as his head. Lastly, vouchsafe ť observe his hand, Fill'd with a snake-encircled wand; For let folks only get a touch, Though ne'er so much awake before, Add too, what certain writers tell, His wand's a modern author's pen; This diff'rence only, as the god With his goose-quill the scribbling elf Instead of others damns himself. And here my simile almost tript, Yet grant a word by way of postscript. Moreover, Merc'ry had a failing; Well! what of that? out with it-stealing; |