1 And does that thought affect thee too, SHERIDAN. SONG. IN 'THE STRANGER.' I HAVE a silent sorrow here, This cherish'd woe, this loved despair, So, my soul's lord, the pangs I bear And when pale characters of death I will not raise my eyes to Heaven, Unpardon'd, love, by thee. SHERIDAN. IN PITY, FOND BOSOM, LIE STILL. YES, now I shall think of that heart-broken maid Whom in days of my childhood I knew; All night she would weep in the cold willow shade, And her tears mingle warm with the dew! I have heard her exclaim, as she sadly reclined 'Mid the willows all dripping and chill, I have heard her exclaim while she shrunk in ' In pity, fond bosom, lie still!' [the wind, The youth whom she loved had been torn from By a fate too severely unkind, [her arms Thus wither'd, alas! was the rose of her charms, And clouded the beams of her mind! Sweet mourner! thy fortunes may haply be mine, And I feel in my heart that they will; Then sad shall I sing, with a sorrow like thine, ' In pity, fond bosom, lie still!' T. MOORE. you, TO HENRY. WHILE I hang on your bosom, distracted to lose [flow, High swells my sad heart, and fast my tears Yet think not of coldness they fall to accuse you, Did I ever upbraid you? Oh! no, my love, no! I own it would please me, at home would you Nor e'er feel a wish from Maria to go; [tarry, But if it gives pleasure to you, my dear Harry, Shall I blame your departure? Oh! no, my love, no! VOL. III. LL Now do not, dear Hal, while abroad you are straying, That heart which is mine on a rival bestow; Nay, banish that frown, such displeasure betray[no! ing, Do you think I suspect you? Oh! no, my love, I believe you too kind for one moment to grieve me, Or plant in a heart which adores you such woe; Yet should you dishonour my truth and deceive [love, no! Should I e'er cease to love you? Oh! no, my me, M. G. LEWIS. SONG. I DANCED with Harriet at the fair, Luxuriantly ran; But why I praised her, sweet one, know, About the cheeks of Anne. One evening in the passion week, When Lucy play'd at hide and seek, Her black eyes shone like glowworms bright, And led me by their sparkling light To find out where she ran; But if I praised them, sweet one, know, The black eyes sparkle, burn, and glow Louisa's lips in kisses meet, Like a twin cherry ripe and sweet; To charm the gaze of man! Yet if I praise them, sweet one, know, Lips, breath, and bosom I can show SONG. LEFTLY. SWEET is the balmy evening hour, And mild the glowworm's light, And soft the breeze that sweeps the flower With pearly dew-drops bright. I love to loiter on the hill, And catch each trembling ray ;- What is the breath of closing flowers I love them, for they mind me still MISS MITFORD. SONG. I LIKE not beauty's roseate brightness; Give me the pure and tranquil glance I like not lips for ever smiling; MISS MITFORD. 1 SONG. No-not the eye of tender blue, Had long enthrall'd my mind; |