POSTHUMOUS PIECES OF THE LATE REV. JOHN WILLIAM DE LA FLECHERE; BY THE REV. MELVILL HORNE, CURATE OF MADELEY BODLI MADELEY: ALSO BY WILSON, SPENCE AND MAWMAN, YORK; PREFACE. THE HE name of the venerable Mr. Fletcher inscribed on this volume will introduce it to the perufal of many, and its own intrinfick worth will, I flatter myself, entitle it to the approbation of proper judges. Thus I am relieved from the pain of foliciting for it the notice of the publick, and of giving it that commendation, which will better become any other person than the Editor. It may, however, be expected, that I should give fome account of my book, and I conform, the more cheerfully, to general cuftom, as it affords me an opportunity of conciliating the candour of the Reader. This book is truly Mr. Fletcher's. A large part of the Letters is tranfcribed from the originals, others from authentick copies, and fome from a full collection of letters published a few years ago in Dublin. For the Letters on the Manifeftation of Christ, and the Fragments, I am obliged to Mrs. Fletcher: the first are in the Author's own manufcript, the laft copied by Mrs. Fletcher from fome of his old pocket-books. The Paftoral and Familiar Letters are written from the period of Mr. Fletcher's converfion to within a few days of his decease. When the Letters on the Manifeftation were written, or to whom they are addreffed, I cannot learn; but from the beginning of the firft letter, the decayed state of the manufcript, and the extreme fmall nefs of the character, (which could fcarcely have been legible to the Author in his latter years) I judge them to have been the firft effay of a genius afterwards fo much admired. The Fragments, of which fome appear as the thoughts of the day, others as notes of fermons, bear date the firft few years of his miniftry. If, therefore, any part of this volume, however excellent, be deemed inferior to the more mature productions of the fame admirable pen, it is hoped that candour will have at least as much weight as criticifm. The Reader is farther requested, to remember that the pious Author wrote only for himself and his friends; that these sheets want his perfecting hand; and that the Editor thought himself entitled to take no liberties. It is not expected that Mr. Fletcher's reputation as a writer will receive new luftre from these Polhumous Pieces: But, if the many friends, who revere his memory, find edification and delight in perufing his apoftolick letters; if any, whofe oppofition of fentiment would not allow them to converse with him as a polemick divine, fhall now receive him to their breafts, as a Christian brother; if any, who have not reaped the rich harveft of his former writings, are benefited by the gleanings of the field; and if the world in general is made better acquainted with the virtues of this excellent man: all the ends proposed by their publication will be obtained, and the Editor will think himself juftified in giving them to the prefs. That the benediction of the Almighty may attend these laft labours of his Servant, that the Reader |