Biography and Poetical Remains of the Late Margaet Miller DavidsonLea and Balanchard, 1843 - 248 pages |
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Biography and Poetical Remains of the Late Margaet Miller Davidson Washington Irving,Margaret Miller Davidson No preview available - 2016 |
Common terms and phrases
angels Ballston beam beautiful behold bloom Boabdil bosom breast breath bright brother brow burst calm cheek cheerful child clouds cold dark Davidson dear mother death deep delight dread dream Dutchess County earth earthly Emily Erstein fading fair fair brow fancy farewell father fear feelings flowers gaze gentle glance glowing golden sun grief hand happy haste hath heart heaven heavenly hope hour Lake Champlain Lenore light look lyre Margaret MARGARET MILLER DAVIDSON martial music Melanie mighty mind mingled Morna morning mourn ne'er neath never night o'er pain pale pass'd Plattsburgh pleasure poetic pride pure rapture rest Rhine Saranac scene seem'd seemed sigh silent sister sleep smile soft soothe sorrow soul sparkling spirit stream sweet sweetly tears tempest thee thine thou art thought tone trembling uncon voice waves weep wild wings young youth
Popular passages
Page 109 - WHEN I can read my title clear To mansions in the skies, I bid farewell to every fear, And wipe my weeping eyes.
Page 34 - MY NATIVE LAKE. THY verdant banks, thy lucid stream, Lit by the sun's resplendent beam, Reflect each bending tree so light Upon thy bounding bosom bright. Could I but see thee once again, My own, my beautiful Champlain ! The little isles that deck thy breast, And calmly on thy bosom rest, How often, in my childish glee, I've sported round them, bright and free ! Could I but see thee once again, . My own, my beautiful Champlain...
Page 50 - So dear to Heaven is saintly chastity That, when a soul is found sincerely so, A thousand liveried angels lackey her, Driving far off each thing of sin and guilt, And in clear dream and solemn vision Tell her of things that no gross ear can hear; Till oft converse with heavenly habitants Begin to cast a beam on the outward shape, The unpolluted temple of the mind, And turns it by degrees to the soul's essence, Till all be made immortal.
Page 29 - ... judicious nurse, yet the soft and gentle voice of my little darling was more than medicine to my worn-out frame. If her delicate hand smoothed my pillow, it was soft to my aching temples, and her sweet smile would cheer me in the lowest depths of despondency. She would draw for me — read to me ; and often, when writing at her little table, would surprise me by some tribute of love, which never failed to operate as a cordial to my heart. At a time when my life was despaired of, she wrote the...
Page 128 - O Lord my God, thou art very great ; thou art clothed with honour and majesty. Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain...
Page 206 - Yes, mother, fifty years have fled, With rapid foot-steps, o'er thy head: Have past with all their motley train, And left thee on thy couch of pain! How many smiles and sighs and tears, How many hopes and doubts and fears Have vanish'd with that lapse of years.
Page 80 - That the air-hues may not last. We will dream our dreams of joy : — Ah, Fear ! why darken the scene ? Why sprinkle that ominous tear My beautiful visions between ! Hath not Sorrow swift wings of her own, That thou must assist in her flight ? Is not daylight too rapidly gone, That thou must urge onward the night ? Ah ! leave me to Fancy, to Hope, For Grief will too quickly be here ; Ah ! leave me to shadow forth f1gures of light In the mystical robe of the Year.
Page 47 - ... bright eye heavy. Instead of rolling the hoop, and bounding across the lawn to meet his sister on her return from the city, he drooped by the side of his feeble mother, and could not bear to be parted from her; at length he was taken to his bed, and, after lingering four months, he died. This was Margaret's first acquaintance with death. She witnessed his gradual decay almost unconsciously, but still persuaded herself 'he will, he must get well!
Page 56 - Mamma, I must write ! I can hold out no longer! I will return to my pen, my pencil, and my books, and shall again be happy !' I pressed her to my bosom, and cautioned her to remember she was feeble. ' Mother,' exclaimed she,
Page 48 - I hovered upon the borders of the grave; and when I arose from this bed of pain, so feeble that I could not sustain my own weight, it was to witness the rupture of a blood-vessel in her lungs, caused by exertions to suppress a cough. Oh, it was agony to see her thus! I was compelled to conceal every appearance of alarm, lest the agitation of her mind should produce fatal consequences. As I seated myself by her, she raised her speaking eyes to mine with a mournful, inquiring gaze; and as she read...