Chapter XXVIII. Twenty-eighth... Sometimes a letter stands for a whole word, as in the following table. A. B. Bachelor of Arts A. D. the year of our Lord A. M. Master of Arts B. D. Bachelor of divini- Co. Company Cwt. hundred weight D. D. Doctor of Divinity M. B. Bachelor of Medicine M. D. Docter of Medicine St. Saint [vinity عليه Chapter XXIX. Twenty-ninth. In this Chapter the Child may learn the Italian Alphabet. A a was an apple for Aaron to eat- Uu was an unicorn-and strove for the crown- Chapter XXX. Thirtieth.-Proverbs. 1. All is well that ends well. Art improves nature. 2. Correction by times prevents many crimes. Death levels all. 4. Gentleness begets friends. 5. Trust before you try-repent before you die. 6. Knowledge is no burden. Kissing goes by favour. 7. Money moves all. Many men of many minds. 8. Out of sight out of mind. One fool makes many. Of two evils chose the least. Opportuunity makes a thief. Promise with caution. Pay with punctuality. Pardon others but not thyself. Pride must fall. 9. Reward sweetens labour. Respect is due to age. Reprove thy friend, correct thyself. Reveal no secrets: Soon hot soon cold. Study makes men humane. Stolen waters are sweet. Speak evil of none 10. The best may mend. Two eyes see more than one. The tree is known by its fruit. Time eases grief. Virtue alone is happiness below. Unite and be free, Vices come of idleness. Understanding gains fa vour. 11. Win gold and wear it. Wise men are scarce. When it rains porridge, hold up your dish. Youth wants experience. Yield to your betters. Zeal for the truth should be cherished in youth. Chapter XXXI. Thirty-first. AGAINST QUARRELLING. 1. Charles, here are more stories for you. Stories about good boys and naughty boys, and silly boys, for you know now what it is to be good. And there is a story about two foolish cocks that were always quarrelling: and that you know is very naughty. 2. You do not quarrel! No; I am glad of it: but if you see any little boys that do quarrel, you may tell them THE STORY OF THE TWO COCKS. 3. There was once a hen that lived in a farm yard, and she had a large brood of chickens: She took great care of them, and gathered them under her wings every night, and fed them, and nursed them very well, and they were good chickens, all except two cocks, that were always quarrelling with one another. 4. These two cocks were hardly out of the shell, before they began to pick at each other; and when they grew bigger, they fought till they were all bloody. If one picked up a barley corn, or a grain of wheat, the other always wanted to have it. They never looked pretty, because their feathers were pulled off in fighting till till they were quite bare and they picked at one another's eyes till they were both almost blind. 5. The old hen very often told them how naughty it was to quarrel so; but they did not mind her, and that you know was very naughty. So one day these two cocks had been fighting, as they always did; and the biggest cock, whose name was Chanticleer, beat the other, and crowed over him, and drove him quite out of the yard. 6. The cock that had been beat, slunk away and hid himself, for he was very much vexed to think he had been conquered, and he wanted sadly to be revenged; but he did not know how to manage it, for he was not strong enough himself. 7. So after thinking a great deal, he went to an old sly fox, that lived near, and said to him, Fox, if you will come with me, I will show you where there is a large fat cock in a farm yard, and you may eat him up if you will. 8. The fox was very glad for he was hungry enough; and he said, yes, I will come directly, with all my heart, and I will not leave a feather of him. So they went together, and the cock showed Reynard the way into the farm-yard: and there was poor Chanticleer, fast asleep upon the perch. And the fox seized him by the neck, and eat him up; while the other cock stood by, and crowed for joy. 9. But when the fox had done, he said, Chanticleer was very good, but I have not had enough; I think I must try how you taste; so he flew upon the other cock, and eat him up in a moment. Chapter XXXII. Thirty-second. 1. Now I will tell you a story about a very naughty boy, who loved quarrelling, and would not quit till he had killed his brother: And this is it. |