of the epistles. The idea is a good one, and to judge from the two or three specimens which we have had time to read, the execution is also very creditable to the author. THE POET. Look at that high and marble brow, What are thy thoughts; rapt mortal, tell— On earth-and think'st thou, selfish one, No rainbow seasons come and go?- The sea-I've heard the sailor boy Sing gaily from the high mast-head; On heaven- -are all yon stars of gold Marshalled by God each night for thee? Then think not, friend, I cannot share The thoughts that lie too deep for speech, For though at me no vulgar stare; The deep-drawn sigh no lady fetch; N. DEATH ON THE PALE HORSE. Mr. Dunlap's third great picture, "Death on the pale Horse," having recently appeared before the public, and having attracted very general attention, our readers may be gratified by a short description of the work, which is all we can at present give. In our next number we will enter into a more minute and critical examination of its merits. It is avowedly founded upon the design of Mr. West, but painted without any knowledge of Mr. West's picture, except the very small outline published some years ago in the PortFolio. The painting now under consideration is 20 feet in length, and the figures in the foreground at least 6 feet 6 inches in height. The strength of light, shadow, and colouring, is proportioned to the magnitude, and the effect produced is decidedly beyond that of any picture we have seen. The centre is occupied by the King of Terrors on his pale horse, darting his destructive lightnings in every direction, and trampling on his victims with unrelenting fury. Immediately in his path is a domestic groupe, who, in the pride of youth and health, are blasted by the breath of the demon-horse. A beautiful female, a wife and mother, sinks dying, though supported by her husband, and evinces, in her last agony, the mother's tenderness, by clasping her arms about her children. Her daughter is endeavouring to assist her, and her infant son has sunk dead from her embrace. This is the great point in the picture. The left of the picture is occupied by the white, the red, and the black horses, with their respective riders; and the right, by a most spirited combat between men and the beasts of the earth, in which the latter are victorious. Our limits do not permit us to enter more into detail, but we shall take an early opportunity of giving our opinion of the merits and demerits of this very uncommon composition. NEW PUBLICATIONS. Arts, Science, and Philosophy. A Manual of Electricity; containing Observations on the Electrical Phenomena, and Directions for the Construction of Metallic Conductors; &c. By William King, Medical Electrician, and Lecturer on Electricity and Galvanism. Newbern, N. C. Biography. Memoir of the Life of Richard Henry Lee, and his Correspondence with the most distinguished Men in America and Europe, illustrative of their characters, and of the events of the American Revolution. By his grandson, Richard Henry Lee, of Leesburgh, Virginia. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. H C. Carey, and I. Lea, Chesnut-street. Drama. The Forest Rose, or American Farmers. A Pastoral Opera. In two Acts, as performed at the Chatham Theatre, New-York. By Samuel Woodworth, Author of the "Deed of Gift," "Castle of Olmutz," " Widow's Son," &c. Music by John Davies, Esq. New-York. Published at the Circulating Library and Dramatic Repository, No. 4 Chamberstreet, 1825. 8vo. Education. Dufief's Nature Displayed. Adapted to the Spanish language. 2 vols. New edition. New-York. Printed for and sold by the Author. A Theoretical and Practical Arithmetic, in which the principles of that science are clearly and fully explained; being intended as an introduction to the higher branches of Mathematics. By Bezout. Enlarged, and adapted to the use of young Traders, Bankers, &c. &c. By F. Peyrard, ex-professor of Mathematics and Astronomy of the Royal Bourbon College, &c. &c. Translated from the French; improved and adapted to the currency of the United States. By Noble Heath. 8vo. New-York. S. Wood & Sons. History. Napoleon and the Grand Army in Russia; or, A Critical Examination of Count Philip de Segur's Work. By General Gourgand, late First Officer of Ordnance, and Aid-de-Camp to the Emperor Napoleon. "Render unto Cæsar the things which are Cæsar's " Translated from the French by a Gentleman of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Anthony Finley. Laro. Post-office Law, Instructions and Forms, published for the Regulation of the Post office. Printed for the General Post-office. City of Wash ington. Way & Gideon. The Doctrine of Constructive Larceny considered, as developed in the recent ('ase of George Tyson, the Stock and Exchange Broker, who was tried at the Mayor's Court for the City of Philadelphia, at the March Session, in 1825. By Charles B. Mumford, Esq. of the Philadelphia Bar. Philadelphia. Miscellaneous. Catalogue of an extensive collection of Books, lately imported from London, embracing all the various branches of Literature, together with Sporting Prints, Books of Caricature, &c. &c., and for sale by H. C. Carey &1. Lea, 8vo. Philadelphia. Remarks on changes lately proposed or adopted in Harvard University. By George Ticknor, Smith Professor, &c. Cummings, Hilliard & Co. Ming's Hutchins' Almanac and Ephemeris of the motions of the Sun and Moon; the true places and aspects of the Planets; rising and setting of the Sun, and the rising, setting, and southing of the Moon, for the year of our Lord 1826, being the second year after Bissextile, or Leap Year, and 50th year of American Independence, till 4th July. NewYork. Alexander Ming. Wood's Almanac for the year 1826. Calculated for the latitude and meridian of Baltimore, by Josiah Sharpe. Baltimore. S. Wood & Co. An Examination of Mr. Dufief's Philosophical Notions, with a Criticism upon his System and Mode of Teaching Languages. In four Letters. By John Manesca. New-York. Clayton & Van Norden. The Inquisition Examined. No. IV New York. The African Repository and Colonial Journal. Vol. I, No. 6. Novels. The Mysterious Picture, by Wrangham Fitz Ramble, Esq. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York. Collins & Hannay. Orations and Addresses. An Oration pronounced at Middlebury, before the Associated Alumni of the College, on the evening of commencement, August 17th, 1825. Published by Request. By Nathan S. S. Beman. Troy. Tuttle & Richards. An Oration and Address delivered before the Palmetto Society of South Carolina, in Commemoration of the Defence of the Palmetto Fort, on Sullivan's Island, (June 28, 1776.) By William Crafts. Charleston, S. C. A. E. Miller. 8vo. A Discourse delivered on the 4th of July, 1825, in the city of Washington, by Ralph R. Gurley. 8vo. Washington. A Lecture delivered at the opening of the Medical Department of Columbia College, in the District of Columbia, March 30th, 1825, by Thomas Sewall, M. D Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. Washington City, Printed at the Colombian Office October, 1825. The Address of the Executive Committee of the American Tract Society to the Christian Public, together with a brief account of the formation of the Society, its Constitution and Officers New-York. D. Fanshaw. Periodical Literature. The North American Review, No. 49, October, 1825. New Series, No. 24. Boston. Cummings, Hilliard & Co. The Museum of Foreign Literature and Science, No. 40, for October, 1825. The New-York Literary Gazette, and Phi Beta Kappa Repository. Published weekly. Edited by James G. Brooks. New-York. C. & G. Carvill. The United States Literary Gazette, Vol. 3, Oct. 1, 1825, No. 1. Boston. Cummings, Hilliard & Co. The Boston Journal of Philosophy and the Arts. Conducted by John W. Webster, M. D. and Mr. Daniel Treadwell. No. 12, for August, 1825. Boston. Cummings, Hilliard & Co. The New-York Medical and Physical Journal, edited by John B. Beck, M. D. Daniel L. M. Peixotto, M. D., and John Bell, M. D. No. 15, for July, August, and September, 1825, to be continued quarterly. E. Bliss & E. White The Garland, or New tiene al Repository of Fugitive Poetry, moral, descriptive, and sentimental. Selected from the periodical and other Journals, American and Foreign, with notes and remarks. By G. A. Gamage. Monthly. T. M Skinner. Auburn, N. Y. The Medical Recorder of Original Papers and Intelligence in Medicine and Surgery. Conducted by Samuel Calhoun, M. D. assisted by an association of Physicians in Philadelphia, New-York, Baltimore, and Norfolk. Quarterly Series, No. 32, Vol. 8, October, 1825. No. 4. Philadelphia. James Webster. Le Réveil, Journal Francais, Littéraire, Politique et Commercial; Publié par Edward Louvet Redacteur-Propriétaire. New-York, October, 1825. No's I, II, III. Published weekly. Joseph Darke. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Vol. 5, No's. 3 and 4. Philadelphia. Biblical Repertory, a Collection of Tracts in Biblical Literature. By Charles Hodge, Professor of Oriental and Biblical Literature in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, New-Jersey. Vol. 1, No. 4. D. A. Porrenstein Published quarterly. The United States Literary Gazette, Vol. 3d. No. 2. October, 1825. Boston. Cummings, Hilliard & Co. Poetry. Zophiel, a Poem, by Mrs. Brooks. Boston. Published by Richardson & Lord. J. H. A. Frost 1 vol. 8vo. Surgery and Medicine. An Essay on the Remote and Proximate causes of Phthisis Pulmonalis. Being an Essay to which the prize was adjudged for the year 1825, by the New-York State Medical Society. By Andrew Hamersley, M. D. With a few explanatory notes. 8vo. Philadelphia. James Webster. On the Surgical Anatomy of the Groin, as connected with the Hernia of the Abdomen. By Alexander F. Vaché, of New-York. **The continuation of the Review of Bellrami's Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi, is deferred to the next number. ERRATA IN THE LAST NUMBER. Page 364, last line, read New-York Historical Society Library. 368, 1. 21, for divers read direr. 391, 1. 10, for faultless read faithless. do. 1. 19, for dead read dread. |