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"Goethe was extremely mild, quiet, and inwardly cheerful. He soon came to speak of Lord Byron. Byron,' he said, only places Pope (den alten Pope) on so high a standard on account of having in him an invincible drawback. Compared with Pope, Byron has been a giant; compared with Shakespeare, on the other hand, a dwarf. The ode on the death of General Moore [of which Goethe always spoke in raptures, and which for many years was thought to be a poem of Lord Byron in Germany as well as in France] is one of the most beautiful poems of Byron. Shelley must have been a narrow-minded fellow not to feel this: moreover, Byron seems to me to have been far too kind to Shelley. That Byron has taken Ugolino as a prototype for his Prisoner of Chillon cannot be blamed at all: the whole universe belongs to the Poet, each spirited work of art becoming in turn a part of nature, and thus the later-born poet may make use of it just as well as of any other natural phenomenon.' "—Antè, p. 94.

The same day he was disparaging Tom Moore, and speaking of the favourable impression Lord Stratford's departure from Constantinople, on account of the state of Greece, had made upon him. Speaking thus of Greek affairs, Goethe expressed a different opinion from that of June, 1824, as regards Lord Byron's influence on Greece and the Greeks:

"If Lord Byron's life had been spared, he would have become a Lycurgus or a Solon for Greece.'"-Antè, p. 94. On December 17, of the same year, Goethe had a long talk on Byron's Conversations:

"I am reading them now for the second time. I should not like to miss them although they leave behind a painful impression. How much gossip often about the most futile things; what offences taken at each silly judgment of journalists; what a wild life with dogs, monkeys, peacocks, horses; everything without connecting links! Only as regards taking a view on a thing, Byron judges well and clearly; reflection is not hishis judgments and combinations are often those of children. With what patience he allows himself to be reproached with plagiarisms, firing only small shot at his antagonists for his defence, instead of thundering down upon them with heavy cannons. Does not everything that the past and the present have done belong by right light."- Vide, passim the whole essay on Heinrich Heine; for the above word, Essays in Criticism, 1865, pp. 157161.-H. K.

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to the poet? Why should he feel afraid of culling flowers wherever he finds them? Only by appropriating the very best part of other people's [mental] treasures, something great can be produced. Have I not myself made use of Job and of a Shakespeare-song for Mephistopheles? Byron was mostly unknown to himself a great poet; seldom he fully enjoyed his own self."—Antè, pp. 95, 96.

In May of the following year (1825) he was speaking of the mental resemblance between Madame de Staël and Byron (antè, p. 101); and in June, 1827, of Parry's narrative of the last days of the great English poet (antè, p. 111), but on both occasions Von Müller does not mention any particulars. Goethe took at that time a great interest in the affairs of Greece, and one day (August 12, 1827) spoke much of Canning and of his premature and untimely death (ante, p. 115.)

Remembering how difficult a thing it must have been to obtain English books in Germany some forty or fifty years ago, we are astonished how many of them found their way to Weimar. I do not wish to speak of standard works, but of less known or less universal books, whose only his charming "Letter" that forms an appendix merit often is their rarity. Thackeray tells us in to Mr. Lewes's Life of Goethe, that even the court of Weimar, the grandduke, and the amiable Grandduchess Luise not excepted, borrowed English books of the young and old English gentlemen and gentlewomen who came to visit Weimar, and Goethe must always, it is evident, have received the lion's share. Thus he is speaking of Roger Bacon's works (whom he greatly and justly admired, antè, p. 4), Moore's Poems, Howard's Climate of London (which he highly praised, antè, p. 47), Flaxman's much admired outlines, Lady Morgan's Italy (he probably read the German Weimar edition, 1821-the authoress he fairly hated-antè, p. 48), Mrs. Roscoe's Floral Illustrations, and many others. Of Carlyle he began to think very highly. "We spoke of Carlyle's article" (probably the one on Goethe in the Foreign Quarterly, 1828) Von Müller observes, "and Goethe said " (August 16, 1828):—

"I have forwarded some little presents to this worthy man, viz. a pocket edition of my works, Faust, a medal, and an engraving [probably portraits of Goethe], an iron breast-pin for his wife, &c. These kind of people,' he added, as we also observe in the Bracebridges, lead a much more intimate and socially connected life than we do in our hasty pleasures. They are as it were united together in a narrow boat in the midst of the ocean, unmindful of the roar and the noise around them.'"'—Antè, p. 125.

Next to Lord Byron, Sir Walter Scott occupied much of Goethe's attention and serious thinking, but he did not admire him as much as he did "the only great poet of our time." Of Sir Walter's poems he does not speak here. Mentioning one day one of Sir Walter's books, probably a novel, he said : —

"A book which has been of great efficacy can, properly speaking, no longer be judged of. Moreover, criticism is a mere habit of the moderns.""-Antè, p. 48.

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"Scott's enchanting charm,' he observed another time (September 17, 1823), rests also upon the glory of the three British Kingdoms, and the never-ending variety of their history.'" (Antè, p. 55.) [He was then occupied, indirectly at least, with Quentin Durward.]—Antè, p. 57. One evening (October 2, 1823,) he freely discussed Byron and Sir Walter, praising Cain highly, especially the scene of the murder:"Byron alone I allow to be my equal (Byron allein lasse ich neben mir gelten !) Walter Scott is nothing compared with him.'"-Antè, p. 65.

Some days after, October 12, 1823 :—

Thomas Moore has not pleased me in anything. Of Walter Scott I have been reading two novels, and know now what he intends and what he is able to do. He would always amuse me, but I cannot learn anything of him. I have only time for the truly excellent!""-Antè, p. 69.

Another day (November 25, 1824,) when Von Müller was quite alone with Goethe, the latter was speaking of Sir Walter's success in a pecuniary point, having made 80,000l. by his writings, but having also at the same time sold his true glory as an author for this sum; for most of his novels Goethe pronounced to be of not much value, although yet far too good for the public at large (Publicum). (Antè, p. 95.)

Sir Walter's Letters on Witchcraft and Demonology, which Goethe had read at the end of 1830, he praised highly (antè, p. 146); but the Life of Napoleon he, like many with and after Goethe, did not consider of sufficient cosmopolitan in



"Sir Walter Scott's Napoleon could only be read with pleasurable comfort (Behagen), in case one be resolved to get to know a purely English (stock-englisch) way of judging and thinking of that great worldly phenomenon. In this regard, I have had patience enough to read it through from beginning to end in English.'"-Antè, p. 148.

WEATHER PREDICTION: A MARTINMAS WIND. A year ago a Huntingdonshire cottager told me that, whatever quarter the wind may be in at Martinmas, "it keeps mainly to the same point right on to old Candlemas Day," Feb. 14; and that, as the wind was then S.S.W. there would be a prevalence of such winds during those three months, with " a mild winter and no snow to speak of." On Dec. 11, 1868, I sent a note of this to "N. & Q.," which appeared in the 4th S. iii. 10. In the same volume, p. 447, your correspondent PHILAGRICOLA called attention to "the fulfilment of the prognostication," and the way in which it had "been so singularly verified." The same old cottager has this year told me that the wind was N.W. at Martinmas, and he therefore predicts that we shall have a somewhat severe winter. I may add that I find this belief as to the Martinmas wind prevalent among my cottage neighbours in Huntingdonshire; and I was told by several that they went out of doors the last thing on Martinmas night to see where the wind was. "It blew right down the street," they said, i. e. from the N.W., "and that betokens a hard winter." CUTHBERT Bede.

Nov. 25, 1869.

A MEDIEVAL FARMHOUSE.-The Cornish Telegraph of Sept. 29, 1869, says:

"It was resolved last week to remove entirely the old thatched roof of one of the farmhouses on the estate of Rosekestal [near the Land's End, Cornwall]-a house whose sombre, weather-stained granite walls and quaint chimney speak of at least three or four long-lived generations of owners. To this residence was assigned, by common rumour and one of the county histories, the age of 250 years. The thatch, in some places, was three and four feet thick, and near the west gable it overhung and buried up a portion of the chimney. On making a clearance, to have room for a slate roof, the figures 1457 appeared very plainly cut into a stone. The stone will remain, and the figures be re-cut."

The above cutting is probably worthy of preI have just closed the book, and know it will leave upon my mind a more than agreeable im-servation in " N. & Q." as recording the exist

pression and effect for a long time. It is not mere everyday gossip recorded to fill a volume; most of its pages have a dewy freshness and balmy wholesomeness about them; and such qualities, methinks, ought to recommend it to many readers. HERMANN KINDT. Germany.

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ence of one of the most ancient farmhouses in the country. E. H. W. D.


POPULAR SAYINGS.--Let me record for the benefit of future inquirers the source, or at all events the early use of, the following phrases: "To reckon without your host"; "To fall between two stools"; and "If the skies fall, we shall catch larks." They will be found in Rabelais' Gargantua, and are thus expressed: "comptoit sans son hoste"; "s'asseyoit entre deux selles le cul à terre"; and "si les nues tomboient, espéroit prendre les alouettes." H. FISHWICK.

SERVANTS' WAGES IN 1724.-The following is an extract from the will of the Rev. Dr. William Hartwell, who lived in state and splendour as rector of the rich rectory of Stanhope in Durham,

of which he was incumbent in George the First's Essingh collection (put up for sale at Cologne, days:September, 1865), in this way:

"Item. I leave to Thomas Moses, my servant, six pounds; to John Emmerson, my other servant, three pounds; to Sarah, my maid, fifty shillings-being to each a year's wages."

Note, that the doctor does not appear to know that Sarah had a surname; she is simply 'Sarah, my maid.' The will bears date the 9th of March, 1724. A. J. M.


BELL TAVERN, KING STREET, WESTMINSTER. Can any one inform me whether the house in which the October Club, so celebrated in the latter years of Queen Anne, held their meetings, is still in existence? It stood, I believe, in King Street, Westminster, and there are two very old projecting houses on the right-hand side near the St. George Street end-the one a coffee-house, the other a small news agency, which I fancy to have heard mentioned as the identical place.


BRIDGEWATER.-The tactics of the electors of this town have not changed or cheapened much during the last century.

"All this trouble and vexation and expense flows from a set of low worthless fellows who, finding they shall not be bribed without opposition, have prevailed on Lord Egmont to lend his name, to whom they will give one vote that they may sell the other spent these three days in the infamous and disagreeable compliance with the low habits of venal wretches the election cost me 3,4001."—Doddington's Diary, August 1753, 1754.

The venality which disgusted Bubb must have been stupendous. In Hogarth's series of The Election, Bubb Doddington is the member who is being chaired. Did the series refer to a Bridgewater or Weymouth election, for both of which places B. D. returned the two members?


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"34. Hersilia. The battle of the Romans and Sabines. (After a picture of Singleton.) Beautiful large aquatinta engraving by an almost unknown English artist, 1802. Obl. imp. folio.

"35. Coriolanus. Beautiful, large aquatinta engraving after Singleton and pendant to the former. Obl. imp. folio."-Illustrirter Catalog der Kunst.-Sammlungen des Herrn Anton Joseph Essingh, Cologne, 1865, p. 6; and priced catalogue, p. I., where the two together are mentioned as being sold for 11. 4s. 6d. HERMANN KINDT.


"THE FOREST SCHOOL MAGAZINE."-A school magazine, called The Forest School Magazine, Walthamstow, was published about 1866-1867. Who was the editor of this periodical, where was it printed and published, and is it still in existence? R. INGLIS.

HENRY II.-Can any one give me information concerning the statement that Henry II. used to bury women up to their waist and then set bulldogs at them? I was told this the other day as a fact known to students of history, and I should be glad to learn on what authority it rests, and where the statement is to be found. LUMEN.

HOLED-STONE AT ABURY, WILTSHIRE. Stukeley, in describing the stone-circles at Abury,



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Exactly in the southern end of the Temple [? line] which connects the two centres of these temples, is an odd stone standing, not of great bulk. It has a hole wrought in it, and was probably designed to fasten the victim in order for slaying it. This I call the ring stone."-Quoted in Duke's Druidical Temples of Wiltshire, p. 62.

Can this monolith still be identified? or has it been destroyed along with other stones of the same group? Perhaps some resident in the neighbourhood or recent visitor will be able to inform me. E. H. W. D.

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G. W. M.

MEDALS. MR. PINKERTON's obliging reply (4th S. iv. 441) to M. D.'s inquiry about the Gormagon medal emboldens me to ask him to give me any information he can about the following medals:- 1. Obv. "SENSORIVM. ANNO. PRIMO. GEORGII. 1715," around a full-faced sun with rays. Rev. Two female figures-one draped with a scroll in front of her, inscribed 66 SUADERE; the other semi-nude-a sun in her right hand, a palm branch in her left, her left foot resting upon a globe. Size 10.-2. Obv. "CAROLVS. SACKVILLE. MAGISTER. F. L." His bust; ex. NATTER, 1731. Rev. "AB. ORIGINE." A nude figure (the genius of secrecy?), left arm resting upon the column supporting the cornucopia; the plumbrule, level, square, and other emblems of masonry at his feet. Size 13.-3. Obv. " OVR. FOOD. IS. SEDITION;" above, a female winged griffin, with the head of a fury, the tail of a dragon, carrying a flag bearing the royal crown, a cap of liberty on point of the staff; at bottom a scroll inscribed Rev. "NOURISHED TO TORMENT 99 FACTION."


above, rays over a marsh; a snake winding through “ JVLY 14, 1791.” in ex. Size 10.


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issue? Did his nephew Roger (brother of the last earl) marry or leave issue?

Any information on these points will be gratefully received by HERMENTRUDE. RHEIMS TESTAMENT OF 1582, AND SPANISH ARMADA.

"Ces notes et leur tendance véritable ont été caractérisées avec beaucoup de justesse dans un journal écrit de nos jours par des catholiques anglais. Les notes du N. T. avaient incontestablement pour l'objet de préparer l'opinion publique à l'invasion projetée par Philippe II au moment où ce prince armait dans son dessein son invincible Armada."-Notice sur la Bible de Douai et N. Test. de Reims, 1841.

The above passage is quoted in the catalogue of Dr. Todd's library, p. 20, which was sold by auction last month. I should be glad to get some information about this French Notice, and the Anglo-Catholic journal referred to. I do not remember that Lewis or Dr. Cotton have observed the connection between the Rheims Testament and the Armada, but I have not their works within reach at present. Q. Q.

CARDINAL RICHELIEU.-Where shall I find an

account of the appearance of Cardinal Richelieu

before Anne of Austria and her maids dressed as a clown? A READER. Dublin.


den's Treatise on Tythes was printed in small quarto, London, 1618, and according to a note in the handwriting of the late Mr. Donaldson Selby of Cheswick, Northumberland, was "suppressed by the Court of High Commission in 1619," and the author "prohibited from writing any defence in answer to Dr. Montague and others who assailed him."

Are there any omissions of passages in the original text in the subsequent editions, or any modification to remove the objections of Selden's opponents? The copy of the editio princeps before me was purchased at the sale of Mr. Donaldson Selby's library. It is in fine condition, and the former owner considered it as of uncommon


The second edition of Selden's invaluable Titles of Honour was published in 1631, and in it will be found a charter by William the Lion to Morgund, the son of Gillocher, of the earldom of Mar, printed from the original parchment then amongst the records in the Tower. It is referred to in a document still in existence, printed by Palgrave in his collections relative to Scotland— a valuable work published by authority of the Record Commission, where Donald, or Dovenald, the descendant of Morgund in the reign of Edward I., is mentioned in a roll of the earls as having it in his possession.

The first edition of Selden's Titles of Honour

cannot be found in the library of the Faculty of Advocates. I am anxious to learn if William's charter was then printed. The charter is historically important, as it shows that the Scotish "Lion" was in his "New Forest in 1171, with his army and counsellors," waiting doubtless for a suitable opportunity of passing into England to redeem his pledge to the ungrateful son of Henry II. of assisting him in his contemplated rebellion. The writ sets forth that the investiture of the earldom took place at Hyndhop-Burneuthe. The first place cannot now be traced, but the second still remains, and is given to a fishing village a few miles from Berwick-on-Tweed.

J. M.

engaged in the service of Charles I. he was killed in an open boat near Hull on July 30, 1643.-The other" great man was Sir Francis Leke, created Baron Deincourt of Sutton, co. Derby, Oct. 26, 1624, and Earl of Scarsdale, Nov. 11, 1645. His lordship took an active part during the civil war in the royal cause, under whose banner two of his sons laid down their lives. His lordship was so affected by the cruel murder of Charles I. that he clothed himself in sackcloth, and causing his grave to be dug some years before his death, laid himself therein every Friday, exercising himself therein in divine meditation and prayer. He died in 1655.]

DR. WARTON.-Will any reader of "N. & Q." kindly give me information respecting the writer of Deathbed Scenes, by Dr. Warton, Murray, 1830 ? SOUTHWORTH PORTRAITS. - Can any of your Is the author's name on the title-page a nom de readers inform me if there is a portrait in exist-plume or his general patronymic? ence of John Southworth, a priest of the church of Rome, who was executed at Tyburn, June 28, 1655. He is mentioned in Dodd's Catholic Church

History, and is said to have been the last person who was executed for religion in this country? Or, of Sir John Southworth of Samlesbury Hall, Lancashire, Knt., a noted recusant in Queen Elizabeth's reign, who was placed for some time in the care of the Bishop of London, and afterwards in that of his (Sir John's) kinsman, Dr. Nowell, Dean of St. Paul's.


The Grove, Cheetham Hill, Manchester. JAMES WHITELEY. -- Can any one refer me to an engraved portrait of James Whiteley, the proprietor and manager of an extensive Midland theatrical circuit in the last century?. He died at Wolverhampton in 1781, and is among those whose memories should be kept green, at least by the followers of his art. He is described as being "a warm advocate for his company, whose character is justified by the fact that he bequeathed his veteran performers to his successors, with a weekly salary entailed on them for life."-R. W. Procter's Manchester in Holiday Dress, 1866, p. 28.) C. W. SUTTON.

Queries with Answers.

Two LOYAL NOBLEMEN.-Lord Clarendon, in his History of the Rebellion (book vi. p. 25 vol. ii. folio ed.) tells an amusing story of two noblemen, of whom Charles I. tried to borrow money. The second is so clearly defined, that there is no mistaking him. Who was the first? F. H.

[The "two great men who lived near Nottingham," were Robert Pierrepont of Holme Pierrepont, co. Nottingham, created Baron Pierrepont and Viscount Newark, June 29, 1627, and Earl of Kingston, July 25, 1628. His lordship bore so high a character for his loyalty, hospitality, and liberality, that he was usually styled by the common people "the good Earl of Kingston." Whilst


25, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.

versations, by the late Dr. John Warton, was the Rev. William Wood, B.D., formerly a student of Christ Church,

[The author of Death-Bed Scenes and Pastoral Con

Oxford, where he graduated-M.A. 1793, B.D. 1801.

Being domestic chaplain to Bishop Randolph, he was presented by that prelate to the rectory and vicarage of Fulham in 1811. In 1830 Archbishop Howley, who had appreciated his merits when at Fulham, gave him the rectory of Coulsdon in Surrey, and in 1834 a prebendal stall at Canterbury. Mr. Wood resigned the vicarage of Fulham in 1834, but retained the sinecure rectory until his death on April 11, 1841. IIe was buried at Fulham on the 16th of the same month. The fifth edition of DeathBed Scenes, 1841, 4 vols. 8vo, edited by his sons, contains a memoir of him.]

MAGNA CHARTA, ETC., OF HENRY III. Can you inform me where I can find a translation of the Magna Charta and Charta de Foresta of Henry III., both of which I believe are dated the 11th of February, in the ninth year of his reign [A.D. 1224-5]? ENQUIRER.

Burton-on Trent.

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[An English translation of the Third Great Charter of King Henry III. granted A.D. 1224-5, in the ninth year of his reign, as well as of the First Forest Charter of Henry III., granted Nov. 6, 1217, in the second year of his

reign, with some account of the Second, dated Westminster, Feb. 11, 1224-5, will be found in Richard Thomson's Historical Essay on the Magna Charta of King John, Lond. 1829, pp. 131, 329, 437.]

APOSTOLIC CURSERS.-Can you furnish me with the date of an article or letter, said to have appeared in The Times about five or six years ago, in which mention is made of these functionaries? What are their duties? They do not appear in the list of officials of the Roman Council as published.

E. K.

[An English translation of the Major Excommunication of Pius IX, "inflicted on the invaders and usurpers

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