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Queries, with No. 134, July 23, 1870.





Abbot (Robert), bishop of Salisbury, family, 446, 480
Abney family, 361

A. (B. S. R.) on an old ballad, 600
Abury, Wilts, holed-stone, 14

Ackermann (Rudolph), work on Archery, 235
Adam, Anglo-Norman drama of, 357, 452
Addi (Thomas), inquisition, 379

Addis (John) on Chaucer queries, 223

Five eggs, 431

"My Child's father," 272

Smile: laugh, slang words, 296

A. (E. H.) on Hucknall under Huthwaite, 32

A. (E. M. W.) on Gunpowder Plot, 222

[ocr errors]

Esop's Fables," Froben's editions, 34

A. (G. R.) on a Scotch ballad, 568

A. (H.) on rare-overs for meddlers, 257
Airlie, burning of the bonnie house of, 398
Aitken (H. E.) on Chatterton, 455

A. (J. E. F.) on genealogical queries, 380
A. (J. E. J.) on Sir John of Clarence, 412
Albums, their fate, 527

Alciphron on Liverpool typography, 316
Alden, or Aldon family, arms, 520

Alfred (King), removal of his remains, 578
Ali, Dey, a military officer, 145

Alloa House, burning of, 111, 236
Almsgiving, seven degrees of, 581
Alpha on an incident in journalism, 60
Panegyric on the ladies, 214

Rubens's "Loves of the Centaurs," &c., 276
Shakspeariana, 189

Alphabet keeper, 558

Alpine travelling, 191

Afréennes, Les Trois, 516

Alsike, the trifolium hybridum, 76

A. (L. T.) on Dr. Benjamin Franklin, 518

Altars of stone in churches, 296

Alto-rilievo, the Holy Family, 145, 215

America and the Bible, 31, 106; French missionaries
in, 338; privately-printed books, 358
American civil war, date of its close, 504
Americanisms, 61

[blocks in formation]

guage, 581

Fashion, and other Poems, 274

Five Lovers, a comic opera, 488, 605
Gentleman, a Satire, 274

History of the Press, 276, 391
Jerningham, 147

Jokeby, a burlesque, 480, 570
Journal of a Naturalist, 480
Madame de Malguet, 147, 265
Man of Ton, a Satire, 274

Matilda, or the Welsh Cottage, 560
May Fair, in Four Cantos, 274
Mohocks, a Satirical Poem, 274
Power of the Popes, 274

Press, or Literary Chit-Chat, 274
Psalter of David, 506

Pursuits of Fashion, a Satire, 274
Reflector, 62

Round about Kit's Coty House, 465

[blocks in formation]

Violet; or, the Danseuse, 48

Applat, or applatment, meaning of, 294, 393

Appleton (W. S.) on Nowell family, 199

Archer family, 446

Archery, bibliography of, 46

Architectural drawings, 244

Ariali (Madame), cantatrice of the Opera, 532

Armorial bearings, new scale for, 110; taxed in France,

Armorial book-plates, 65, 210, 286

Armorial titles, 274, 389

Arms not granted to namesakes, 358

Arnold (Dr. Thomas), Life by Dean Stanley, 29

Arnot family monuments, 92, 135

Art Catalogue of Books, 239

Arts in the middle ages, 306
Aryan nations, mythology of, 393

A. (S.) on Beza's New Testament, 28, 259
Asgill (John), MS. memoirs of, 146, 569

Ashbourne church, in Derby, dedication stone, 27
Ashur, its meaning, 598

Asmonean, origin of the word, 22, 232, 283
Athias (Joseph), printer at Amsterdam, 314
Atkinson (J. C.) on Patronymic "-ing," 559
Provincial Glossary, 363
Pickeridge, &c., 104

Rock basins, 169

Thornton as a local name, 521

Attorneys, Roll of, 225, 522

Aubrey (W. H. S.), on Palmerston's dismissal, 576

Auctioneer's hammer, 272, 367

Australian law courts, 60, 348

Autographs, fictitious, 54, 550

Autographs or lithographs, 224, 330, 517
Automaton chess-player, 402, 509, 563

Avares, or shepherds of India, 198, 542, 605

A. (W.) on Andrew Cant, 377

Roman inscription, 201

A. (W. E. A.) on armorial book-plates, 286
Fanquei and Pang, 32, 105

Axon (W. E. A.) on Liverpool typography, 519

Man in the Iron Mask, 73

Polynesian tract, 533
Provincial Glossary, 564

Scrimshaw (Jane), longevity, 522
Winnington (Thomas), M.P., 370
Axtell family of Berkhampstead, 103
Azarias, his will, 358

[blocks in formation]

Ballads, Scottish, 197

1 Queries, with No. 134, July 23, 1870.

Bally, origin of the word, 150
Bandon, gate inscription, 579

Bang, a Newfoundland phrase, 404, 435
Bannister (J.) on Thornton as a local name, 588
Baptism among the Swedenborgians, 522
Baptism for the dead, 424, 544, 565
Barkley (C. W.) on Dr. Jenner, 589
Barnardiston (Arthur), 78

Barnes (J. K.) on Dr. Franklin's son, 70
Bar-Point on an author wanted, 358
Gazetta, a coin, 263

Lenten custom in Philadelphia, 380
Massinger's "Virgin Queen," 223

Privately-printed books in America, 358

Barrow (Dr. Isaac), "Sermons and Fragments," 292
Barrymore (Lawrence, last Earl of), 421

Barton (Rev. James), family, 31

Basques, origin of the, 89, 229, 331, 411, 498
Bates (Wm.) on anonymous works, 274

Bisset (James), 67, 368

Booty, apparition of Old, 185
Cant (Andrew), 472

Cocker's "Arithmetic," 205

Carey (William), biography, 481

Elegy on Sir William D'Avenant, 576

Gallery of Comicalities, 43

Geddes (Janet), 459

Genealogical puzzle, 577

History of Three Impostors, 50
Hughes (Edward H. Ball), 92

Hunter (John) and Mrs. Gilbert, 397
Lysiensis, 435

Nature painting on stones, &c., 46
Nodot: Petronius, 281

Paganism and Christianity, 263

Press-yard in Newgate, 391

Useless monks doomed to death, 538

Bath, Laura Place, 466, 518

Baxter (Thomas) on James II.'s Missal, 224
B. (B.) on Lieut.-Col. Knox, 227

B. (C.) on Dr. Prati, 381

B. (E.) on George Morland, painter, 547
Beale (J.) on John Angell, 568

"I'll have a day, if I lose my spike," 244
Inscription on a fruit-knife, 445
Lines on York, London, Lincoln, 201
Manx song: "Mylecharaine," 469
Quiz, its derivation, 365

Tap-room ethics, 30

Beaumont (C.), artist, 339

Beauty unfortunate, 432

Bede (Cuthbert) on Clang-banger, 487

Hughes (Hughes Ball), 451

Martinmas wind, 13

Bedell, origin of the name, 601

Bedell (Bp. Wm.), descendants, 311, 591; tomb, 485

Bedford, its etymology, 532

Bedo (George) on court or manor-house, 366

Chaucer's bob-up-and-down, 159
Cinque Ports Doomsday Book, 118
Crassipies, 217

Crests on helmets, 184
Faversham church, 533
Flints for building, 570

Queries, with No. 134, July 23, 1870.

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Bemond explained, 253

Bempde (Van den), family, 33

Benham (W.) on Morton family, 548

Bennet (Rev. George) of Carlisle, 50, 160

Bentham (Jeremy), lines on, 244, 303; common-place
books, 379, 408; antithesis of, 579
Berjeau (C.) on singing mice, 368
Berkshire Naturalists' Club, 274

Betty (Master)," the Young Roscius," 254
Bewick (John), illustrations, 558

Beza (Theodore), "New Testament," 28, 107, 157,
184, 259, 372

B, (G. A.) on "Summum jus, summa injuria," 317
B. (H.) on allusion in Tennyson, 213, 388

Bible, arms on a Latin, 61, 349

Bible, the Speaker's Commentary, 413

Bible, revision of the authorised version, 549

Bissett (James) of Birmingham, engraver, 19, 47, 101,

254, 368, 558

B. (J. R.) on Bowles' lines on a sun-dial, 187
Channel-bone, 362

Gladstone on "The Present Aspects of the
Church," 361

Wasey (Spearman), epitaph, 391
William, Bishop of Sidon, 200

"Black Cottage," a story, 245
Blacksmiths' Company, 468
Blackthorn stick, 195, 401

Blades (Win.) on Palæotypography, 555

Blaikie (T. A.) on Ben Jonson's "Still to be neat," 533
Blair (D.) on an Amlegue, 579

Bentham's antithesis, 579

Bohemian ballad literature, 556

Butler (Sam.) and Remy Bellew, 358

Grove: idolatry of the Old Testament, 378

Orthographic mutineers in France," 360
Sulla the dictator, 560

Tennyson's "Idylls of the King," 537

Weston, the treacherous Englishman, 535
Blair (Sir James), Burns's poem on his death, 593
Blandford (G. F.) on Provincial Glossary, 363
Blandyck at Stonyhurst college, 496
Blenkinsopp (E. C. L.) on Greek printing, 351

Italian and Spanish languages, 606
Blewitt (John), musical composer, 188
Blomfield (G. B.) on St. Emmeran: Bolbona, 561
Blore (Thomas)," Rutlandshire," 465
"Blue Boy," another painting, 31

Blumberg (H. d'Arnim) on "Corde de Pendu," 390
B. (L. W.) on art queries, 339

Boat race, the first Oxford and Cambridge, 374
Bobbies and Charlies, 342

Boggarts and Feorin, 23, 156, 216, 287, 365, 517
Bohemia, letter of Elizabeth queen of, 339

Bohemian ballad literature, 556, 605

Böhm (C.) on the derivation of vampire, 522

Bible known to ancient heathendom, 61, 134, 153, Bolbona, a Cistercian monastery, 561 238, 262

Bolle family, 106

Bible, Vulgate, reading of 2 Chron. xxxii. 22, 146, Bonaparte (Napoleon), did he visit Rome? 118, 259;

238; edit. of 1516, 226

Bibliography, its study, 555

Bibliothecar. Chetham. on Baptism for the dead, 424

Bible known to heathens, 262

"Historie of a Mayden of Confolens," 371

Machiavelli and Aristotle, 331

Mutual forgiveness, 543

Bibliothèque Nationale at Paris, letters in, 489

in Palestine, 580

Bonaparte (Napoleon Louis), his death, 228
Bonaventura (Card.), his "Memoirs," 51
Bone (J. W.) on Friday, an unlucky day, 365
James II., his flight, 358

Lucas's MS." History of Warton," 317
Snape, or nape, a local termination, 388
Bonfire or Bonefire, 519

Bigsby (Dr. Robert) on Ordre Impérial Asiatique, &c., Bookbuyers, swindling, 223

[blocks in formation]

Books recently published:

Beedham's Notices of Abp. Williams, 53
Bible, Cambridge Paragraph, 479

Bookworın, 25, 334

Britain, Ancient Topography of its Eastern Coun-
ties, 239

Burn on the Star Chamber, 479

Burns's Poetical Works, 353

Calendar of Clarendon State Papers, vol. II., 79
Catalogue of Books on Art, 394

Calendar of State Papers, Domestic series, Carew
Manuscripts, 459

Charnock's Patronymica Cornu-Britannica, 549
Chaucer's Treatise on the Astrolabe, 611
Chesterfield (Lord), Letters and Maxims, 25
Collins's Ancient Classics, 239

Cox's Mythology of the Aryan Nations, 393
Cups and their Customs, 109

Debrett's Commons and Judicial Bench, 267
Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage, 288
Dodd's Epigrammatists, 218

Dunlop's Philosophy of the Bath, 439

Eastlake on the Literature of the Fine Arts, 136

[blocks in formation]

Queries, with No. 134, July 23, 1870.

Books recently published:-

MacCarthy's Two Lovers of Heaven, 500
Maclean's Parochial History of Trigg Minor, 523
Margoliouth's Vestiges of Historic Anglo-Hebrews,


Marlowe's Works, by Col. Cunninghan, 218
Marriott's Testimony of the Catacombs, 572

Martin's Handbook of Contemporary Biography,

Montagu (Marquise de), Memoirs, 353
Morris's Glossary for North Lancashire, 109
Naunton's Fragmenta Regalia, 353

Noble's Memorials of Temple Bar, 287
Osborn's Outlines of Wesleyan Bibliography, 438
Palmer's Topography of St. Pancras, 439
Pepys's Diary, 288

Pick's Dictionary of the French Language, 164
Pickford's Week in the Yorkshire Dales, 109
Piers the Ploughman's Visions, 353
Putney, the old houses at, 190

Pyne's England and France, 267

Register of Lands held by Catholics and Nonjurors,

Recreations of a Recluse, 413

Rob Roy, by Sir Walter Scott, 413
Robinson's Mushroom Culture, 549
Roxburghe Ballads, 79

Rushton's Shakespeare Illustrated, 136

Schmitz's Lectures on the History of Rome, 190

Scott's Waverley and Guy Mannering, 190, 307,
523; Rob Roy, 413; Old Mortality, 459, 592
Shakespear Museum, 572

Shipley's Examination of Conscience, 80
Shipton (Mother), Prophecies, 353

Smith's English Latin Dictionary, 190
Smith's English Guilds, 523

Sonnenschein's English Method of Teaching to
Read, 136

Stanhope (Earl), History of England, 333
Steinmetz on the Gaming-Table, 549

Stone's History of Lichfield Cathedral, 218

Street's Gothic Architecture in Spain, 79

Sybel (Prof.) History of the French Revolution,


Tacitus, Annals, by A. H. Beesly, 25
Thornbury's Tour through England, 610
Thucydides' Speeches, by H. M. Wilkins, 438
Townsend's Every-Day Book of Literature, 218
Trollope's Ancient Classics for English Readers,


Troy, the Gest Historiale of the Destruction of, 353
Vizetelly, the Man with the Iron Mask, 571
Wallington's Historical Notices of the Reign of
Charles I., 189

Watson (Thomas), Poems, 353

Waugh's Poems and Lancashire Songs, 459

Wheatley's Piccadilly and Pall Mall, 287, 308

Wilkes's Poem, Hounslow Heath, 592

Wright's Womankind in Western Europe, 25

Books written in prison, 421, 519
Booksellers' catalogues, 76
Bookstalls of London, 398

Booning, a local word, 245, 285

Boorde (Andrew), his works, 557

Booty, Old, apparition, 31, 79, 185, 305)
Bores boars, 105


[blocks in formation]

Brandon (C.) on Liversedge Hall, 533

Bray, co. Berks, chapel of Jesus Hospital, 579
B. (R. H. A.), on a Milman memorial, 597
Bridgeness, legendary tablet at, 140
Bridgenorth castle, prints, 31
Bridgewater elections, 14

Briscoe (J. P.) on Nottingham typography, 577
Nottingham ware, 580

Bristow (J. Syer), biography, 122

British Museum, and its evening opening, 79, 479
Britten (James) on Berkshire Naturalists' club, 274

Blackthorn stick, 401

Boggarts, Feorin, 287
Colwort, in botany, 315
Fairies baking, 273

Sheep on the Holy Island, 329
Veronica genus, 325

Bronze, its representation, 488, 587
Brodeau (Isaac), portrait, 507

Broidered hair in 1 Tim. ii. 9, 69, 160

Brooke (Chris.), "A Funerall Poem," 504

Brooke (Sir Fulke Greville, Lord), Poems, 532, 611
Brother German, 579

Brougham (Henry Lord), memorial, 373

Browne (Dodwell), in Sir Philip Francis and Junius, 7
Bruce (John) his picture of Lewis Frederick, Prince of
Wirtemberg, 334 ; sale of his library, 413
Bruce (Robert), his spurs, 505, 584, 609
Brun (Louise Elise le), portrait painter, 297
Brunus (Jordanus), 107, 245

Bryant (T. J.), on lines sung at Shrovetide, 380

B. (T.) on Quotations, 261

"The Reflector," its author, 62

Bt. (J.) on new orders of knighthood, 360
Buchan (W. P.) on Stuarts and freemasonry, 104
Buchanan (George), "Baptistes," 176; Latin Psalms,


Buckingham (Geo. Villiers, 2nd Duke of), death, 312,
411, 479

Buckle (Henry), J. G. Phillimore's satire on, 30, 79
Bucks, its derivation, 466

Buckton (Peter de), escheator for York, 28

[blocks in formation]

Burton ale at Clifton, 276, 371

Butler (Sam.)" Hudibras," and Remy Belleau, 358
Butterfield (John), a centenarian, 244
Buttery (A.) on Dawe, an engraver, 262
Butty, a provincialism, 599

B. (W. C.) on cork, cramp, 435

Easter folk-lore in East Yorkshire, 595

Timbs's "Lives of Wits and Humourists," 116

B. (W. E.) on the Bolle family, 106

B. (W. H. K.) on pedigrees, 580

B. (W. J.) on translations of Juvenal, 276
Byng (Adm. John) pamphlet against him, 466
Byron family, 558

Byron (George Gordon, 6th Lord) criticised by Göthe,
10, 106, 365, 503; Medora Leigh, 53; "Irish
lady," 89, 160; "Fragments of an incomplete
Poem." 225; " Apology for Don Juan," 329;
buriai-place, 440


Caballero (Fernan), alias Cæcilia Böhl de Faber, 536
Caerleol on the Scrape of Carlisle, 51
Caernarvonshire M.P. 1614, 198
Caldar stones, 76

Caledon on Clan tartans, 146, 255, 370, 543, 606
Caledonian forests, 94, 260

Caligula (Caius Cæsar), medal, 228, 332, 495
Calverley (Sir Hugh), 368

Cambuskenneth Abbey, its Chartulary, 190
Camden on Mrs. Hervey, Lord Thurlow's lady, 90
Camden Society, its anniversary meeting, 460
Camel, the Spartan, 361, 412
Canada Year Book, 267
Candidate Jobs, 45

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