| Henry G. Hartman - 1919 - 260 pages
...of the emotional form of the Expression Theory, writes somewhat popularly to the following effect: "Art is a human activity consisting in this, that...has experienced, and other people are affected by these feelings and live them over in themselves." Him, with a larger display of scientific authority,... | |
 | Fred Wellington Ruckstull - 1925 - 738 pages
...Tolstoy also fell into the error of making a formula which makes of art an activity — a process : Art is a human activity, consisting in this, that...conveys to others feelings he has experienced, and other peoples are affected by these feelings and live them over in themselves. (Italics ours.) But, supposing... | |
 | Fred Wellington Ruckstull - 1925 - 748 pages
...Tolstoy also fell into the error of making a formula which makes of art an activity — a process : Art is a human activity, consisting in this, that...conveys to others feelings he has experienced, and other peoples are affected by these feelings and live them over in themselves. (Italics ours.) But, supposing... | |
 | 1910 - 288 pages
...considlered by and captured by him, what to Tolstoi, is art? He answers this question by saying that, "Art is a human activity consisting in this, that...has experienced, and other people are affected by these feelings, and live them over in themselves." Again, "Art is one of the means of communication... | |
 | 1907 - 406 pages
...What is this book saying that makes one think, and think again? Here is Tolstoi's definition of art. "Art is a human activity consisting in this, that...has experienced; and other people are affected by these feelings and live them over in themselves." Here is food for thought. Art is not art unless it... | |
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